655 research outputs found

    Accurate and robust image superresolution by neural processing of local image representations

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    Image superresolution involves the processing of an image sequence to generate a still image with higher resolution. Classical approaches, such as bayesian MAP methods, require iterative minimization procedures, with high computational costs. Recently, the authors proposed a method to tackle this problem, based on the use of a hybrid MLP-PNN architecture. In this paper, we present a novel superresolution method, based on an evolution of this concept, to incorporate the use of local image models. A neural processing stage receives as input the value of model coefficients on local windows. The data dimension-ality is firstly reduced by application of PCA. An MLP, trained on synthetic se-quences with various amounts of noise, estimates the high-resolution image data. The effect of varying the dimension of the network input space is exam-ined, showing a complex, structured behavior. Quantitative results are presented showing the accuracy and robustness of the proposed method

    A PCA-based super-resolution algorithm for short image sequences

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    Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. C. Miravet, and F. B. RodrĂ­guez, "A PCA-based super-resolution algorithm for short image sequences", 17th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Hong Kong, China, 2010, pp. 2025 - 2028In this paper, we present a novel, learning-based, two-step super-resolution (SR) algorithm well suited to solve the specially demanding problem of obtaining SR estimates from short image sequences. The first step, devoted to increase the sampling rate of the incoming images, is performed by fitting linear combinations of functions generated from principal components (PC) to reproduce locally the sparse projected image data, and using these models to estimate image values at nodes of the high-resolution grid. PCs were obtained from local image patches sampled at sub-pixel level, which were generated in turn from a database of high-resolution images by application of a physically realistic observation model. Continuity between local image models is enforced by minimizing an adequate functional in the space of model coefficients. The second step, dealing with restoration, is performed by a linear filter with coefficients learned to restore residual interpolation artifacts in addition to low-resolution blurring, providing an effective coupling between both steps of the method. Results on a demanding five-image scanned sequence of graphics and text are presented, showing the excellent performance of the proposed method compared to several state-of-the-art two-step and Bayesian Maximum a Posteriori SR algorithms.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science under TIN 2007-65989 and CAM S-SEM-0255- 2006, and by COINCIDENTE project DN8644, RESTAURA

    Robust super-resolution for petite image sequences

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    This paper proposes a new, learning-based, two-step super-resolution (SR) algorithm well suited to solve the specially demanding problem of obtaining SR estimates from petite image sequences. The first step, devoted to increase the sampling rate of the incoming images, is performed by fitting linear combinations of functions generated from principal components (PC) to reproduce locally the sparse projected image data, and using these models to estimate image values at nodes of the high-resolution grid. PCs were obtained from local image patches sampled at sub-pixel level, which were generated in turn from a database of high-resolution images by application of a physically realistic observation model. Continuity between local image models is enforced by minimizing an adequate functional in the space of model coefficients. The second step, dealing with restoration, is performed by a linear filter with coefficients learned to restore residual interpolation artifacts in addition to low-resolution blurring, providing an effective coupling between both steps of the method. Results on a demanding five-image scanned sequence of graphics and text are presented, showing the excellent performance of the proposed method compared to several state-of-the-art two-step and Bayesian Maximum a Posteriori SR algorithms
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