1,068 research outputs found

    Real-time Medical Visualization of Human Head and Neck Anatomy and its Applications for Dental Training and Simulation

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    The Digital Design Studio and NHS Education Scotland have developed ultra-high definition real-time interactive 3D anatomy of the head and neck for dental teaching, training and simulation purposes. In this paper we present an established workflow using state-of-the-art 3D laser scanning technology and software for design and construction of medical data and describe the workflow practices and protocols in the head and neck anatomy project. Anatomical data was acquired through topographical laser scanning of a destructively dissected cadaver. Each stage of model development was clinically validated to produce a normalised human dataset which was transformed into a real-time environment capable of large-scale 3D stereoscopic display in medical teaching labs across Scotland, whilst also supporting single users with laptops and PC. Specific functionality supported within the 3D Head and Neck viewer includes anatomical labelling, guillotine tools and selection tools to expand specific local regions of anatomy. The software environment allows thorough and meaningful investigation to take place of all major and minor anatomical structures and systems whilst providing the user with the means to record sessions and individual scenes for learning and training purposes. The model and software have also been adapted to permit interactive haptic simulation of the injection of a local anesthetic

    Real-time Medical Visualization of Human Head and Neck Anatomy and its Applications for Dental Training and Simulation

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    The Digital Design Studio and NHS Education Scotland have developed ultra-high definition real-time interactive 3D anatomy of the head and neck for dental teaching, training and simulation purposes. In this paper we present an established workflow using state-of-the-art 3D laser scanning technology and software for design and construction of medical data and describe the workflow practices and protocols in the head and neck anatomy project. Anatomical data was acquired through topographical laser scanning of a destructively dissected cadaver. Each stage of model development was clinically validated to produce a normalised human dataset which was transformed into a real-time environment capable of large-scale 3D stereoscopic display in medical teaching labs across Scotland, whilst also supporting single users with laptops and PC. Specific functionality supported within the 3D Head and Neck viewer includes anatomical labelling, guillotine tools and selection tools to expand specific local regions of anatomy. The software environment allows thorough and meaningful investigation to take place of all major and minor anatomical structures and systems whilst providing the user with the means to record sessions and individual scenes for learning and training purposes. The model and software have also been adapted to permit interactive haptic simulation of the injection of a local anaesthetic

    The Digital Fish Library: Using MRI to Digitize, Database, and Document the Morphological Diversity of Fish

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    Museum fish collections possess a wealth of anatomical and morphological data that are essential for documenting and understanding biodiversity. Obtaining access to specimens for research, however, is not always practical and frequently conflicts with the need to maintain the physical integrity of specimens and the collection as a whole. Non-invasive three-dimensional (3D) digital imaging therefore serves a critical role in facilitating the digitization of these specimens for anatomical and morphological analysis as well as facilitating an efficient method for online storage and sharing of this imaging data. Here we describe the development of the Digital Fish Library (DFL, http://www.digitalfishlibrary.org), an online digital archive of high-resolution, high-contrast, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans of the soft tissue anatomy of an array of fishes preserved in the Marine Vertebrate Collection of Scripps Institution of Oceanography. We have imaged and uploaded MRI data for over 300 marine and freshwater species, developed a data archival and retrieval system with a web-based image analysis and visualization tool, and integrated these into the public DFL website to disseminate data and associated metadata freely over the web. We show that MRI is a rapid and powerful method for accurately depicting the in-situ soft-tissue anatomy of preserved fishes in sufficient detail for large-scale comparative digital morphology. However these 3D volumetric data require a sophisticated computational and archival infrastructure in order to be broadly accessible to researchers and educators

    Creation of a Virtual Atlas of Neuroanatomy and Neurosurgical Techniques Using 3D Scanning Techniques

