44 research outputs found

    SoccerNet: A Scalable Dataset for Action Spotting in Soccer Videos

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    In this paper, we introduce SoccerNet, a benchmark for action spotting in soccer videos. The dataset is composed of 500 complete soccer games from six main European leagues, covering three seasons from 2014 to 2017 and a total duration of 764 hours. A total of 6,637 temporal annotations are automatically parsed from online match reports at a one minute resolution for three main classes of events (Goal, Yellow/Red Card, and Substitution). As such, the dataset is easily scalable. These annotations are manually refined to a one second resolution by anchoring them at a single timestamp following well-defined soccer rules. With an average of one event every 6.9 minutes, this dataset focuses on the problem of localizing very sparse events within long videos. We define the task of spotting as finding the anchors of soccer events in a video. Making use of recent developments in the realm of generic action recognition and detection in video, we provide strong baselines for detecting soccer events. We show that our best model for classifying temporal segments of length one minute reaches a mean Average Precision (mAP) of 67.8%. For the spotting task, our baseline reaches an Average-mAP of 49.7% for tolerances δ\delta ranging from 5 to 60 seconds. Our dataset and models are available at https://silviogiancola.github.io/SoccerNet.Comment: CVPR Workshop on Computer Vision in Sports 201

    Learning to track for spatio-temporal action localization

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    We propose an effective approach for spatio-temporal action localization in realistic videos. The approach first detects proposals at the frame-level and scores them with a combination of static and motion CNN features. It then tracks high-scoring proposals throughout the video using a tracking-by-detection approach. Our tracker relies simultaneously on instance-level and class-level detectors. The tracks are scored using a spatio-temporal motion histogram, a descriptor at the track level, in combination with the CNN features. Finally, we perform temporal localization of the action using a sliding-window approach at the track level. We present experimental results for spatio-temporal localization on the UCF-Sports, J-HMDB and UCF-101 action localization datasets, where our approach outperforms the state of the art with a margin of 15%, 7% and 12% respectively in mAP

    RED: Reinforced Encoder-Decoder Networks for Action Anticipation

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    Action anticipation aims to detect an action before it happens. Many real world applications in robotics and surveillance are related to this predictive capability. Current methods address this problem by first anticipating visual representations of future frames and then categorizing the anticipated representations to actions. However, anticipation is based on a single past frame's representation, which ignores the history trend. Besides, it can only anticipate a fixed future time. We propose a Reinforced Encoder-Decoder (RED) network for action anticipation. RED takes multiple history representations as input and learns to anticipate a sequence of future representations. One salient aspect of RED is that a reinforcement module is adopted to provide sequence-level supervision; the reward function is designed to encourage the system to make correct predictions as early as possible. We test RED on TVSeries, THUMOS-14 and TV-Human-Interaction datasets for action anticipation and achieve state-of-the-art performance on all datasets

    Deep Video Analytics of Humans: From Action Recognition to Forgery Detection

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    In this work, we explore a variety of techniques and applications for visual problems involving videos of humans in the contexts of activity detection, pose detection, and forgery detection. The first works discussed here address the issue of human activity detection in untrimmed video where the actions performed are spatially and temporally sparse. The video may therefore contain long sequences of frames where no actions occur, and the actions that do occur will often only comprise a very small percentage of the pixels on the screen. We address this with a two-stage architecture that first creates many coarse proposals with high recall, and then classifies and refines them to create temporally accurate activity proposals. We present two methods that follow this high-level paradigm: TRI-3D and CHUNK-3D. This work on activity detection is then extended to include results on few-shot learning. In this domain, a system must learn to perform detection given only an extremely limited set of training examples. We propose a method we call a Self-Denoising Neural Network (SDNN), which takes inspiration from Denoising Autoencoders, in order to solve this problem, both in the context of activity detection and image classification. We also propose a method that performs optical character recognition on real world images when no labels are available in the language we wish to transcribe. Specifically, we build an accurate transcription system for Hebrew street name signs when no labeled training data is available. In order to do this, we divide the problem into two components and address each separately: content, which refers to the characters and language structure, and style, which refers to the domain of the images (for example, real or synthetic). We train with simple synthetic Hebrew street signs to address the content components, and with labeled French street signs to address the style. We continue our analysis by proposing a method for automatic detection of facial forgeries in videos and images. This work approaches the problem of facial forgery detection by breaking the face into multiple regions and training separate classifiers for each part. The end result is a collection of high-quality facial forgery detectors that are both accurate and explainable. We exploit this explainability by providing extensive empirical analysis of our method's results. Next, we present work that focuses on multi-camera, multi-person 3D human pose estimation from video. To address this problem, we aggregate the outputs of a 2D human pose detector across cameras and actors using a novel factor graph formulation, which we optimize using the loopy belief propagation algorithm. In particular, our factor graph introduces a temporal smoothing term to create smooth transitions between poses across frames. Finally, our last proposed method covers activity detection, pose detection, and tracking in the game of Ping Pong, where we present a new dataset, dubbed SPIN, with extensive annotations. We introduce several tasks with this dataset, including the task of predicting the future actions of players and tracking ball movements. To evaluate our performance on these tasks, we present a novel recurrent gated CNN architecture

    NewbornTime - improved newborn care based on video and artificial intelligence - study protocol

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    Background Approximately 3-8% of all newborns do not breathe spontaneously at birth, and require time critical resuscitation. Resuscitation guidelines are mostly based on best practice, and more research on newborn resucitation is highly sought for. Methods The NewbornTime project will develop artificial intelligence (AI) based solutions for activity recognition during newborn resuscitations based on both visible light spectrum videos and infrared spectrum (thermal) videos. In addition, time-of-birth detection will be developed using thermal videos from the delivery rooms. Deep Neural Network models will be developed, focusing on methods for limited supervision and solutions adapting to on-site environments. A timeline description of the video analysis output enables objective analysis of resuscitation events. The project further aims to use machine learning to find patterns in large amount of such timeline data to better understand how newborn resuscitation treatment is given and how it can be improved. The automatic video analysis and timeline generation will be developed for on-site usage, allowing for data-driven simulation and clinical debrief for health-care providers, and paving the way for automated real-time feedback. This brings added value to the medical staff, mothers and newborns, and society at large. Discussion The project is a interdisciplinary collaboration, combining AI, image processing, blockchain and cloud technology, with medical expertise, which will lead to increased competences and capacities in these various fields.publishedVersio