939 research outputs found

    Fabricate 2020

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    Fabricate 2020 is the fourth title in the FABRICATE series on the theme of digital fabrication and published in conjunction with a triennial conference (London, April 2020). The book features cutting-edge built projects and work-in-progress from both academia and practice. It brings together pioneers in design and making from across the fields of architecture, construction, engineering, manufacturing, materials technology and computation. Fabricate 2020 includes 32 illustrated articles punctuated by four conversations between world-leading experts from design to engineering, discussing themes such as drawing-to-production, behavioural composites, robotic assembly, and digital craft

    2019 EC3 July 10-12, 2019 Chania, Crete, Greece

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    Empirical Modeling and Its Applications

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    Empirical modeling has been a useful approach for the analysis of different problems across numerous areas/fields of knowledge. As it is known, this type of modeling is particularly helpful when parametric models, due to various reasons, cannot be constructed. Based on different methodologies and approaches, empirical modeling allows the analyst to obtain an initial understanding of the relationships that exist among the different variables that belong to a particular system or process. In some cases, the results from empirical models can be used in order to make decisions about those variables, with the intent of resolving a given problem in the real-life applications. This book entitled Empirical Modeling and Its Applications consists of six (6) chapters

    Kalispel Resident Fish Project : Annual Report, 1997.

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    Geologic processes that control sourcing and migration of subsurface helium

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    There is an ever-pressing need to find more helium (He) because 1) it is an essential resource for modern life, 2) reserves are dwindling faster than He accumulations are discovered, and 3) new He projects are delayed. The motivation for this work is to provide updated frameworks on the geologic processes and migration mechanisms of He in the mid-continent USA, using noble gas geochemistry, structural geology and geophysics. The Colorado Plateau field area (Four Corners area), USA was chosen to represent a moderate tectonic activity environment, and Yellowstone (and its environs), USA, were chosen to represent a very tectonically active region and to investigate the impact of heat on gas release. In the Four Corners area, utilizing bulk gas and isotopes of hydrocarbons, non-hydrocarbons, and noble gases (n=31), we construct mass balance and noble gas fractionation models that provide evidence for advective fault-controlled systems responsible for basement sourced He accumulations. Regarding Yellowstone, utilizing heat flow data, bulk gas, and isotopes of non-hydrocarbons and noble gases (n=43), we quantify gas origin, fluid flow, and heat influence in a regional context using noble gas heat and fractionation models. We show a poor relationship regarding He and heat flow on a regional scale for Yellowstone, and we propose that localized heat sources are important in releasing He trapped in minerals. Our prediction of fault-controlled He-systems in the Four Corners area is corroborated with high-resolution geophysical data that shows a strong non-random relationship with He-rich occurrences and structural features (faults/intrusions) and historical He-well data (n=94). Based on the distributions of these relationships, we create a regional probabilistic predictive He map to reduce exploration risk. Additional work utilizing soil gas data (n=1974), was used to construct a higher-resolution localized predictive model calibrated with real-world data illustrating areas that are higher-likelihood of containing He-rich gas
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