2,205 research outputs found

    Lexical Adaptation of Link Grammar to the Biomedical Sublanguage: a Comparative Evaluation of Three Approaches

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    We study the adaptation of Link Grammar Parser to the biomedical sublanguage with a focus on domain terms not found in a general parser lexicon. Using two biomedical corpora, we implement and evaluate three approaches to addressing unknown words: automatic lexicon expansion, the use of morphological clues, and disambiguation using a part-of-speech tagger. We evaluate each approach separately for its effect on parsing performance and consider combinations of these approaches. In addition to a 45% increase in parsing efficiency, we find that the best approach, incorporating information from a domain part-of-speech tagger, offers a statistically signicant 10% relative decrease in error. The adapted parser is available under an open-source license at http://www.it.utu.fi/biolg

    Porting a lexicalized-grammar parser to the biomedical domain

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    AbstractThis paper introduces a state-of-the-art, linguistically motivated statistical parser to the biomedical text mining community, and proposes a method of adapting it to the biomedical domain requiring only limited resources for data annotation. The parser was originally developed using the Penn Treebank and is therefore tuned to newspaper text. Our approach takes advantage of a lexicalized grammar formalism, Combinatory Categorial Grammar (ccg), to train the parser at a lower level of representation than full syntactic derivations. The ccg parser uses three levels of representation: a first level consisting of part-of-speech (pos) tags; a second level consisting of more fine-grained ccg lexical categories; and a third, hierarchical level consisting of ccg derivations. We find that simply retraining the pos tagger on biomedical data leads to a large improvement in parsing performance, and that using annotated data at the intermediate lexical category level of representation improves parsing accuracy further. We describe the procedure involved in evaluating the parser, and obtain accuracies for biomedical data in the same range as those reported for newspaper text, and higher than those previously reported for the biomedical resource on which we evaluate. Our conclusion is that porting newspaper parsers to the biomedical domain, at least for parsers which use lexicalized grammars, may not be as difficult as first thought

    From news to comment: Resources and benchmarks for parsing the language of web 2.0

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    We investigate the problem of parsing the noisy language of social media. We evaluate four all-Street-Journal-trained statistical parsers (Berkeley, Brown, Malt and MST) on a new dataset containing 1,000 phrase structure trees for sentences from microblogs (tweets) and discussion forum posts. We compare the four parsers on their ability to produce Stanford dependencies for these Web 2.0 sentences. We find that the parsers have a particular problem with tweets and that a substantial part of this problem is related to POS tagging accuracy. We attempt three retraining experiments involving Malt, Brown and an in-house Berkeley-style parser and obtain a statistically significant improvement for all three parsers

    Distribution-Based Categorization of Classifier Transfer Learning

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    Transfer Learning (TL) aims to transfer knowledge acquired in one problem, the source problem, onto another problem, the target problem, dispensing with the bottom-up construction of the target model. Due to its relevance, TL has gained significant interest in the Machine Learning community since it paves the way to devise intelligent learning models that can easily be tailored to many different applications. As it is natural in a fast evolving area, a wide variety of TL methods, settings and nomenclature have been proposed so far. However, a wide range of works have been reporting different names for the same concepts. This concept and terminology mixture contribute however to obscure the TL field, hindering its proper consideration. In this paper we present a review of the literature on the majority of classification TL methods, and also a distribution-based categorization of TL with a common nomenclature suitable to classification problems. Under this perspective three main TL categories are presented, discussed and illustrated with examples

    Robust input representations for low-resource information extraction

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    Recent advances in the field of natural language processing were achieved with deep learning models. This led to a wide range of new research questions concerning the stability of such large-scale systems and their applicability beyond well-studied tasks and datasets, such as information extraction in non-standard domains and languages, in particular, in low-resource environments. In this work, we address these challenges and make important contributions across fields such as representation learning and transfer learning by proposing novel model architectures and training strategies to overcome existing limitations, including a lack of training resources, domain mismatches and language barriers. In particular, we propose solutions to close the domain gap between representation models by, e.g., domain-adaptive pre-training or our novel meta-embedding architecture for creating a joint representations of multiple embedding methods. Our broad set of experiments demonstrates state-of-the-art performance of our methods for various sequence tagging and classification tasks and highlight their robustness in challenging low-resource settings across languages and domains.Die jüngsten Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet der Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache wurden mit Deep-Learning-Modellen erzielt. Dies führte zu einer Vielzahl neuer Forschungsfragen bezüglich der Stabilität solcher großen Systeme und ihrer Anwendbarkeit über gut untersuchte Aufgaben und Datensätze hinaus, wie z. B. die Informationsextraktion für Nicht-Standardsprachen, aber auch Textdomänen und Aufgaben, für die selbst im Englischen nur wenige Trainingsdaten zur Verfügung stehen. In dieser Arbeit gehen wir auf diese Herausforderungen ein und leisten wichtige Beiträge in Bereichen wie Repräsentationslernen und Transferlernen, indem wir neuartige Modellarchitekturen und Trainingsstrategien vorschlagen, um bestehende Beschränkungen zu überwinden, darunter fehlende Trainingsressourcen, ungesehene Domänen und Sprachbarrieren. Insbesondere schlagen wir Lösungen vor, um die Domänenlücke zwischen Repräsentationsmodellen zu schließen, z.B. durch domänenadaptives Vortrainieren oder unsere neuartige Meta-Embedding-Architektur zur Erstellung einer gemeinsamen Repräsentation mehrerer Embeddingmethoden. Unsere umfassende Evaluierung demonstriert die Leistungsfähigkeit unserer Methoden für verschiedene Klassifizierungsaufgaben auf Word und Satzebene und unterstreicht ihre Robustheit in anspruchsvollen, ressourcenarmen Umgebungen in verschiedenen Sprachen und Domänen