5 research outputs found

    Prototype of a Reduced Scale of a Refrigeration System of Environments Controlled with Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Using Thermoelectric Modules by Peltier Effect

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    Abstract. This paper presents the design of a scaled-down prototype of a proposed for a cooling system on environments for replacement of air conditioners by compressor

    Automatização de um sistema caracterizador de dispositivos termoelétricos

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Campus Joinville. Engenharia Mecatrônica.A busca globalmente existente para se obter energia através de fonte alternativa e limpa demanda investimento, pesquisa, desenvolvimento e aperfeiçoamento de tecnologias. A obtenção de energia a partir de fontes do meio ambiente é uma forma de se aproveitar as condições pré-existentes que um dispositivo ou sistema está submetido. Dentre várias frentes, existe a geração de energia elétrica através de dispositivos termoelétricos, cuja premissa é transformar diferença de temperatura em energia elétrica. Com objetivo de obter energia da melhor forma, é desejado colocar o dispositivo no estado que lhe confere maior potência, entretanto, para isto existem algumas fontes de variáveis como a temperatura a qual está submetido. Este trabalho propõe a automatização de um sistema caracterizador de dispositivos termoelétricos, identificando o ponto de maior potência do dispositivo para determinada temperatura média e também pela diferença de temperatura. O sistema permite a obtenção de forma sistemática da tensão que resulta na maior potência ao igualar a resistência de carga com a resistência interna do dispositivo. A equivalência de resistência neste trabalho ocorreu através de alterações de resistência realizada por chaveamento, juntamente com alterações no valor de um transistor de efeito de campo que, como mostrado no trabalho, pode ser utilizado como um resistor ôhmico. Como principal resultado, foi comprovada a viabilidade de técnica sendo necessário ajustes no conjunto software, firmware e hardware para a ampla aplicação do sistema caracterizador.The globally search that exists to obtain energy throw alternative and clean source demands investment, research and development of technologies. Extract energy from the environment is a way to use the preconditions that a device or system is subject. Throw the options, there is power generation trough thermoelectric devices, which has as premise to transform temperature difference into power electric. The device can be used in the way to extract the higher power and then obtain energy in the best form, but the conditions that allow this status is dependent of some variables that can be changed, for example the temperature that the device is subject. The purpose of this work is to automate a system to characterize thermoelectric devices, identifying the point with the highest power as function of the average temperature. The system allows to obtain voltage with highest power in a systematic form, making the load resistance to match the internal device’s resistance. The equivalent resistance was done by switching relays in order to change the active resistor and also changing the value of Junction Gate Field-Effect Transistor to actuate as ohmic resistor. As main result, it was showed the technical viability of the device, being necessary some hardware and software adjust for the large application of the thermoelectric characterization

    Acquisition and monitoring system for TEG characterization

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    This paper presents an acquisition system for measuring and characterization of thermoelectric generators (TEGs) for energy harvesting purposes on wireless sensors networks (WSNs). This system can monitor and characterize up to three TEGs simultaneously and is comprised of two main electronic circuits: the first one is composed of 12 input channels being three for reading voltage, three for reading current by making use of instrumentation amplifiers (ACS712), and six thermocouples for signal reading (<400∘C). The second electronic circuit consists of a proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller with two pulse width modulation (PWM) input channels for controlling the heat (thermoresistance) and cooling (controlled cooler) sources, respectively, following a predefined temperature gradient. The TEG measured data for the voltage, current, and temperature can be acquired in real-time with an application written on Delphi language and displayed both through a numeric and graphical display. In order to validate the precision and accuracy two commercial TEG modules (inbC1-127.08HTS) compatible with temperatures up to 200∘C without signal degradation were used in series.The functional prototype of the implemented system had a cost under ≈430 USD, making it suitable where a good knowledge of the electrical characteristics of TEGs is of major interest, especially on cogeneration systems

    Acquisition and Monitoring System for TEG Characterization

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    This paper presents an acquisition system for measuring and characterization of thermoelectric generators (TEGs) for energy harvesting purposes on wireless sensors networks (WSNs). This system can monitor and characterize up to three TEGs simultaneously and is comprised of two main electronic circuits: the first one is composed of 12 input channels being three for reading voltage, three for reading current by making use of instrumentation amplifiers (ACS712), and six thermocouples for signal reading (<400∘C). The second electronic circuit consists of a proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller with two pulse width modulation (PWM) input channels for controlling the heat (thermoresistance) and cooling (controlled cooler) sources, respectively, following a predefined temperature gradient. The TEG measured data for the voltage, current, and temperature can be acquired in real-time with an application written on Delphi language and displayed both through a numeric and graphical display. In order to validate the precision and accuracy two commercial TEG modules (inbC1-127.08HTS) compatible with temperatures up to 200∘C without signal degradation were used in series.The functional prototype of the implemented system had a cost under ≈430 USD, making it suitable where a good knowledge of the electrical characteristics of TEGs is of major interest, especially on cogeneration systems

    Acquisition and monitoring system for TEG characterization

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    This paper presents an acquisition system for measuring and characterization of thermoelectric generators (TEGs) for energy harvesting purposes on wireless sensors networks (WSNs). This system can monitor and characterize up to three TEGs simultaneously and is comprised of two main electronic circuits: the first one is composed of 12 input channels being three for reading voltage, three for reading current by making use of instrumentation amplifiers (ACS712), and six thermocouples for signal reading (<400∘C). The second electronic circuit consists of a proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller with two pulse width modulation (PWM) input channels for controlling the heat (thermoresistance) and cooling (controlled cooler) sources, respectively, following a predefined temperature gradient. The TEG measured data for the voltage, current, and temperature can be acquired in real-time with an application written on Delphi language and displayed both through a numeric and graphical display. In order to validate the precision and accuracy two commercial TEG modules (inbC1-127.08HTS) compatible with temperatures up to 200∘C without signal degradation were used in series.The functional prototype of the implemented system had a cost under ≈430 USD, making it suitable where a good knowledge of the electrical characteristics of TEGs is of major interest, especially on cogeneration systems