12 research outputs found

    Optimal Inference in Crowdsourced Classification via Belief Propagation

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    Crowdsourcing systems are popular for solving large-scale labelling tasks with low-paid workers. We study the problem of recovering the true labels from the possibly erroneous crowdsourced labels under the popular Dawid-Skene model. To address this inference problem, several algorithms have recently been proposed, but the best known guarantee is still significantly larger than the fundamental limit. We close this gap by introducing a tighter lower bound on the fundamental limit and proving that Belief Propagation (BP) exactly matches this lower bound. The guaranteed optimality of BP is the strongest in the sense that it is information-theoretically impossible for any other algorithm to correctly label a larger fraction of the tasks. Experimental results suggest that BP is close to optimal for all regimes considered and improves upon competing state-of-the-art algorithms.Comment: This article is partially based on preliminary results published in the proceeding of the 33rd International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2016

    Learning from Crowds by Modeling Common Confusions

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    Crowdsourcing provides a practical way to obtain large amounts of labeled data at a low cost. However, the annotation quality of annotators varies considerably, which imposes new challenges in learning a high-quality model from the crowdsourced annotations. In this work, we provide a new perspective to decompose annotation noise into common noise and individual noise and differentiate the source of confusion based on instance difficulty and annotator expertise on a per-instance-annotator basis. We realize this new crowdsourcing model by an end-to-end learning solution with two types of noise adaptation layers: one is shared across annotators to capture their commonly shared confusions, and the other one is pertaining to each annotator to realize individual confusion. To recognize the source of noise in each annotation, we use an auxiliary network to choose the two noise adaptation layers with respect to both instances and annotators. Extensive experiments on both synthesized and real-world benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed common noise adaptation solution.Comment: Accepted by AAAI 202

    Iterative Bayesian Learning for Crowdsourced Regression

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    Crowdsourcing platforms emerged as popular venues for purchasing human intelligence at low cost for large volume of tasks. As many low-paid workers are prone to give noisy answers, a common practice is to add redundancy by assigning multiple workers to each task and then simply average out these answers. However, to fully harness the wisdom of the crowd, one needs to learn the heterogeneous quality of each worker. We resolve this fundamental challenge in crowdsourced regression tasks, i.e., the answer takes continuous labels, where identifying good or bad workers becomes much more non-trivial compared to a classification setting of discrete labels. In particular, we introduce a Bayesian iterative scheme and show that it provably achieves the optimal mean squared error. Our evaluations on synthetic and real-world datasets support our theoretical results and show the superiority of the proposed scheme

    Fast Dawid-Skene: A Fast Vote Aggregation Scheme for Sentiment Classification

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    Many real world problems can now be effectively solved using supervised machine learning. A major roadblock is often the lack of an adequate quantity of labeled data for training. A possible solution is to assign the task of labeling data to a crowd, and then infer the true label using aggregation methods. A well-known approach for aggregation is the Dawid-Skene (DS) algorithm, which is based on the principle of Expectation-Maximization (EM). We propose a new simple, yet effective, EM-based algorithm, which can be interpreted as a `hard' version of DS, that allows much faster convergence while maintaining similar accuracy in aggregation. We show the use of this algorithm as a quick and effective technique for online, real-time sentiment annotation. We also prove that our algorithm converges to the estimated labels at a linear rate. Our experiments on standard datasets show a significant speedup in time taken for aggregation - upto \sim8x over Dawid-Skene and \sim6x over other fast EM methods, at competitive accuracy performance. The code for the implementation of the algorithms can be found at https://github.com/GoodDeeds/Fast-Dawid-SkeneComment: 8 pages, 5 tables, 1 figure, KDD Workshop on Issues of Sentiment Discovery and Opinion Mining (WISDOM) 201

    A Provably Improved Algorithm for Crowdsourcing with Hard and Easy Tasks

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    Crowdsourcing is a popular method used to estimate ground-truth labels by collecting noisy labels from workers. In this work, we are motivated by crowdsourcing applications where each worker can exhibit two levels of accuracy depending on a task's type. Applying algorithms designed for the traditional Dawid-Skene model to such a scenario results in performance which is limited by the hard tasks. Therefore, we first extend the model to allow worker accuracy to vary depending on a task's unknown type. Then we propose a spectral method to partition tasks by type. After separating tasks by type, any Dawid-Skene algorithm (i.e., any algorithm designed for the Dawid-Skene model) can be applied independently to each type to infer the truth values. We theoretically prove that when crowdsourced data contain tasks with varying levels of difficulty, our algorithm infers the true labels with higher accuracy than any Dawid-Skene algorithm. Experiments show that our method is effective in practical applications

    A Task-Interdependency Model of Complex Collaboration Towards Human-Centered Crowd Work

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    Models of crowdsourcing and human computation often assume that individuals independently carry out small, modular tasks. However, while these models have successfully shown how crowds can accomplish significant objectives, they can inadvertently advance a less than human view of crowd workers and fail to capture the unique human capacity for complex collaborative work. We present a model centered on interdependencies -- a phenomenon well understood to be at the core of collaboration -- that allows one to formally reason about diverse challenges to complex collaboration. Our model represents tasks as an interdependent collection of subtasks, formalized as a task graph. We use it to explain challenges to scaling complex collaborative work, underscore the importance of expert workers, reveal critical factors for learning on the job, and explore the relationship between coordination intensity and occupational wages. Using data from O*NET and the Bureau of Labor Statistics, we introduce an index of occupational coordination intensity to validate our theoretical predictions. We present preliminary evidence that occupations with greater coordination intensity are less exposed to displacement by AI, and discuss opportunities for models that emphasize the collaborative capacities of human workers, bridge models of crowd work and traditional work, and promote AI in roles augmenting human collaboration

    Learning from the Crowd with Pairwise Comparison

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    Efficient learning of halfspaces is arguably one of the most important problems in machine learning and statistics. With the unprecedented growth of large-scale data sets, it has become ubiquitous to appeal to crowd for data annotation, and the central problem that attracts a surge of recent interests is how one can provably learn the underlying halfspace from the highly noisy crowd feedback. On the other hand, a large body of recent works have been dedicated to the problem of learning with not only labels, but also pairwise comparisons, since in many cases it is easier to compare than to label. In this paper we study the problem of learning halfspaces from the crowd under the realizable PAC learning setting, and we assume that the crowd workers can provide (noisy) labels or pairwise comparison tags upon request. We show that with a powerful boosting framework, together with our novel design of a filtering process, the overhead (to be defined) of the crowd acts as a constant, whereas the natural extension of standard approaches to crowd setting leads to an overhead growing with the size of the data sets