1,128 research outputs found

    Spark PRM: Using RRTs within PRMs to efficiently explore narrow passages

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    Improved Sampling Based Motion Planning Through Local Learning

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    Every motion made by a moving object is either planned implicitly, e.g., human natural movement from one point to another, or explicitly, e.g., pre-planned information about where a robot should move in a room to effectively avoid colliding with obstacles. Motion planning is a well-studied concept in robotics and it involves moving an object from a start to goal configuration. Motion planning arises in many application domains such as robotics, computer animation (digital actors), intelligent CAD (virtual prototyping and training) and even computational biology (protein folding and drug design). Interestingly, a single class of planners, sampling-based planners have proven effective in all these domains. Probabilistic Roadmap Methods (PRMs) are one type of sampling-based planners that sample robot configurations (nodes) and connect them via viable local paths (edges) to form a roadmap containing representative feasible trajectories. The roadmap is then queried to find solution paths between start and goal configurations. Different PRM strategies perform differently given different input parameters, e.g., workspace environments and robot definitions. Motion planning, however, is computationally hard – it requires geometric path planning which has been shown to be PSPACE hard, complex representational issues for robots with known physical, geometric and temporal constraints, and challenging mapping/representing requirements for the workspace environment. Many important environments, e.g., houses, factories and airports, are heterogeneous, i.e., contain free, cluttered and narrow spaces. Heterogeneous environments, however, introduce a new set of problems for motion planning and PRM strategies because there is no ideal method suitable for all regions in the environment. In this work we introduce a technique that can adapt and apply PRM methods suitable for local regions in an environment. The basic strategy is to first identify a local region of the environment suitable for the current action based on identified neighbors. Next, based on past performance of methods in this region, adapt and pick a method to use at this time. This selection and adaptation is done by applying machine learning. By performing the local region creation in this dynamic fashion, we remove the need to explicitly partition the environment as was done in previous methods and which is difficult to do, slows down performance and includes the difficult process of determining what strategy to use even after making an explicit partitioning. Our method handles and removes these overheads. We show benefits of this approach in both planning robot motions and in protein folding simulations. We perform experiments on robots in simulation with different degrees of freedom and varying levels of heterogeneity in the environment and show an improvement in performance when our local learning method is applied. Protein folding simulations were performed on 23 proteins and we note an improvement in the quality of pathways produced with comparable performance in terms of time needed to build the roadmap

    A flexible metaheuristic framework for solving rich vehicle routing problems

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    Route planning is one of the most studied research topics in the operations research area. While the standard vehicle routing problem (VRP) is the classical problem formulation, additional requirements arising from practical scenarios such as time windows or vehicle compartments are covered in a wide range of so-called rich VRPs. Many solution algorithms for various VRP variants have been developed over time as well, especially within the class of so-called metaheuristics. In practice, routing software must be tailored to the business rules and planning problems of a specific company to provide valuable decision support. This also concerns the embedded solution methods of such decision support systems. Yet, publications dealing with flexibility and customization of VRP heuristics are rare. To fill this gap this thesis describes the design of a flexible framework to facilitate and accelerate the development of custom metaheuristics for the solution of a broad range of rich VRPs. The first part of the thesis provides background information to the reader on the field of vehicle routing problems and on metaheuristic solution methods - the most common and widely-used solution methods to solve VRPs. Specifically, emphasis is put on methods based on local search (for intensification of the search) and large neighborhood search (for diversification of the search), which are combined to hybrid methods and which are the foundation of the proposed framework. Then, the main part elaborates on the concepts and the design of the metaheuristic VRP framework. The framework fulfills requirements of flexibility, simplicity, accuracy, and speed, enforcing the structuring and standardization of the development process and enabling the reuse of code. Essentially, it provides a library of well-known and accepted heuristics for the standard VRP together with a set of mechanisms to adapt these heuristics to specific VRPs. Heuristics and adaptation mechanisms such as templates for user-definable checking functions are explained on a pseudocode level first, and the most relevant classes of a reference implementation using the Microsoft .NET framework are presented afterwards. Finally, the third part of the thesis demonstrates the use of the framework for developing problem-specific solution methods by exemplifying specific customizations for five rich VRPs with diverse characteristics, namely the VRP with time windows, the VRP with compartments, the split delivery VRP, the periodic VRP, and the truck and trailer routing problem. These adaptations refer to data structures and neighborhood search methods and can serve as a source of inspiration to the reader when designing algorithms for new, so far unstudied VRPs. Computational results are presented to show the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed framework and methods, which are competitive with current state-of-the-art solvers of the literature. Special attention is given to the overall robustness of heuristics, which is an important aspect for practical application

