233 research outputs found

    A Methodology for Simulated Experiments in Interactive Search

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    Interactive information retrieval has received much attention in recent years, e.g. [7]. Furthermore, increased activity in developing interactive features in search systems used across existing popular Web search engines suggests that interactive systems are being recognised as a promising next step in assisting information search. One of the most challenging problems with interactive systems however remains evaluation. We describe the general specifications of a methodology for conducting controlled and reproducible experiments in the context of interactive search. It was developed in the AutoAdapt project1 focusing on search in intranets, but the methodology is more generic than that and can be applied to interactive Web search as well. The goal of this methodology is to evaluate the ability of different algorithms to produce domain models that provide accurate suggestions for query modifications. The AutoAdapt project investigates the application of automatically constructed adaptive domain models for providing suggestions for query modifications to the users of an intranet search engine. This goes beyond static models such as the one employed to guide users who search the Web site of the University of Essex which is based on a domain model that has been built in advance using the documents’ markup structure

    Accuracy of Bilingual Chinese-speakers using search systems

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    Internet users have substantial trust in search engine’s ability to rank the re-sults by the relevance to the query. This paper is seeking to understand how three factors affect the accuracy for native bilingual Chinese-speaking inter-net users. The factors are proficiency of English, the position of relevant in-formation on search engine result page (SERP) and system language. Sub-jects in this research interacted with simulated search engines and they were asked to identify the best results on SERP. The results show that the system language or English ability alone do not affect subjects’ performance, only if those two factors work together effect on subjects’ performance on finding results on SERP. Rank basis exists in bilingual Chinese-speakers and they tent to click on the results on higher locations. Target location in different system language only matters in the group of subjects within average Eng-lish ability, not in the group of low or high English ability subjects. But the accuracy performances are reversed in low English ability compare to high English ability

    Optimizing Expected Utility in a Multinomial Logit Model with Position Bias and Social Influence

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    Motivated by applications in retail, online advertising, and cultural markets, this paper studies how to find the optimal assortment and positioning of products subject to a capacity constraint. We prove that the optimal assortment and positioning can be found in polynomial time for a multinomial logit model capturing utilities, position bias, and social influence. Moreover, in a dynamic market, we show that the policy that applies the optimal assortment and positioning and leverages social influence outperforms in expectation any policy not using social influence

    Replace Scoring with Arrangement: A Contextual Set-to-Arrangement Framework for Learning-to-Rank

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    Learning-to-rank is a core technique in the top-N recommendation task, where an ideal ranker would be a mapping from an item set to an arrangement (a.k.a. permutation). Most existing solutions fall in the paradigm of probabilistic ranking principle (PRP), i.e., first score each item in the candidate set and then perform a sort operation to generate the top ranking list. However, these approaches neglect the contextual dependence among candidate items during individual scoring, and the sort operation is non-differentiable. To bypass the above issues, we propose Set-To-Arrangement Ranking (STARank), a new framework directly generates the permutations of the candidate items without the need for individually scoring and sort operations; and is end-to-end differentiable. As a result, STARank can operate when only the ground-truth permutations are accessible without requiring access to the ground-truth relevance scores for items. For this purpose, STARank first reads the candidate items in the context of the user browsing history, whose representations are fed into a Plackett-Luce module to arrange the given items into a list. To effectively utilize the given ground-truth permutations for supervising STARank, we leverage the internal consistency property of Plackett-Luce models to derive a computationally efficient list-wise loss. Experimental comparisons against 9 the state-of-the-art methods on 2 learning-to-rank benchmark datasets and 3 top-N real-world recommendation datasets demonstrate the superiority of STARank in terms of conventional ranking metrics. Notice that these ranking metrics do not consider the effects of the contextual dependence among the items in the list, we design a new family of simulation-based ranking metrics, where existing metrics can be regarded as special cases. STARank can consistently achieve better performance in terms of PBM and UBM simulation-based metrics.Comment: CIKM 202

    Preference-Based Learning for Exoskeleton Gait Optimization

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    This paper presents a personalized gait optimization framework for lower-body exoskeletons. Rather than optimizing numerical objectives such as the mechanical cost of transport, our approach directly learns from user preferences, e.g., for comfort. Building upon work in preference-based interactive learning, we present the CoSpar algorithm. CoSpar prompts the user to give pairwise preferences between trials and suggest improvements; as exoskeleton walking is a non-intuitive behavior, users can provide preferences more easily and reliably than numerical feedback. We show that CoSpar performs competitively in simulation and demonstrate a prototype implementation of CoSpar on a lower-body exoskeleton to optimize human walking trajectory features. In the experiments, CoSpar consistently found user-preferred parameters of the exoskeleton’s walking gait, which suggests that it is a promising starting point for adapting and personalizing exoskeletons (or other assistive devices) to individual users

    The Influence of Commercial Intent of Search Results on Their Perceived Relevance

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    We carried out a retrieval effectiveness test on the three major web search engines (i.e., Google, Microsoft and Yahoo). In addition to relevance judgments, we classified the results according to their commercial intent and whether or not they carried any advertising. We found that all search engines provide a large number of results with a commercial intent. Google provides significantly more commercial results than the other search engines do. However, the commercial intent of a result did not influence jurors in their relevance judgments
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