6 research outputs found

    Active learning for feasible region discovery

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    Often in the design process of an engineer, the design specifications of the system are not completely known initially. However, usually there are some physical constraints which are already known, corresponding to a region of interest in the design space that is called feasible. These constraints often have no analytical form but need to be characterised based on expensive simulations or measurements. Therefore, it is important that the feasible region can be modeled sufficiently accurate using only a limited amount of samples. This can be solved by using active learning techniques that minimize the amount of samples w.r.t. what we try to model. Most active learning strategies focus on classification models or regression models with classification accuracy and regression accuracy in mind respectively. In this work, regression models of the constraints are used, but only the (in) feasibility is of interest. To tackle this problem, an information-theoretic sampling strategy is constructed to discover these regions. The proposed method is then tested on two synthetic examples and one engineering example and proves to outperform the current state-of-the-art

    Bayesian active learning for multi-objective feasible region identification in microwave devices

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    In microwave device and circuit design, many simulations are often needed to find a set of designs that satisfy one or multiple specifications chosen by the designer upfront: the feasible region. A novel Bayesian active learning framework is presented to accurately identify the feasible region with a low number of simulations. The technique leverages on a stochastic model to obtain an efficient and automated procedure. A suitable application example validates the proposed technique and shows its effectiveness to rapidly obtain many suitable designs

    Bayesian active learning for electromagnetic structure design

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    A novel design framework based on Bayesian active learning is presented in this contribution. The proposed approach allows one to identify a set of design configurations satisfying the chosen specification. In particular, the entropy search-based active learning strategy. which relies on a Gaussian Process model, is able to minimize the number of time-consuming computer simulations or expensive design trials necessary to reach this goal. A suitable application example validates the proposed method

    Batch Bayesian active learning for feasible region identification by local penalization

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    Identifying all designs satisfying a set of constraints is an important part of the engineering design process. With physics-based simulation codes, evaluating the constraints becomes considerable expensive. Active learning can provide an elegant approach to efficiently characterize the feasible region, i.e., the set of feasible designs. Although active learning strategies have been proposed for this task, most of them are dealing with adding just one sample per iteration as opposed to selecting multiple samples per iteration, also known as batch active learning. While this is efficient with respect to the amount of information gained per iteration, it neglects available computation resources. We propose a batch Bayesian active learning technique for feasible region identification by assuming that the constraint function is Lipschitz continuous. In addition, we extend current state-of-the-art batch methods to also handle feasible region identification. Experiments show better performance of the proposed method than the extended batch methods

    Deep learning-enabled technologies for bioimage analysis.

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    Deep learning (DL) is a subfield of machine learning (ML), which has recently demonstrated its potency to significantly improve the quantification and classification workflows in biomedical and clinical applications. Among the end applications profoundly benefitting from DL, cellular morphology quantification is one of the pioneers. Here, we first briefly explain fundamental concepts in DL and then we review some of the emerging DL-enabled applications in cell morphology quantification in the fields of embryology, point-of-care ovulation testing, as a predictive tool for fetal heart pregnancy, cancer diagnostics via classification of cancer histology images, autosomal polycystic kidney disease, and chronic kidney diseases