7 research outputs found

    Semi-automatic annotation process for procedural texts: An application on cooking recipes

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    Taaable is a case-based reasoning system that adapts cooking recipes to user constraints. Within it, the preparation part of recipes is formalised as a graph. This graph is a semantic representation of the sequence of instructions composing the cooking process and is used to compute the procedure adaptation, conjointly with the textual adaptation. It is composed of cooking actions and ingredients, among others, represented as vertices, and semantic relations between those, shown as arcs, and is built automatically thanks to natural language processing. The results of the automatic annotation process is often a disconnected graph, representing an incomplete annotation, or may contain errors. Therefore, a validating and correcting step is required. In this paper, we present an existing graphic tool named \kcatos, conceived for representing and editing decision trees, and show how it has been adapted and integrated in WikiTaaable, the semantic wiki in which the knowledge used by Taaable is stored. This interface provides the wiki users with a way to correct the case representation of the cooking process, improving at the same time the quality of the knowledge about cooking procedures stored in WikiTaaable

    Case Adaptation with Qualitative Algebras

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    This paper proposes an approach for the adaptation of spatial or temporal cases in a case-based reasoning system. Qualitative algebras are used as spatial and temporal knowledge representation languages. The intuition behind this adaptation approach is to apply a substitution and then repair potential inconsistencies, thanks to belief revision on qualitative algebras. A temporal example from the cooking domain is given. (The paper on which this extended abstract is based was the recipient of the best paper award of the 2012 International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning.

    Automatic case acquisition from texts for process-oriented case-based reasoning

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    This paper introduces a method for the automatic acquisition of a rich case representation from free text for process-oriented case-based reasoning. Case engineering is among the most complicated and costly tasks in implementing a case-based reasoning system. This is especially so for process-oriented case-based reasoning, where more expressive case representations are generally used and, in our opinion, actually required for satisfactory case adaptation. In this context, the ability to acquire cases automatically from procedural texts is a major step forward in order to reason on processes. We therefore detail a methodology that makes case acquisition from processes described as free text possible, with special attention given to assembly instruction texts. This methodology extends the techniques we used to extract actions from cooking recipes. We argue that techniques taken from natural language processing are required for this task, and that they give satisfactory results. An evaluation based on our implemented prototype extracting workflows from recipe texts is provided.Comment: Sous presse, publication pr\'evue en 201

    Belief revision in the propositional closure of a qualitative algebra

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    International audienceBelief revision is an operation that aims at modifying old be-liefs so that they become consistent with new ones. The issue of belief revision has been studied in various formalisms, in particular, in qualitative algebras (QAs) in which the result is a disjunction of belief bases that is not necessarily repre-sentable in a QA. This motivates the study of belief revision in formalisms extending QAs, namely, their propositional clo-sures: in such a closure, the result of belief revision belongs to the formalism. Moreover, this makes it possible to define a contraction operator thanks to the Harper identity. Belief revision in the propositional closure of QAs is studied, an al-gorithm for a family of revision operators is designed, and an open-source implementation is made freely available on the web.La révision des croyances est une opération visant à modifier d'anciennes croyances afin qu'elles deviennent cohérentes avec de nouvelles croyances. La problématique de la révision des croyances a été étudiée dans divers formalismes, en particulier dans les algèbres qualitatives (AQ), dans lesquelles le résultat est une disjonction de bases de croyances, qui ne sont pas nécessairement représentables dans une AQ. Cela motive l'étude de la révision des croyances dans les clôtures propositionnelles des AQ, dans lesquels le résultat de la révision est représentable. Cette propriété rend possible la définition d'un opérateur de contraction, en s'appuyant sur l'identité de Harper. La révision des croyances dans les clôtures propositionnelles d'AQ est étudiée, un algorithme pour une famille d'opérateurs de révision dans ces formalismes est présenté et une implantation gratuite, avec code source ouvert et disponible sur la toile est décrite

    Semi-automatic annotation process for procedural texts: An application on cooking recipes

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    International audienceTaaable is a case-based reasoning system that adapts cooking recipes to user constraints. Within it, the preparation part of recipes is formalised as a graph. This graph is a semantic representation of the sequence of instructions composing the cooking process and is used to compute the procedure adaptation, conjointly with the textual adaptation. It is composed of cooking actions and ingredients, among others, represented as vertices, and semantic relations between those, shown as arcs, and is built automatically thanks to natural language processing. The results of the automatic annotation process is often a disconnected graph, representing an incomplete annotation, or may contain errors. Therefore, a validating and correcting step is required. In this paper, we present an existing graphic tool named \kcatos, conceived for representing and editing decision trees, and show how it has been adapted and integrated in WikiTaaable, the semantic wiki in which the knowledge used by Taaable is stored. This interface provides the wiki users with a way to correct the case representation of the cooking process, improving at the same time the quality of the knowledge about cooking procedures stored in WikiTaaable

    Révisor : un ensemble de moteurs d'adaptation de cas par révision des croyances

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    National audienceL'adaptation par révision est une approche de l'adaptation de cas fondée sur l'utilisation d'un opérateur de révision des croyances. Le principe de cette adaptation est de réviser le cas source par le problème cible, autrement dit, elle consiste à modifier minimalement le premier pour qu'il soit cohérent avec le second. Plusieurs implantations de l'adaptation par révision ont été développées dans plusieurs formalismes. Trois d'entre eux sont actuellement disponibles dans Révisor, qui contient donc trois moteurs d'adaptation : Révisor/PL en logique propositionnelle, Révisor/CLC pour un formalisme de conjonction de contraintes linéaires et Révisor/QA pour une algèbre qualitative (notamment, l'algèbre de Allen, INDU et RCC8)

    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-32986-9_8 Adapting Spatial and Temporal Cases

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    Abstract. Qualitative algebras form a family of languages mainly used to represent knowledge depending on space or time. This paper proposes an approach to adapt cases represented in such an algebra. A spatial example in agronomy and a temporal example in cooking are given. The idea behind this adaptation approach is to apply a substitution and then repair potential inconsistencies, thanks to belief revision on qualitative algebras