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    Neuroanatomy is one of the most challenging and fascinating topics within the human anatomy, due to the complexity and interconnection of the entire nervous system. The gold standard for learning neurosurgical anatomy is cadaveric dissections. Nevertheless, it has a high cost (needs of a laboratory, acquisition of cadavers, and fixation), is time-consuming, and is limited by sociocultural restrictions. Due to these disadvantages, other tools have been investigated to improve neuroanatomy learning. Three-dimensional modalities have gradually begun to supplement traditional 2-dimensional representations of dissections and illustrations. Volumetric models (VM) are the new frontier for neurosurgical education and training. Different workflows have been described to create these VMs -photogrammetry (PGM) and structured light scanning (SLS). In this study, we aimed to describe and use the currently available 3D scanning techniques to create a virtual atlas of neurosurgical anatomy. Dissections on post-mortem human heads and brains were performed at the skull base laboratories of Stanford University - NeuroTraIn Center and the University of California, San Francisco - SBCVL (skull base and cerebrovascular laboratory). Then VMs were created following either SLS or PGM workflow. Fiber tract reconstructions were also generated from DICOM using DSI-studio and incorporated into VMs from dissections. Moreover, common creative license materials models were used to simplify the understanding of the specific anatomical region. Both methods yielded VMs with suitable clarity and structural integrity for anatomical education, surgical illustration, and procedural simulation. We described the roadmap of SLS and PGM for creating volumetric models, including the required equipment and software. We have also provided step-by-step procedures on how users can post-processing and refine these images according to their specifications. The VMs generated were used for several publications, to describe the step-by-step of a specific neurosurgical approach and to enhance the understanding of an anatomical region and its function. These models were used in neuroanatomical education and research (workshops and publications). VMs offer a new, immersive, and innovative way to accurately visualize neuroanatomy. Given the straightforward workflow, the presently described techniques may serve as a reference point for an entirely new way of capturing and depicting neuroanatomy and offer new opportunities for the application of VMs in education, simulation, and surgical planning. The virtual atlas, divided into specific areas concerning different neurosurgical approaches (such as skull base, cortex and fiber tracts, and spine operative anatomy), will increase the viewer's understanding of neurosurgical anatomy. The described atlas is the first surgical collection of VMs from cadaveric dissections available in the medical field and could be a used as reference for future creation of analogous collection in the different medical subspeciality.La neuroanatomia è, grazie alle intricate connessioni che caratterizzano il sistema nervoso e alla sua affascinante complessità, una delle discipline più stimolanti della anatomia umana. Nonostante il gold standard per l’apprendimento dell’anatomia neurochirurgica sia ancora rappresentato dalle dissezioni cadaveriche, l’accessibilità a queste ultime rimane limitata, a causa della loro dispendiosità in termini di tempo e costi (necessità di un laboratorio, acquisizione di cadaveri e fissazione), e alle restrizioni socioculturali per la donazione di cadaveri. Al fine di far fronte a questi impedimenti, e con lo scopo di garantire su larga scala l’apprendimento tridimensionale della neuroanatomia, nel corso degli anni sono stati sviluppati nuovi strumenti e tecnologie. Le tradizionali rappresentazioni anatomiche bidimensionali sono state gradualmente sostituite dalle modalità 3-dimensionali (3D) – foto e video. Tra questi ultimi, i modelli volumetrici (VM) rappresentano la nuova frontiera per l'istruzione e la formazione neurochirurgica. Diversi metodi per creare questi VM sono stati descritti, tra cui la fotogrammetria (PGM) e la scansione a luce strutturata (SLS). Questo studio descrive l’utilizzo delle diverse tecniche di scansione 3D grazie alle quali è stato creato un atlante virtuale di anatomia neurochirurgica. Le dissezioni su teste e cervelli post-mortem sono state eseguite presso i laboratori di base cranica di Stanford University -NeuroTraIn Center e dell'Università della California, San Francisco - SBCVL. I VM dalle dissezioni sono stati creati seguendo i metodi di SLS e/o PGM. Modelli di fibra bianca sono stati generate utilizzando DICOM con il software DSI-studio e incorporati ai VM di dissezioni anatomiche. Inoltre, sono stati utilizzati VM tratti da common creative license material (materiale con licenze creative comuni) al fine di semplificare la comprensione di alcune regioni anatomiche. I VM generati con entrambi i metodi sono risultati adeguati, sia in termini di chiarezza che di integrità strutturale, per l’educazione anatomica, l’illustrazione medica e la simulazione chirurgica. Nel nostro lavoro sono stati esaustivamente descritti tutti gli step necessari, di entrambe le tecniche (SLS e PGM), per la creazione di VM, compresi le apparecchiature e i software utilizzati. Sono state inoltre descritte le tecniche di post-elaborazione e perfezionamento dei VM da poter utilizzare in base alle necessità richieste. I VM generati durante la realizzazione del nostro lavoro sono stati utilizzati per molteplici pubblicazioni, nella descrizione step-by-step di uno specifico approccio neurochirurgico o per migliorare la comprensione di una regione anatomica e della sua funzione. Questi modelli sono stati utilizzati a scopo didattico per la formazione neuroanatomica di studenti di medicina, specializzandi e giovani neurochirurghi. I VM offrono un modo nuovo, coinvolgente e innovativo con cui poter raggiungere un’accurata conoscenza tridimensionale della neuroanatomia. La metodologia delle due tecniche descritte può servire come punto di riferimento per un nuovo modo di acquisizione e rappresentazione della neuroanatomia, ed offrire nuove opportunità di utilizzo dei VM nella formazione didattica, nella simulazione e nella pianificazione chirurgica. L'atlante virtuale qui descritto, suddiviso in aree specifiche relative a diversi approcci neurochirurgici, aumenterà la comprensione dell'anatomia neurochirurgica da parte dello spettatore. Questa è la prima raccolta chirurgica di VM da dissezioni anatomiche disponibile in ambito medico e potrebbe essere utilizzato come riferimento per la futura creazione di analoga raccolta nelle diverse sotto specialità mediche

