19,063 research outputs found

    Accurate online alignment of human motor performances

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    HĂĽlsmann F, Richter A, Kopp S, Botsch M. Accurate online alignment of human motor performances. In: Proceedings of ACM Motion in Games. Barcelona: ACM; 2017: pp. 7:1-7:6

    Improving Brain–Machine Interface Performance by Decoding Intended Future Movements

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    Objective. A brain–machine interface (BMI) records neural signals in real time from a subject\u27s brain, interprets them as motor commands, and reroutes them to a device such as a robotic arm, so as to restore lost motor function. Our objective here is to improve BMI performance by minimizing the deleterious effects of delay in the BMI control loop. We mitigate the effects of delay by decoding the subject\u27s intended movements a short time lead in the future. Approach. We use the decoded, intended future movements of the subject as the control signal that drives the movement of our BMI. This should allow the user\u27s intended trajectory to be implemented more quickly by the BMI, reducing the amount of delay in the system. In our experiment, a monkey (Macaca mulatta) uses a future prediction BMI to control a simulated arm to hit targets on a screen. Main Results. Results from experiments with BMIs possessing different system delays (100, 200 and 300 ms) show that the monkey can make significantly straighter, faster and smoother movements when the decoder predicts the user\u27s future intent. We also characterize how BMI performance changes as a function of delay, and explore offline how the accuracy of future prediction decoders varies at different time leads. Significance. This study is the first to characterize the effects of control delays in a BMI and to show that decoding the user\u27s future intent can compensate for the negative effect of control delay on BMI performance

    Exploring Object Relation in Mean Teacher for Cross-Domain Detection

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    Rendering synthetic data (e.g., 3D CAD-rendered images) to generate annotations for learning deep models in vision tasks has attracted increasing attention in recent years. However, simply applying the models learnt on synthetic images may lead to high generalization error on real images due to domain shift. To address this issue, recent progress in cross-domain recognition has featured the Mean Teacher, which directly simulates unsupervised domain adaptation as semi-supervised learning. The domain gap is thus naturally bridged with consistency regularization in a teacher-student scheme. In this work, we advance this Mean Teacher paradigm to be applicable for cross-domain detection. Specifically, we present Mean Teacher with Object Relations (MTOR) that novelly remolds Mean Teacher under the backbone of Faster R-CNN by integrating the object relations into the measure of consistency cost between teacher and student modules. Technically, MTOR firstly learns relational graphs that capture similarities between pairs of regions for teacher and student respectively. The whole architecture is then optimized with three consistency regularizations: 1) region-level consistency to align the region-level predictions between teacher and student, 2) inter-graph consistency for matching the graph structures between teacher and student, and 3) intra-graph consistency to enhance the similarity between regions of same class within the graph of student. Extensive experiments are conducted on the transfers across Cityscapes, Foggy Cityscapes, and SIM10k, and superior results are reported when comparing to state-of-the-art approaches. More remarkably, we obtain a new record of single model: 22.8% of mAP on Syn2Real detection dataset.Comment: CVPR 2019; The codes and model of our MTOR are publicly available at: https://github.com/caiqi/mean-teacher-cross-domain-detectio

    The ACCompanion: Combining Reactivity, Robustness, and Musical Expressivity in an Automatic Piano Accompanist

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    This paper introduces the ACCompanion, an expressive accompaniment system. Similarly to a musician who accompanies a soloist playing a given musical piece, our system can produce a human-like rendition of the accompaniment part that follows the soloist's choices in terms of tempo, dynamics, and articulation. The ACCompanion works in the symbolic domain, i.e., it needs a musical instrument capable of producing and playing MIDI data, with explicitly encoded onset, offset, and pitch for each played note. We describe the components that go into such a system, from real-time score following and prediction to expressive performance generation and online adaptation to the expressive choices of the human player. Based on our experience with repeated live demonstrations in front of various audiences, we offer an analysis of the challenges of combining these components into a system that is highly reactive and precise, while still a reliable musical partner, robust to possible performance errors and responsive to expressive variations.Comment: In Proceedings of the 32nd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-23), Macao, China. The differences/extensions with the previous version include a technical appendix, added missing links, and minor text updates. 10 pages, 4 figure

    Development of An Online Rater Training Program, and Its Impact on Accuracy of Scoring TGMD-3 Performance of Children with Developmental Disabilities

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    Based on the importance of fundamental movement skills (FMS) and common performance traits of persons with developmental disabilities (DD) that impact the performance of FMS, a rater training is necessary to evaluate FMS accurately among this population. The first purpose of this study was to develop a rater training protocol on the Test of Gross Motor Development-3 (TGMD-3) for novice raters. The second purpose was to validate this rater training protocol using a modified Delphi method. The third purpose was to examine novice raters’ accuracy in scoring the motor skills of children with DD after completing an online rater training protocol. A total of eight experts completed two rounds of a modified Delphi method with intraclass coefficient statistic (ICC) of .75 or above providing evidence of consensus on content and presentation of training material. A total of 41 novice raters completed three rounds of training and scoring separated by 5 days each. Data analysis compared the change of rating accuracy of novice raters with that of experts on the run and two-hand strike skills on the TGMD-3 across three different occasions. There was a significant impact on scoring accuracy of novice raters to score the run (F(1, 39)= 56.431, p \u3c .001), two-hand strike skills (F(1, 39)= 35.549, p \u3c .001), and the total skill score (F(1, 39)= 64.323, p \u3c .001). The TGMD-3 online rater training program for novices in the present study provides a model training program to improve the accuracy of scoring FMS among children with DD

