9 research outputs found

    Alternative methods for regulatory toxicology – a state-of-the-art review

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    This state-of-the art review is based on the final report of a project carried out by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) for the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA). The aim of the project was to review the state of the science of non-standard methods that are available for assessing the toxicological and ecotoxicological properties of chemicals. Non-standard methods refer to alternatives to animal experiments, such as in vitro tests and computational models, as well as animal methods that are not covered by current regulatory guidelines. This report therefore reviews the current scientific status of non-standard methods for a range of human health and ecotoxicological endpoints, and provides a commentary on the mechanistic basis and regulatory applicability of these methods. For completeness, and to provide context, currently accepted (standard) methods are also summarised. In particular, the following human health endpoints are covered: a) skin irritation and corrosion; b) serious eye damage and eye irritation; c) skin sensitisation; d) acute systemic toxicity; e) repeat dose toxicity; f) genotoxicity and mutagenicity; g) carcinogenicity; h) reproductive toxicity (including effects on development and fertility); i) endocrine disruption relevant to human health; and j) toxicokinetics. In relation to ecotoxicological endpoints, the report focuses on non-standard methods for acute and chronic fish toxicity. While specific reference is made to the information needs of REACH, the Biocidal Products Regulation and the Classification, Labelling and Packaging Regulation, this review is also expected to be informative in relation to the possible use of alternative and non-standard methods in other sectors, such as cosmetics and plant protection products.JRC.I.5-Systems Toxicolog

    Identifying New Candidate Genes and Chemicals Related to Prostate Cancer Using a Hybrid Network and Shortest Path Approach

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    Prostate cancer is a type of cancer that occurs in the male prostate, a gland in the male reproductive system. Because prostate cancer cells may spread to other parts of the body and can influence human reproduction, understanding the mechanisms underlying this disease is critical for designing effective treatments. The identification of as many genes and chemicals related to prostate cancer as possible will enhance our understanding of this disease. In this study, we proposed a computational method to identify new candidate genes and chemicals based on currently known genes and chemicals related to prostate cancer by applying a shortest path approach in a hybrid network. The hybrid network was constructed according to information concerning chemical-chemical interactions, chemical-protein interactions, and protein-protein interactions. Many of the obtained genes and chemicals are associated with prostate cancer

    Acquiring decision rules for predicting ames-negative hepatocarcinogens using chemical-chemical interactions

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    [[abstract]]Chemical carcinogenicity is an important safety issue for the evaluation of drugs and environmental pollutants. The Ames test is useful for detecting genotoxic hepatocarcinogens. However, the assessment of Ames-negative hepatocarcinogens depends on 2-year rodent bioassays. Alternative methods are desirable for the efficient identification of Ames-negative hepatocarcinogens. This study proposed a decision tree-based method using chemical-chemical interaction information for predicting hepatocarcinogens. It performs much better than that using molecular descriptors with accuracies of 86% and 76% for validation and independent test, respectively. Four important interacting chemicals with interpretable decision rules were identified and analyzed. With the high prediction performances, the acquired decision rules based on chemical-chemical interactions provide a useful prediction method and better understanding of Ames-negative hepatocarcinogens

    Antioxidant and DPPH-Scavenging Activities of Compounds and Ethanolic Extract of the Leaf and Twigs of Caesalpinia bonduc L. Roxb.

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    Antioxidant effects of ethanolic extract of Caesalpinia bonduc and its isolated bioactive compounds were evaluated in vitro. The compounds included two new cassanediterpenes, 1α,7α-diacetoxy-5α,6β-dihydroxyl-cass-14(15)-epoxy-16,12-olide (1)and 12α-ethoxyl-1α,14β-diacetoxy-2α,5α-dihydroxyl cass-13(15)-en-16,12-olide(2); and others, bonducellin (3), 7,4’-dihydroxy-3,11-dehydrohomoisoflavanone (4), daucosterol (5), luteolin (6), quercetin-3-methyl ether (7) and kaempferol-3-O-α-L-rhamnopyranosyl-(1Ç2)-β-D-xylopyranoside (8). The antioxidant properties of the extract and compounds were assessed by the measurement of the total phenolic content, ascorbic acid content, total antioxidant capacity and 1-1-diphenyl-2-picryl hydrazyl (DPPH) and hydrogen peroxide radicals scavenging activities.Compounds 3, 6, 7 and ethanolic extract had DPPH scavenging activities with IC50 values of 186, 75, 17 and 102 μg/ml respectively when compared to vitamin C with 15 μg/ml. On the other hand, no significant results were obtained for hydrogen peroxide radical. In addition, compound 7 has the highest phenolic content of 0.81±0.01 mg/ml of gallic acid equivalent while compound 8 showed the highest total antioxidant capacity with 254.31±3.54 and 199.82±2.78 μg/ml gallic and ascorbic acid equivalent respectively. Compound 4 and ethanolic extract showed a high ascorbic acid content of 2.26±0.01 and 6.78±0.03 mg/ml respectively.The results obtained showed the antioxidant activity of the ethanolic extract of C. bonduc and deduced that this activity was mediated by its isolated bioactive compounds

    Background Examples of Literature Searches on Topics of Interest

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    A zip file of various literature searches & some resources related to our work related to exposure after the Chernobyl accident and as we began looking at helping in Semey Kazakhstan----a collection of literature reviews on various topics we were interested in... eg. establishing a registry of those exposed for longterm follow-up, what we knew about certain areas like genetics and some resources like A Guide to Environmental Resources on the Internet by Carol Briggs-Erickson and Toni Murphy which could be found on the Internet and was written to be used by researchers, environmentalists, teachers and any person who is interested in knowing and doing something about the health of our planet. See more at https://archives.library.tmc.edu/dm-ms211-012-0060

    Veterans and Agent Orange: Update 11 (2018) (2018)

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    Contents ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS xvii SUMMARY 1 1 INTRODUCTION 17 Previous Veterans and Agent Orange Reports, 18 Charge to the Committee, 19 Information Gathering, 20 Organization of the Report, 21 2 BACKGROUND 25 The Current Population of Vietnam Veterans,25 Military Use of Herbicides in Vietnam, 27 Exposure of Different Groups of Vietnam Veterans, 30 Characterizing Exposure, 38 Determining Increased Risk in Vietnam Veterans, 4