    A morphological study of the parasitic barnacle, Anelasma squalicola (Lovén, 1844)

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    Objectives and Summary The pedunculate barnacle, Anelasma squalicola, is found parasitizing various squaloid sharks of the family Etmopteridae. Its peduncle has been modified to bury in the flesh of its host, and has replaced its cirri as a feeding device. It is however still in possession of its cirri, albeit reduced, and digestive tract, both believed to be of a vestigial nature. Due to the curious appearance of Anelasma it has been of great interest to scientists since its first description in the 18th century. Despite this it has rarely been studied, due to a low frequency and a seemingly patch distribution, and many details of its morphology and adaptations to a parasitic mode of life remains unclear. By employing new methodologies including SEM, histology, micro-CT scanning 3D-reconstruction, this study aims to investigate and clarify Anelasmas morphology and adaptations to a parasitic way of life. Through micro-CT scanning and 3D-reconstruction the intricacy of the root system of Anelasma has been revealed, showing an extensively branching system, penetrating deep into the tissue of its host. Histology reveals that the cuticle of the peduncle and the roots is thinning with distance from the mantle, and in the roots the exocuticle has been entirely reduced. It can be seen covering the tips of the roots to the very end. Its reproductive system is very well developed and takes up most of the space in the peduncle and thorax. The cement glands are numerous, and can be seen throughout the lower part of the mantle and in the waist, they have been seen emptying into the lacunae and I hypothesize that their function in Anelasma is to aid in the digestion of or nutrient uptake from its host. The lacunar system has also been seen in great detail, originating from the great central lacunae running axially through the peduncle and branching out to envelop the ovarian tubes and out into the tips of the roots. It is likely that the function of the lacunae is to transport absorbed nutrients throughout the body of Anelasma. All in all, Anelasma seems beautifully adapted to a life as a parasite.Master i BiologiMAMN-BIOBIO39

    By more ways than one: Rapid convergence at hydrothermal vents shown by 3D anatomical reconstruction of Gigantopelta (Mollusca: Neomphalina)

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    Background Extreme environments prompt the evolution of characteristic adaptations. Yet questions remain about whether radiations in extreme environments originate from a single lineage that masters a key adaptive pathway, or if the same features can arise in parallel through convergence. Species endemic to deep-sea hydrothermal vents must accommodate high temperature and low pH. The most successful vent species share a constrained pathway to successful energy exploitation: hosting symbionts. The vent-endemic gastropod genus Gigantopelta, from the Southern and Indian Oceans, shares unusual features with a co-occurring peltospirid, the ‘scaly-foot gastropod’ Chrysomallon squamiferum. Both are unusually large for the clade and share other adaptive features such as a prominent enlarged trophosome-like oesophageal gland, not found in any other vent molluscs. Results Transmission electron microscopy confirmed endosymbiont bacteria in the oesophageal gland of Gigantopelta, as also seen in Chrysomallon. They are the only known members of their phylum in vent ecosystems hosting internal endosymbionts; other vent molluscs host endosymbionts in or on their gills, or in the mantle cavity. A five-gene phylogenetic reconstruction demonstrated that Gigantopelta and Chrysomallon are not phylogenetically sister-taxa, despite their superficial similarity. Both genera have specialist adaptations to accommodate internalised endosymbionts, but with anatomical differences that indicate separate evolutionary origins. Hosting endosymbionts in an internal organ within the host means that all resources required by the bacteria must be supplied by the animal, rather than directly by the vent fluid. Unlike Chrysomallon, which has an enlarged oesophageal gland throughout post-settlement life, the oesophageal gland in Gigantopelta is proportionally much smaller in juveniles and the animals likely undergo a trophic shift during ontogeny. The circulatory system is hypertrophied in both but the overall size is smaller in Gigantopelta. In contrast with Chrysomallon, Gigantopelta possesses true ganglia and is gonochoristic. Conclusions Key anatomical differences between Gigantopelta and Chrysomallon demonstrate these two genera acquired a similar way of life through independent and convergent adaptive pathways. What appear to be the holobiont’s adaptations to an extreme environment, are driven by optimising bacteria’s access to vent nutrients. By comparing Gigantopelta and Chrysomallon, we show that metazoans are capable of rapidly and repeatedly evolving equivalent anatomical adaptations and close-knit relationships with chemoautotrophic bacteria, achieving the same end-product through parallel evolutionary trajectories
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