    Competitive Interactions Between Two Closely Related Rhizomatous and Caespitose Perennial Grasses under Varying Conditions

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    Biomass, tiller numbers, flowering, and genet survival were accessed for the rhizomatous Elymus lanceolatus ssp. lanceolatus and caespitose E. l. ssp. wawawaiensis growing in mixtures with a range of densities of each taxon. Models of aboveground biomass of each taxon as a function of mixed densities were used to calculate competition indices. Tiller numbers and biomass of ssp. lanceolatus were higher than those of the caespitose taxon in the first year, but declined in the second year, while biomass and tiller numbers of ssp. wawawaiensis changed little. All tillers of ssp. wawawaiensis emerged in autumn; tillers of ssp. lanceolatus emerged from autumn through late spring. The rhizomatous taxon better exploited open resources in the first year; ssp. wawawaiensishad slower growth, but its production of many tillers early in the season may allow it to quickly exploit seasonally variable conditions of semiarid environments. Decline in flowering at higher densities and in the second year was more pronounced than that of biomass and tiller numbers. Genet survival was high and similar for both taxa. Substitution rates indicated ssp. lanceolatus was the better competitor in both years. In the second year, the two taxa differed somewhat less in substitution rates. A greater overlap in resources used by the two taxa was indicated. Subspecies lanceolatus experienced greater intensity of competition. Substitution rates and relative efficiency index indicated ssp. lanceolatus was the greater competitor between early and late spring, when overlap in resource use was greater. Another experiment addressed advantages of clonal foraging of ssp. lanceolatus in exploiting soil nutrient patches. A foraging response was found in the rhizomatous taxon, with greater numbers of closely spaced tillers in high-nutrient patches adjacent to the main clone, but root biomass in these patches, and aboveground biomass of the clones, indicated that both taxa accessed nutrients in the patches, but ssp. wawawaiens is used only root growth. The taxa were similar in their tolerance of low levels of soil nutrients. No difference among genets in degree of foraging response, and no relationship between degree of foraging response and fitness when nutrients are patchy were found. Subspecies lanceolatus did not show such a foraging response to high neighbor densities in mixed-density plots. Instead, rhizome lengths were reduced by higher neighbor densities and in the second year, by reduced resources overall

    Neural Network Approach to Feature Sensitive Motion Planning

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    Motion planning (MP) is the problem of finding a valid path (e.g., collision free) from a start to a goal state for a movable object. MP is a complex problem with a myriad of applications, ranging from robotics, to computer-aided design, to computational biology. Sampling-based planning deals with MP’s complexity by constructing a graph which approximates the planning space. Different sampling based planners have been developed to tackle specific scenarios, but none of these is best for every scenario, e.g., cluttered vs. free space vs narrow passage. Thus, adaptive methods were created to combine different samplers effectively to solve more complex and heterogeneous environments. Adaptive methods have been proposed that learn the best sampler for the entire space or that partition the space into simple and discrete region types, which are suited for particular samplers. These methods do not solve the problem of environments containing multiple complex areas that are difficult to automatically partition. In this thesis, we propose an alternative approach using neural networks to create an adaptive method that does not require regions. We replace the concept of regions with a visibility distribution, how “free” a node is, allowing our method to work for a wider range of interesting problems. Experiments show significant improvement in speed compared to methods that attempt to use a single sampler for a complex environment

    Energy-Aware Mobile Learning:Opportunities and Challenges

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    As mobile devices are becoming more powerful and affordable they are increasingly used for mobile learning activities. By enabling learners' access to educational content anywhere and anytime, mobile learning has both the potential to provide online learners with new opportunities, and to reach less privileged categories of learners that lack access to traditional e-learning services. Among the many challenges with mobile learning, the battery-powered nature of mobile devices and in particular their limited battery life, stands out as one issue that can significantly limit learners' access to educational content while on the move. Adaptation and personalisation solutions have widely been considered for overcoming the differences between learners and between the characteristics of their mobile devices. However, while various energy saving solutions have been proposed in order to provide mobile users with extended device usage time, the areas of adaptive mobile learning and energy conservation in wireless communications failed to meet under the same umbrella. This paper bridges the two areas by presenting an overview of adaptive mobile learning systems as well as how these can be extended to make them energy-aware. Furthermore, the paper surveys various approaches for energy measurement, modelling and adaptation, three major aspects that have to be considered in order to deploy energy-aware mobile learning systems. Discussions on the applicability and limitations of these approaches for mobile learning are also provided
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