940 research outputs found

    A Survey on Data Plane Programming with P4: Fundamentals, Advances, and Applied Research

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    With traditional networking, users can configure control plane protocols to match the specific network configuration, but without the ability to fundamentally change the underlying algorithms. With SDN, the users may provide their own control plane, that can control network devices through their data plane APIs. Programmable data planes allow users to define their own data plane algorithms for network devices including appropriate data plane APIs which may be leveraged by user-defined SDN control. Thus, programmable data planes and SDN offer great flexibility for network customization, be it for specialized, commercial appliances, e.g., in 5G or data center networks, or for rapid prototyping in industrial and academic research. Programming protocol-independent packet processors (P4) has emerged as the currently most widespread abstraction, programming language, and concept for data plane programming. It is developed and standardized by an open community and it is supported by various software and hardware platforms. In this paper, we survey the literature from 2015 to 2020 on data plane programming with P4. Our survey covers 497 references of which 367 are scientific publications. We organize our work into two parts. In the first part, we give an overview of data plane programming models, the programming language, architectures, compilers, targets, and data plane APIs. We also consider research efforts to advance P4 technology. In the second part, we analyze a large body of literature considering P4-based applied research. We categorize 241 research papers into different application domains, summarize their contributions, and extract prototypes, target platforms, and source code availability.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials (COMS) on 2021-01-2

    Network Security Automation

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    On mitigating distributed denial of service attacks

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    Denial of service (DoS) attacks and distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks are probably the most ferocious threats in the Internet, resulting in tremendous economic and social implications/impacts on our daily lives that are increasingly depending on the wellbeing of the Internet. How to mitigate these attacks effectively and efficiently has become an active research area. The critical issues here include 1) IP spoofing, i.e., forged source lIP addresses are routinely employed to conceal the identities of the attack sources and deter the efforts of detection, defense, and tracing; 2) the distributed nature, that is, hundreds or thousands of compromised hosts are orchestrated to attack the victim synchronously. Other related issues are scalability, lack of incentives to deploy a new scheme, and the effectiveness under partial deployment. This dissertation investigates and proposes effective schemes to mitigate DDoS attacks. It is comprised of three parts. The first part introduces the classification of DDoS attacks and the evaluation of previous schemes. The second part presents the proposed IP traceback scheme, namely, autonomous system-based edge marking (ASEM). ASEM enhances probabilistic packet marking (PPM) in several aspects: (1) ASEM is capable of addressing large-scale DDoS attacks efficiently; (2) ASEM is capable of handling spoofed marking from the attacker and spurious marking incurred by subverted routers, which is a unique and critical feature; (3) ASEM can significantly reduce the number of marked packets required for path reconstruction and suppress false positives as well. The third part presents the proposed DDoS defense mechanisms, including the four-color-theorem based path marking, and a comprehensive framework for DDoS defense. The salient features of the framework include (1) it is designed to tackle a wide spectrum of DDoS attacks rather than a specified one, and (2) it can differentiate malicious traffic from normal ones. The receiver-center design avoids several related issues such as scalability, and lack of incentives to deploy a new scheme. Finally, conclusions are drawn and future works are discussed

    Hybrid self-organizing feature map (SOM) for anomaly detection in cloud infrastructures using granular clustering based upon value-difference metrics

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    We have witnessed an increase in the availability of data from diverse sources over the past few years. Cloud computing, big data and Internet-of-Things (IoT) are distinctive cases of such an increase which demand novel approaches for data analytics in order to process and analyze huge volumes of data for security and business use. Cloud computing has been becoming popular for critical structure IT mainly due to cost savings and dynamic scalability. Current offerings, however, are not mature enough with respect to stringent security and resilience requirements. Mechanisms such as anomaly detection hybrid systems are required in order to protect against various challenges that include network based attacks, performance issues and operational anomalies. Such hybrid AI systems include Neural Networks, blackboard systems, belief (Bayesian) networks, case-based reasoning and rule-based systems and can be implemented in a variety of ways. Traffic in the cloud comes from multiple heterogeneous domains and changes rapidly due to the variety of operational characteristics of the tenants using the cloud and the elasticity of the provided services. The underlying detection mechanisms rely upon measurements drawn from multiple sources. However, the characteristics of the distribution of measurements within specific subspaces might be unknown. We argue in this paper that there is a need to cluster the observed data during normal network operation into multiple subspaces each one of them featuring specific local attributes, i.e. granules of information. Clustering is implemented by the inference engine of a model hybrid NN system. Several variations of the so-called value-difference metric (VDM) are investigated like local histograms and the Canberra distance for scalar attributes, the Jaccard distance for binary word attributes, rough sets as well as local histograms over an aggregate ordering distance and the Canberra measure for vectorial attributes. Low-dimensional subspace representations of each group of points (measurements) in the context of anomaly detection in critical cloud implementations is based upon VD metrics and can be either parametric or non-parametric. A novel application of a Self-Organizing-Feature Map (SOFM) of reduced/aggregate ordered sets of objects featuring VD metrics (as obtained from distributed network measurements) is proposed. Each node of the SOFM stands for a structured local distribution of such objects within the input space. The so-called Neighborhood-based Outlier Factor (NOOF) is defined for such reduced/aggregate ordered sets of objects as a value-difference metric of histogrammes. Measurements that do not belong to local distributions are detected as anomalies, i.e. outliers of the trained SOFM. Several methods of subspace clustering using Expectation-Maximization Gaussian Mixture Models (a parametric approach) as well as local data densities (a non-parametric approach) are outlined and compared against the proposed method using data that are obtained from our cloud testbed in emulated anomalous traffic conditions. The results—which are obtained from a model NN system—indicate that the proposed method performs well in comparison with conventional techniques

