6 research outputs found

    The effect of online review personification of the Conversational Artificial Agents (CAI) products on the reader’s decision-making

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    With the widespread adoption of conversational AIs (CAIs), like Amazon Echo Dot and Google Nest, consumers have started personifying these devices during social engagement and while sharing their reviews of the CAI products. However, little is known about how these interactions and expressions of personification impact other aspects of business and society. The paper proposes investigating differences between personified and non-personified product reviews, and how these differences impact a reader\u27s perception of the helpfulness of the review, willingness to purchase and price to pay for a CAI product. This paper discusses its findings from the exploratory study done on the data from 44,699 CAI reviews and proposes experiment studies to investigate the test the proposed research model

    Acting Like Humans? Anthropomorphism and Consumer's Willingness to Pay in Electronic Commerce

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    Anthropomorphism is the attribution of human characteristics to a non-human object. Past research shows that anthropomorphism changes how we perceive objects (e.g., believing them to be more attractive). Does this mean we would be willing to pay more for them? We examined whether displaying a product in an anthropomorphized form influenced how much a consumer was willing to pay. We examined two design aspects, visual (i.e., a face) and auditory (e.g., a voice), in the context of an online auction, and proposed three theoretical routes by which an anthropomorphic product display might affect willingness to pay (emotional, product attachment, and product quality). Results show that adding visual anthropomorphizing features to the way a product was displayed increased the amount bid by 7%, but adding auditory anthropomorphizing features had no effect. The visual anthropomorphizing features increased product attachment but had no effect on emotions or perceptions of product quality. Therefore, we conclude that anthropomorphizing the way a product is displayed increases willingness to pay primarily through the theoretical route of creating attachment to the product. There is an additional, as yet undiscovered, theoretical route through which anthropomorphism influences willingness to pay. The results also suggest that the conventional wisdom that the combination of visual and auditory design features is best for triggering anthropomorphism is not always true

    E-commerce model of buying and delivery for groceries

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    Ovaj diplomski rad sastoji se od 6 poglavlja kroz koja je objašnjena teorija povezana uz elektroničko poslovanje te koncipiranje i razvoj web aplikacije za prodaju i dostavu namirnica. Prvo poglavlje služi kao uvod u rad u kojem se opisuje predmet i cilj rada te izvori i metode prikupljanja podataka. U drugom poglavlju obrađuje se teoretski dio o elektroničkom poslovanju te utjecaj istog na rad poduzeća. Treće poglavlje prikazuje statističke podatke o elektroničkoj trgovini na razini Hrvatske, EU i svijeta. Četvrto poglavlje prikazuje rezultate online ankete, koji su prikazani pomoću grafova preko kojih se donosi zaključak provedenog istraživanja. U petom poglavlju prikazan je model elektroničkog poslovanja koji je razrađen kroz niz koraka koji počinju od opisa projekta te završavaju prikazom web stranice modela. U zadnjem poglavlju donesen je zaključak

    E-commerce model of buying and delivery for groceries

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    Ovaj diplomski rad sastoji se od 6 poglavlja kroz koja je objašnjena teorija povezana uz elektroničko poslovanje te koncipiranje i razvoj web aplikacije za prodaju i dostavu namirnica. Prvo poglavlje služi kao uvod u rad u kojem se opisuje predmet i cilj rada te izvori i metode prikupljanja podataka. U drugom poglavlju obrađuje se teoretski dio o elektroničkom poslovanju te utjecaj istog na rad poduzeća. Treće poglavlje prikazuje statističke podatke o elektroničkoj trgovini na razini Hrvatske, EU i svijeta. Četvrto poglavlje prikazuje rezultate online ankete, koji su prikazani pomoću grafova preko kojih se donosi zaključak provedenog istraživanja. U petom poglavlju prikazan je model elektroničkog poslovanja koji je razrađen kroz niz koraka koji počinju od opisa projekta te završavaju prikazom web stranice modela. U zadnjem poglavlju donesen je zaključak

    E-commerce model of buying and delivery for groceries

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    Ovaj diplomski rad sastoji se od 6 poglavlja kroz koja je objašnjena teorija povezana uz elektroničko poslovanje te koncipiranje i razvoj web aplikacije za prodaju i dostavu namirnica. Prvo poglavlje služi kao uvod u rad u kojem se opisuje predmet i cilj rada te izvori i metode prikupljanja podataka. U drugom poglavlju obrađuje se teoretski dio o elektroničkom poslovanju te utjecaj istog na rad poduzeća. Treće poglavlje prikazuje statističke podatke o elektroničkoj trgovini na razini Hrvatske, EU i svijeta. Četvrto poglavlje prikazuje rezultate online ankete, koji su prikazani pomoću grafova preko kojih se donosi zaključak provedenog istraživanja. U petom poglavlju prikazan je model elektroničkog poslovanja koji je razrađen kroz niz koraka koji počinju od opisa projekta te završavaju prikazom web stranice modela. U zadnjem poglavlju donesen je zaključak

    The Almost People: A framework proposal for the balancing of legal interests in the age of social robots.

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    Robots, which were seen as gimmicks in science fiction stories until not so long ago, have already crossed into reality. Thanks to the ever-growing autonomy of robots and ever-expanding variety of roles assigned to them, they are becoming more integrated into the ordinary course of everyday life. With the advent of social robots that can engage human beings on personal levels, for the first time, non-human entities are emerging as social interaction partners. In that regard, from the legal perspective, it is no longer possible to treat them as mere tools. The autonomy of robots is expected to have significant impacts on various interests recognised by the legal principles that underlie existing legal instruments. However, almost none of the existing legal instruments were developed in consideration of the implications of robots' emerging roles as independent social actors. On explaining the inadequacy of existing legal instruments, I outline the prospect of a paradigm shift in the law's approach to human-robot social interactions. A comparative analysis of German, Italian, and Irish legal systems -selected to represent the EU's diverse legal families- demonstrates that robots' autonomous behaviours and emerging roles as social interaction partners are likely to undermine the legal principles expressed most notably in the domains of private law (contract law and tort law) and criminal law. The conceptual deconstruction of existing legal instruments offered by these domains reveals that legal systems overlook the characteristics of social robots that set them apart from other artefacts, namely, their relative autonomy and social agency. These distinctive characteristics allow robots to perform unpredictable behaviours and to prompt human beings they interact with to anthropomorphise them. Overlooking these characteristics diminishes the adequacy of existing legal instruments Ultimately, I conclude that the shortcomings of contemporary legal systems can be overcome by creating a new, unified legal framework that would enable the law to respond to the legal implications of robot autonomy and the phenomenon of robot anthropomorphism