3 research outputs found

    Mode division multiplexing zero forcing equalisation scheme using LU factorization

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    Optical networks is considered as the main backbone networks that handled the Internet traffic worldwide. Currently, the Internet traffic has had huge annual growth due to the increment in connected devices. At this rate, it is believed that the current technology in optical network will not able to handle this growth in the near future. Till recently, multiplexing techniques in the optical communication rely on modulation techniques where polarization, amplitude and frequency of the signal are used as the main data carrier. In these techniques, light modes are considered as an undesired effect causing modal dispersion. In contrast, mode division multiplexing (MDM) was introduced as a multiplexing approach which relies on the utilization of the light modes for the benefit of increasing the capacity-distance product of the optical network. As per any new technology, it is still facing a lot of problems preventing it from being commercially standardized and used. One of the main MDM issues is the mode coupling, which is an inventible phenomena occurs when the energy of one mode transfers to another mode during their propagation throughout the optical fibre causes inter-symbol interference (ISI), increasing the bit error rate (BER) and reducing the overall system performance. Different equalization schemes have been proposed so far attempting to mitigate the effect of mode coupling on the MDM optical signal. However, they suffer from high computational complexity and rely on training signals in estimating the optical channel which increases the overhead payload. These technique mainly rely on Least Mean Squared (LMS) and Recursive Least Squared (RLS) algorithms. The purpose of this study is to introduce a Zero Forcing LU-based equalization scheme for MDM. Previous research in the radio domain on multiple-input multiple output (MIMO) and orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) demonstrated that zero forcing schemes have low computational complexity compared to current schemes as they equalize the signal without training signals, thus reducing the overhead payload. All of the previous points motivate the work of this study to adapt this approach in optical communications. The study adopts the four stages of the Design Research Methodology (DRM). The initial data was collected from the optical simulator, processed and used to derive the transfer function (H) of the system. Then it was used to develop the equalization scheme in MATLAB. The experimentation on Zero Forcing LU based equalization scheme shows O(N) complexity which is lower than RLS which has O(N2) and faster than LMS, in fact, LMS needs an average of 0.0126 seconds to process the signal while ZF LU-based needs 0.0029 seconds only. On the other hand, the proposed equalization reduces the time delay spread of the channel, resulting three times increment in the capacity of the MDM channel and even lower computational complexity. The main contribution of this study is the reduction of the computational complexity of the previous equalization schemes in MDM. Applying this scheme in real MDM systems can produce more cost effective and smaller digital signal processing (DSP) parts for MDM equipment and can accelerate the work on the standardization of MDM for being commercially used as a multiplexing technique for optical communication networks

    Performance Analysis and Cooperation Mode Switch in HARQ-based Relaying

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    We study the optimal, in terms of power-limited outage probability (OP), placement of the relay and investigate the effect of relay placement on the optimal cooperation mode of the source and the relay nodes. Using hybrid automatic repeat request (HARQ) based relaying techniques, general expressions for the OP and the average transmit power are derived. The results are then particularized to the repetition time diversity (RTD) protocol. The analytical expressions are used to find the transmit powers minimizing the power-limited OP. Our results demonstrate that adaptive power allocation reduces the OP significantly. For instance, consider a Rayleigh fading channel, an OP of 10^-3 and a maximum of 2 RTD-based retransmissions. Then, compared to equal power allocation, the required transmission signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is reduced by 5 dB, if adaptive power allocation is utilized. Another important observation is that, depending on the relay positions and the total power budget, the system should switch between the single-node transmission mode and the joint transmission mode, in order to minimize the outage probability

    On the Performance of the Relay-ARQ Networks

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    This paper investigates the performance of relay networks in the presence of hybrid automatic repeat request (ARQ) feedback and adaptive power allocation. The throughput and the outage probability of different hybrid ARQ protocols are studied for independent and spatially-correlated fading channels. The results are obtained for the cases where there is a sum power constraint on the source and the relay or when each of the source and the relay are power-limited individually. With adaptive power allocation, the results demonstrate the efficiency of relay-ARQ techniques in different conditions.Comment: Accepted for publication in IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol. 201