31 research outputs found

    Frugal Optimization for Cost-related Hyperparameters

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    The increasing demand for democratizing machine learning algorithms calls for hyperparameter optimization (HPO) solutions at low cost. Many machine learning algorithms have hyperparameters which can cause a large variation in the training cost. But this effect is largely ignored in existing HPO methods, which are incapable to properly control cost during the optimization process. To address this problem, we develop a new cost-frugal HPO solution. The core of our solution is a simple but new randomized direct-search method, for which we prove a convergence rate of O(dK)O(\frac{\sqrt{d}}{\sqrt{K}}) and an O(dϵ−2)O(d\epsilon^{-2})-approximation guarantee on the total cost. We provide strong empirical results in comparison with state-of-the-art HPO methods on large AutoML benchmarks.Comment: 29 pages (including supplementary appendix

    OpenDataVal: a Unified Benchmark for Data Valuation

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    Assessing the quality and impact of individual data points is critical for improving model performance and mitigating undesirable biases within the training dataset. Several data valuation algorithms have been proposed to quantify data quality, however, there lacks a systemic and standardized benchmarking system for data valuation. In this paper, we introduce OpenDataVal, an easy-to-use and unified benchmark framework that empowers researchers and practitioners to apply and compare various data valuation algorithms. OpenDataVal provides an integrated environment that includes (i) a diverse collection of image, natural language, and tabular datasets, (ii) implementations of eleven different state-of-the-art data valuation algorithms, and (iii) a prediction model API that can import any models in scikit-learn. Furthermore, we propose four downstream machine learning tasks for evaluating the quality of data values. We perform benchmarking analysis using OpenDataVal, quantifying and comparing the efficacy of state-of-the-art data valuation approaches. We find that no single algorithm performs uniformly best across all tasks, and an appropriate algorithm should be employed for a user's downstream task. OpenDataVal is publicly available at https://opendataval.github.io with comprehensive documentation. Furthermore, we provide a leaderboard where researchers can evaluate the effectiveness of their own data valuation algorithms.Comment: 25 pages, NeurIPS 2023 Track on Datasets and Benchmark

    Scalable Nonlinear Learning with Adaptive Polynomial Expansions

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    Can we effectively learn a nonlinear representation in time comparable to linear learning? We describe a new algorithm that explicitly and adaptively expands higher-order interaction features over base linear representations. The algorithm is designed for extreme computational efficiency, and an extensive experimental study shows that its computation/prediction tradeoff ability compares very favorably against strong baselines.Comment: To appear in NIPS 201

    OpenFE: Automated Feature Generation beyond Expert-level Performance

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    The goal of automated feature generation is to liberate machine learning experts from the laborious task of manual feature generation, which is crucial for improving the learning performance of tabular data. The major challenge in automated feature generation is to efficiently and accurately identify useful features from a vast pool of candidate features. In this paper, we present OpenFE, an automated feature generation tool that provides competitive results against machine learning experts. OpenFE achieves efficiency and accuracy with two components: 1) a novel feature boosting method for accurately estimating the incremental performance of candidate features. 2) a feature-scoring framework for retrieving effective features from a large number of candidates through successive featurewise halving and feature importance attribution. Extensive experiments on seven benchmark datasets show that OpenFE outperforms existing baseline methods. We further evaluate OpenFE in two famous Kaggle competitions with thousands of data science teams participating. In one of the competitions, features generated by OpenFE with a simple baseline model can beat 99.3\% data science teams. In addition to the empirical results, we provide a theoretical perspective to show that feature generation is beneficial in a simple yet representative setting. The code is available at https://github.com/ZhangTP1996/OpenFE.Comment: 23 pages, 3 figure

    Tiny Classifier Circuits: Evolving Accelerators for Tabular Data

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    A typical machine learning (ML) development cycle for edge computing is to maximise the performance during model training and then minimise the memory/area footprint of the trained model for deployment on edge devices targeting CPUs, GPUs, microcontrollers, or custom hardware accelerators. This paper proposes a methodology for automatically generating predictor circuits for classification of tabular data with comparable prediction performance to conventional ML techniques while using substantially fewer hardware resources and power. The proposed methodology uses an evolutionary algorithm to search over the space of logic gates and automatically generates a classifier circuit with maximised training prediction accuracy. Classifier circuits are so tiny (i.e., consisting of no more than 300 logic gates) that they are called "Tiny Classifier" circuits, and can efficiently be implemented in ASIC or on an FPGA. We empirically evaluate the automatic Tiny Classifier circuit generation methodology or "Auto Tiny Classifiers" on a wide range of tabular datasets, and compare it against conventional ML techniques such as Amazon's AutoGluon, Google's TabNet and a neural search over Multi-Layer Perceptrons. Despite Tiny Classifiers being constrained to a few hundred logic gates, we observe no statistically significant difference in prediction performance in comparison to the best-performing ML baseline. When synthesised as a Silicon chip, Tiny Classifiers use 8-18x less area and 4-8x less power. When implemented as an ultra-low cost chip on a flexible substrate (i.e., FlexIC), they occupy 10-75x less area and consume 13-75x less power compared to the most hardware-efficient ML baseline. On an FPGA, Tiny Classifiers consume 3-11x fewer resources.Comment: 14 pages, 16 figure

    Learning of classification models from group-based feedback

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    Learning of classification models in practice often relies on a nontrivial amount of human annotation effort. The most widely adopted human labeling process assigns class labels to individual data instances. However, such a process is very rigid and may end up being very time-consuming and costly to conduct in practice. Finding more effective ways to reduce human annotation effort has become critical for building machine learning systems that require human feedback. In this thesis, we propose and investigate a new machine learning approach - Group-Based Active Learning - to learn classification models from limited human feedback. A group is defined by a set of instances represented by conjunctive patterns that are value ranges over the input features. Such conjunctive patterns define hypercubic regions of the input data space. A human annotator assesses the group solely based on its region-based description by providing an estimate of the class proportion for the subpopulation covered by the region. The advantage of this labeling process is that it allows a human to label many instances at the same time, which can, in turn, improve the labeling efficiency. In general, there are infinitely many regions one can define over a real-valued input space. To identify and label groups/regions important for classification learning, we propose and develop a Hierarchical Active Learning framework that actively builds and labels a hierarchy of input regions. Briefly, our framework starts by identifying general regions covering substantial portions of the input data space. After that, it progressively splits the regions into smaller and smaller sub-regions and also acquires class proportion labels for the new regions. The proportion labels for these regions are used to gradually improve and refine a classification model induced by the regions. We develop three versions of the idea. The first two versions aim to build a single hierarchy of regions. One builds it statically using hierarchical clustering, while the other one builds it dynamically, similarly to the decision tree learning process. The third approach builds multiple hierarchies simultaneously, and it offers additional flexibility for identifying more informative and simpler regions. We have conducted comprehensive empirical studies to evaluate our framework. The results show that the methods based on the region-based active learning can learn very good classifiers from a very few and simple region queries, and hence are promising for reducing human annotation effort needed for building a variety of classification models