6 research outputs found

    Boosting Nearest Neighbor Classifiers for Multiclass Recognition

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    This paper introduces an algorithm that uses boosting to learn a distance measure for multiclass k-nearest neighbor classification. Given a family of distance measures as input, AdaBoost is used to learn a weighted distance measure, that is a linear combination of the input measures. The proposed method can be seen both as a novel way to learn a distance measure from data, and as a novel way to apply boosting to multiclass recognition problems, that does not require output codes. In our approach, multiclass recognition of objects is reduced into a single binary recognition task, defined on triples of objects. Preliminary experiments with eight UCI datasets yield no clear winner among our method, boosting using output codes, and k-nn classification using an unoptimized distance measure. Our algorithm did achieve lower error rates in some of the datasets, which indicates that, in some domains, it may lead to better results than existing methods

    Error-correcting codes and applications to large scale classification systems

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    Thesis (M. Eng.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2009.Includes bibliographical references (p. 37-39).In this thesis, we study the performance of distributed output coding (DOC) and error-Correcting output coding (ECOC) as potential methods for expanding the class of tractable machine-learning problems. Using distributed output coding, we were able to scale a neural-network-based algorithm to handle nearly 10,000 output classes. In particular, we built a prototype OCR engine for Devanagari and Korean texts based upon distributed output coding. We found that the resulting classifiers performed better than existing algorithms, while maintaining small size. Error-correction, however, was found to be ineffective at increasing the accuracy of the ensemble. For each language, we also tested the feasibility of automatically finding a good codebook. Unfortunately, the results in this direction were primarily negative.by Jeremy Scott Hurwitz.M.Eng

    SVM-Fold: a tool for discriminative multi-class protein fold and superfamily recognition

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    Background: Predicting a protein's structural class from its amino acid sequence is a fundamental problem in computational biology. Much recent work has focused on developing new representations for protein sequences, called string kernels, for use with support vector machine (SVM) classifiers. However, while some of these approaches exhibit state-of-the-art performance at the binary protein classification problem, i.e. discriminating between a particular protein class and all other classes, few of these studies have addressed the real problem of multi-class superfamily or fold recognition. Moreover, there are only limited software tools and systems for SVM-based protein classification available to the bioinformatics community. Results: We present a new multi-class SVM-based protein fold and superfamily recognition system and web server called SVM-Fold, which can be found at http://svm-fold.c2b2.columbia.edu. Our system uses an efficient implementation of a state-of-the-art string kernel for sequence profiles, called the profile kernel, where the underlying feature representation is a histogram of inexact matching k-mer frequencies. We also employ a novel machine learning approach to solve the difficult multi-class problem of classifying a sequence of amino acids into one of many known protein structural classes. Binary one-vs-the-rest SVM classifiers that are trained to recognize individual structural classes yield prediction scores that are not comparable, so that standard "one-vs-all" classification fails to perform well. Moreover, SVMs for classes at different levels of the protein structural hierarchy may make useful predictions, but one-vs-all does not try to combine these multiple predictions. To deal with these problems, our method learns relative weights between one-vs-the-rest classifiers and encodes information about the protein structural hierarchy for multi-class prediction. In large-scale benchmark results based on the SCOP database, our code weighting approach significantly improves on the standard one-vs-all method for both the superfamily and fold prediction in the remote homology setting and on the fold recognition problem. Moreover, our code weight learning algorithm strongly outperforms nearest-neighbor methods based on PSI-BLAST in terms of prediction accuracy on every structure classification problem we consider. Conclusion: By combining state-of-the-art SVM kernel methods with a novel multi-class algorithm, the SVM-Fold system delivers efficient and accurate protein fold and superfamily recognition

    Second order cone programming approaches for handling missing and uncertain data

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    We propose a novel second order cone programming formulation for designing robust classifiers which can handle uncertainty in observations. Similar formulations are also derived for designing regression functions which are robust to uncertainties in the regression setting. The proposed formulations are independent of the underlying distribution, requiring only the existence of second order moments. These formulations are then specialized to the case of missing values in observations for both classification and regression problems. Experiments show that the proposed formulations outperform imputation

    Adapting Codes and Embeddings for Polychotomies

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    In this paper we consider formulations of multi-class problems based on a generalized notion of a margin and using output coding. This includes, but is not restricted to, standard multi-class SVM formulations. Differently from many previous approaches we learn the code as well as the embedding function. We illustrate how this can lead to a formulation that allows for solving a wider range of problems with e.g. many classes or even "missing classes". To keep our optimization problems tractable we propose an algorithm capable of solving them using two-class classifiers, similar in spirit to Boosting