63 research outputs found

    Pareto-based Multi-Objective Recommender System with Forgetting Curve

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    Recommender systems with cascading architecture play an increasingly significant role in online recommendation platforms, where the approach to dealing with negative feedback is a vital issue. For instance, in short video platforms, users tend to quickly slip away from candidates that they feel aversive, and recommender systems are expected to receive these explicit negative feedbacks and make adjustments to avoid these recommendations. Considering recency effect in memories, we propose a forgetting model based on Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve to cope with negative feedback. In addition, we introduce a Pareto optimization solver to guarantee a better trade-off between recency and model performance. In conclusion, we propose Pareto-based Multi-Objective Recommender System with forgetting curve (PMORS), which can be applied to any multi-objective recommendation and show sufficiently superiority when facing explicit negative feedback. We have conducted evaluations of PMORS and achieved favorable outcomes in short-video scenarios on both public dataset and industrial dataset. After being deployed on an online short video platform named WeChat Channels in May, 2023, PMORS has not only demonstrated promising results for both consistency and recency but also achieved an improvement of up to +1.45% GMV

    Adaptive Automated Machine Learning

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    The ever-growing demand for machine learning has led to the development of automated machine learning (AutoML) systems that can be used off the shelf by non-experts. Further, the demand for ML applications with high predictive performance exceeds the number of machine learning experts and makes the development of AutoML systems necessary. Automated Machine Learning tackles the problem of finding machine learning models with high predictive performance. Existing approaches incorporating deep learning techniques assume that all data is available at the beginning of the training process (offline learning). They configure and optimise a pipeline of preprocessing, feature engineering, and model selection by choosing suitable hyperparameters in each model pipeline step. Furthermore, they assume that the user is fully aware of the choice and, thus, the consequences of the underlying metric (such as precision, recall, or F1-measure). By variation of this metric, the search for suitable configurations and thus the adaptation of algorithms can be tailored to the user’s needs. With the creation of a vast amount of data from all kinds of sources every day, our capability to process and understand these data sets in a single batch is no longer viable. By training machine learning models incrementally (i.ex. online learning), the flood of data can be processed sequentially within data streams. However, if one assumes an online learning scenario, where an AutoML instance executes on evolving data streams, the question of the best model and its configuration remains open. In this work, we address the adaptation of AutoML in an offline learning scenario toward a certain utility an end-user might pursue as well as the adaptation of AutoML towards evolving data streams in an online learning scenario with three main contributions: 1. We propose a System that allows the adaptation of AutoML and the search for neural architectures towards a particular utility an end-user might pursue. 2. We introduce an online deep learning framework that fosters the research of deep learning models under the online learning assumption and enables the automated search for neural architectures. 3. We introduce an online AutoML framework that allows the incremental adaptation of ML models. We evaluate the contributions individually, in accordance with predefined requirements and to state-of-the- art evaluation setups. The outcomes lead us to conclude that (i) AutoML, as well as systems for neural architecture search, can be steered towards individual utilities by learning a designated ranking model from pairwise preferences and using the latter as the target function for the offline learning scenario; (ii) architectual small neural networks are in general suitable assuming an online learning scenario; (iii) the configuration of machine learning pipelines can be automatically be adapted to ever-evolving data streams and lead to better performances

    Boosting API Recommendation with Implicit Feedback

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    Developers often need to use appropriate APIs to program efficiently, but it is usually a difficult task to identify the exact one they need from a vast of candidates. To ease the burden, a multitude of API recommendation approaches have been proposed. However, most of the currently available API recommenders do not support the effective integration of users' feedback into the recommendation loop. In this paper, we propose a framework, BRAID (Boosting RecommendAtion with Implicit FeeDback), which leverages learning-to-rank and active learning techniques to boost recommendation performance. By exploiting users' feedback information, we train a learning-to-rank model to re-rank the recommendation results. In addition, we speed up the feedback learning process with active learning. Existing query-based API recommendation approaches can be plugged into BRAID. We select three state-of-the-art API recommendation approaches as baselines to demonstrate the performance enhancement of BRAID measured by Hit@k (Top-k), MAP, and MRR. Empirical experiments show that, with acceptable overheads, the recommendation performance improves steadily and substantially with the increasing percentage of feedback data, comparing with the baselines.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure

    Diagnostic Evaluation of Policy-Gradient-Based Ranking

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    Learning-to-rank has been intensively studied and has shown significantly increasing values in a wide range of domains, such as web search, recommender systems, dialogue systems, machine translation, and even computational biology, to name a few. In light of recent advances in neural networks, there has been a strong and continuing interest in exploring how to deploy popular techniques, such as reinforcement learning and adversarial learning, to solve ranking problems. However, armed with the aforesaid popular techniques, most studies tend to show how effective a new method is. A comprehensive comparison between techniques and an in-depth analysis of their deficiencies are somehow overlooked. This paper is motivated by the observation that recent ranking methods based on either reinforcement learning or adversarial learning boil down to policy-gradient-based optimization. Based on the widely used benchmark collections with complete information (where relevance labels are known for all items), such as MSLRWEB30K and Yahoo-Set1, we thoroughly investigate the extent to which policy-gradient-based ranking methods are effective. On one hand, we analytically identify the pitfalls of policy-gradient-based ranking. On the other hand, we experimentally compare a wide range of representative methods. The experimental results echo our analysis and show that policy-gradient-based ranking methods are, by a large margin, inferior to many conventional ranking methods. Regardless of whether we use reinforcement learning or adversarial learning, the failures are largely attributable to the gradient estimation based on sampled rankings, which significantly diverge from ideal rankings. In particular, the larger the number of documents per query and the more fine-grained the ground-truth labels, the greater the impact policy-gradient-based ranking suffers. Careful examination of this weakness is highly recommended for developing enhanced methods based on policy gradient
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