    Affecting IP traceback with recent Internet topology maps

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    Computer network attacks are on the increase and are more sophisticated in today\u27s network environment than ever before. One step in tackling the increasing spate of attacks is the availability of a system that can trace attack packets back to their original sources irrespective of invalid or manipulated source addresses. IP Traceback is one of such methods, and several schemes have already been proposed in this area. Notably though, no traceback scheme is in wide use today due to reasons including a lack of compatibility with existing network protocols and infrastructure, as well as the high costs of deployment. Recently, remarkable progress has been made in the area of Internet topology mappings and more detailed and useful maps and metrics of the Internet are being made available to the corporate and academic research communities. This thesis introduces a novel use of these maps to influence IP Traceback in general, and packet marking schemes in particular. We note that while other schemes have previously taken advantage of such maps, most of these have viewed the maps from the available router node level. We take a novel router-aggregation node view of the Internet and explore ways to use this to make improvements to packet marking schemes and solving the problem of the limited space available in the current IP header for marking purposes. We evaluate our proposed schemes using real network paths traversed by several traceroute packets from diverse sources and to various destinations, and compare our results to other packet marking schemes. Finally, we explore the possibility of partial deployment of one of our schemes and estimate the probability of success at different stages of deployment

    A survey of defense mechanisms against distributed denial of service (DDOS) flooding attacks

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    Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) flooding attacks are one of the biggest concerns for security professionals. DDoS flooding attacks are typically explicit attempts to disrupt legitimate users' access to services. Attackers usually gain access to a large number of computers by exploiting their vulnerabilities to set up attack armies (i.e., Botnets). Once an attack army has been set up, an attacker can invoke a coordinated, large-scale attack against one or more targets. Developing a comprehensive defense mechanism against identified and anticipated DDoS flooding attacks is a desired goal of the intrusion detection and prevention research community. However, the development of such a mechanism requires a comprehensive understanding of the problem and the techniques that have been used thus far in preventing, detecting, and responding to various DDoS flooding attacks. In this paper, we explore the scope of the DDoS flooding attack problem and attempts to combat it. We categorize the DDoS flooding attacks and classify existing countermeasures based on where and when they prevent, detect, and respond to the DDoS flooding attacks. Moreover, we highlight the need for a comprehensive distributed and collaborative defense approach. Our primary intention for this work is to stimulate the research community into developing creative, effective, efficient, and comprehensive prevention, detection, and response mechanisms that address the DDoS flooding problem before, during and after an actual attack. © 1998-2012 IEEE

    Adaptive Response System for Distributed Denial-of-Service Attacks

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    The continued prevalence and severe damaging effects of the Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks in today’s Internet raise growing security concerns and call for an immediate response to come up with better solutions to tackle DDoS attacks. The current DDoS prevention mechanisms are usually inflexible and determined attackers with knowledge of these mechanisms, could work around them. Most existing detection and response mechanisms are standalone systems which do not rely on adaptive updates to mitigate attacks. As different responses vary in their “leniency” in treating detected attack traffic, there is a need for an Adaptive Response System. We designed and implemented our DDoS Adaptive ResponsE (DARE) System, which is a distributed DDoS mitigation system capable of executing appropriate detection and mitigation responses automatically and adaptively according to the attacks. It supports easy integrations for both signature-based and anomaly-based detection modules. Additionally, the design of DARE’s individual components takes into consideration the strengths and weaknesses of existing defence mechanisms, and the characteristics and possible future mutations of DDoS attacks. These components consist of an Enhanced TCP SYN Attack Detector and Bloom-based Filter, a DDoS Flooding Attack Detector and Flow Identifier, and a Non Intrusive IP Traceback mechanism. The components work together interactively to adapt the detections and responses in accordance to the attack types. Experiments conducted on DARE show that the attack detection and mitigation are successfully completed within seconds, with about 60% to 86% of the attack traffic being dropped, while availability for legitimate and new legitimate requests is maintained. DARE is able to detect and trigger appropriate responses in accordance to the attacks being launched with high accuracy, effectiveness and efficiency. We also designed and implemented a Traffic Redirection Attack Protection System (TRAPS), a stand-alone DDoS attack detection and mitigation system for IPv6 networks. In TRAPS, the victim under attack verifies the authenticity of the source by performing virtual relocations to differentiate the legitimate traffic from the attack traffic. TRAPS requires minimal deployment effort and does not require modifications to the Internet infrastructure due to its incorporation of the Mobile IPv6 protocol. Experiments to test the feasibility of TRAPS were carried out in a testbed environment to verify that it would work with the existing Mobile IPv6 implementation. It was observed that the operations of each module were functioning correctly and TRAPS was able to successfully mitigate an attack launched with spoofed source IP addresses