    Human skill capturing and modelling using wearable devices

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    Industrial robots are delivering more and more manipulation services in manufacturing. However, when the task is complex, it is difficult to programme a robot to fulfil all the requirements because even a relatively simple task such as a peg-in-hole insertion contains many uncertainties, e.g. clearance, initial grasping position and insertion path. Humans, on the other hand, can deal with these variations using their vision and haptic feedback. Although humans can adapt to uncertainties easily, most of the time, the skilled based performances that relate to their tacit knowledge cannot be easily articulated. Even though the automation solution may not fully imitate human motion since some of them are not necessary, it would be useful if the skill based performance from a human could be firstly interpreted and modelled, which will then allow it to be transferred to the robot. This thesis aims to reduce robot programming efforts significantly by developing a methodology to capture, model and transfer the manual manufacturing skills from a human demonstrator to the robot. Recently, Learning from Demonstration (LfD) is gaining interest as a framework to transfer skills from human teacher to robot using probability encoding approaches to model observations and state transition uncertainties. In close or actual contact manipulation tasks, it is difficult to reliabley record the state-action examples without interfering with the human senses and activities. Therefore, wearable sensors are investigated as a promising device to record the state-action examples without restricting the human experts during the skilled execution of their tasks. Firstly to track human motions accurately and reliably in a defined 3-dimensional workspace, a hybrid system of Vicon and IMUs is proposed to compensate for the known limitations of the individual system. The data fusion method was able to overcome occlusion and frame flipping problems in the two camera Vicon setup and the drifting problem associated with the IMUs. The results indicated that occlusion and frame flipping problems associated with Vicon can be mitigated by using the IMU measurements. Furthermore, the proposed method improves the Mean Square Error (MSE) tracking accuracy range from 0.8Ëš to 6.4Ëš compared with the IMU only method. Secondly, to record haptic feedback from a teacher without physically obstructing their interactions with the workpiece, wearable surface electromyography (sEMG) armbands were used as an indirect method to indicate contact feedback during manual manipulations. A muscle-force model using a Time Delayed Neural Network (TDNN) was built to map the sEMG signals to the known contact force. The results indicated that the model was capable of estimating the force from the sEMG armbands in the applications of interest, namely in peg-in-hole and beater winding tasks, with MSE of 2.75N and 0.18N respectively. Finally, given the force estimation and the motion trajectories, a Hidden Markov Model (HMM) based approach was utilised as a state recognition method to encode and generalise the spatial and temporal information of the skilled executions. This method would allow a more representative control policy to be derived. A modified Gaussian Mixture Regression (GMR) method was then applied to enable motions reproduction by using the learned state-action policy. To simplify the validation procedure, instead of using the robot, additional demonstrations from the teacher were used to verify the reproduction performance of the policy, by assuming human teacher and robot learner are physical identical systems. The results confirmed the generalisation capability of the HMM model across a number of demonstrations from different subjects; and the reproduced motions from GMR were acceptable in these additional tests. The proposed methodology provides a framework for producing a state-action model from skilled demonstrations that can be translated into robot kinematics and joint states for the robot to execute. The implication to industry is reduced efforts and time in programming the robots for applications where human skilled performances are required to cope robustly with various uncertainties during tasks execution

    RUR53: an Unmanned Ground Vehicle for Navigation, Recognition and Manipulation

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    This paper proposes RUR53: an Unmanned Ground Vehicle able to autonomously navigate through, identify, and reach areas of interest; and there recognize, localize, and manipulate work tools to perform complex manipulation tasks. The proposed contribution includes a modular software architecture where each module solves specific sub-tasks and that can be easily enlarged to satisfy new requirements. Included indoor and outdoor tests demonstrate the capability of the proposed system to autonomously detect a target object (a panel) and precisely dock in front of it while avoiding obstacles. They show it can autonomously recognize and manipulate target work tools (i.e., wrenches and valve stems) to accomplish complex tasks (i.e., use a wrench to rotate a valve stem). A specific case study is described where the proposed modular architecture lets easy switch to a semi-teleoperated mode. The paper exhaustively describes description of both the hardware and software setup of RUR53, its performance when tests at the 2017 Mohamed Bin Zayed International Robotics Challenge, and the lessons we learned when participating at this competition, where we ranked third in the Gran Challenge in collaboration with the Czech Technical University in Prague, the University of Pennsylvania, and the University of Lincoln (UK).Comment: This article has been accepted for publication in Advanced Robotics, published by Taylor & Franci
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