7 research outputs found

    Defending Spaceflight - The Echoes of Apollo

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    This paper defends, and emphasizes the importance of, spaceflight, broadly construed to include human and unmanned spaceflight, space science, exploration and development. Within this discourse, I provide counter-replies to remarks by physicist Dr. Steven Weinberg against my previous support of human spaceflight. In this defense of peaceful spaceflight I draw upon a variety of sources. Although a focus is human spaceflight, human and unmanned modes must not be treated as an either-or opposition. Rather, each has a critical role to play in moving humanity forward as a spacefaring species. In the course of this communication, I also stress NASA’s (and other space agency’s) perennial role as a science and technology-driver, and its function to provide a stable and unified platform for space programs

    Impact of Haptic Feedback in High Latency Teleoperation for Space Applications

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    Remote manipulation is a key enabler for upcoming space activities such as in-orbit servicing and manufacture (IOSM). However, due to the large distances involved, these systems encounter unavoidable signal delays which can lead to poor performance and users adopting a disjointed, ‘move-and-wait’ style of operation. We use a robot arm teleoperated with a haptic controller to test the impact of haptic feedback on delayed (up to 2.6 s: Earth-Moon communications) teleoperation performance for two example IOSM-style tasks.This user study showed that increased latency reduced performance in all of metrics recorded. In real-time teleoperation, haptic feedback showed improvements in success rate, accuracy, contact force, velocity, and trust, but, of these, only the improvements to contact forces and moving velocity were also seen at higher latencies. Accuracy and trust improvements were lost, or even reversed, at higher latencies. Results varied between the two tasks, highlighting the need for further research into the range of task types to be encountered in teleoperated space activities. This study also provides a framework by which to explore how features other than haptic feedback can impact both performance and trust in delayed teleoperatio

    Humans Should Not Colonize Mars

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    ABSTRACT:This article offers two arguments for the conclusion that we should refuse on moral grounds to establish a human presence on the surface of Mars. The first argument appeals to a principle constraining the use of invasive or destructive techniques of scientific investigation. The second appeals to a principle governing appropriate human behavior in wilderness. These arguments are prefaced by two preliminary sections. The first preliminary section argues that authors working in space ethics have good reason to shift their focus away from theory-based arguments in favor of arguments that develop in terms of pretheoretic beliefs. The second argues that of the popular justifications for sending humans to Mars only appeals to scientific curiosity can survive reflective scrutiny.</jats:p

    Balancing User Experience for Mobile One-to-One Interpersonal Telepresence

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    The COVID-19 virus disrupted all aspects of our daily lives, and though the world is finally returning to normalcy, the pandemic has shown us how ill-prepared we are to support social interactions when expected to remain socially distant. Family members missed major life events of their loved ones; face-to-face interactions were replaced with video chat; and the technologies used to facilitate interim social interactions caused an increase in depression, stress, and burn-out. It is clear that we need better solutions to address these issues, and one avenue showing promise is that of Interpersonal Telepresence. Interpersonal Telepresence is an interaction paradigm in which two people can share mobile experiences and feel as if they are together, even though geographically distributed. In this dissertation, we posit that this paradigm has significant value in one-to-one, asymmetrical contexts, where one user can live-stream their experiences to another who remains at home. We discuss a review of the recent Interpersonal Telepresence literature, highlighting research trends and opportunities that require further examination. Specifically, we show how current telepresence prototypes do not meet the social needs of the streamer, who often feels socially awkward when using obtrusive devices. To combat this negative finding, we present a qualitative co-design study in which end users worked together to design their ideal telepresence systems, overcoming value tensions that naturally arise between Viewer and Streamer. Expectedly, virtual reality techniques are desired to provide immersive views of the remote location; however, our participants noted that the devices to facilitate this interaction need to be hidden from the public eye. This suggests that 360∘^\circ cameras should be used, but the lenses need to be embedded in wearable systems, which might affect the viewing experience. We thus present two quantitative studies in which we examine the effects of camera placement and height on the viewing experience, in an effort to understand how we can better design telepresence systems. We found that camera height is not a significant factor, meaning wearable cameras do not need to be positioned at the natural eye-level of the viewer; the streamer is able to place them according to their own needs. Lastly, we present a qualitative study in which we deploy a custom interpersonal telepresence prototype on the co-design findings. Our participants preferred our prototype instead of simple video chat, even though it caused a somewhat increased sense of self-consciousness. Our participants indicated that they have their own preferences, even with simple design decisions such as style of hat, and we as a community need to consider ways to allow customization within our devices. Overall, our work contributes new knowledge to the telepresence field and helps system designers focus on the features that truly matter to users, in an effort to let people have richer experiences and virtually bridge the distance to their loved ones

    Deep Space Gateway Concept Science Workshop : February 27–March 1, 2018, Denver, Colorado

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    The purpose of this workshop is to discuss what science could be leveraged from a deep space gateway, as well as first-order determination of what instruments are required to acquire the scientific data.Institutional Support, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Universities Space Research Association ; Executive Committee, Ben Bussey, HEOMD Chief Scientist, NASA Headquarters, Jim Garvin, Goddard Space Flight Center Chief Scientist, Michael New, NASA Headquarters, Deputy AA for Research, SMD, Paul Niles, Executive Secretary, NASA Johnson Space Center, Jim Spann, MSFC Chief Scientist, Eileen Stansbery, Johnson Space CenterPARTIAL CONTENTS: Deep Space Gateway as a Deployment Staging Platform and Communication Hub of Lunar Heat Flow Experiment--Lunar Seismology Enabled by a Deep Space Gateway--In-Situ Measurements of Electrostatic Dust Transport on the Lunar Surface--Science Investigations Enabled by Magnetic Field Measurements on the Lunar Surface--Enhancing Return from Lunar Surface Missions via the Deep Space Gateway--Deep Space Gateway Support of Lunar Surface Ops and Tele-Operational Transfer of Surface Assets to the Next Landing Site--Development of a Lunar Surface Architecture Using the Deep Space Gateway--The Deep Space Gateway: The Next Stepping Stone to Mar