5 research outputs found

    Extraction of Blood Vessels Geometric Shape Features with Catheter Localization and Geodesic Distance Transform for Right Coronary Artery Detection.

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    X-ray angiography is considered the standard imaging sensory system for diagnosing coronary artery diseases. For automated, accurate diagnosis of such diseases, coronary vessels’ detection from the captured low quality and noisy angiography images is challenging. It is essential to detect the main branch of the coronary artery, to resolve such limitations along with the problems due to the sudden changes in the lumen diameter, and the abrupt changes in local artery direction. Accordingly, this paper solved these limitations by proposing a computer-aided detection system for the right coronary artery (RCA) extraction, where geometric shape features with catheter localization and geodesic distance transform in the angiography images through two parts. In part 1, the captured image was initially preprocessed for contrast enhancement using singular value decomposition-based contrast adjustment, followed by generating the vesselness map using Jerman filter, and for further segmentation the K-means was introduced. Afterward, in part 2, the geometric shape features of the RCA, as well as the skeleton gradient transform, and the start/end points were determined to extract the main blood vessel of the RCA. The analysis of the skeletonize image was performed using Geodesic distance transform to examine all branches starting from the predetermined start point and cover the branching till the predefined end points. A ranking matrix, and the inverse of skeletonization were finally carried out to get the actual main branch. The performance of the proposed system was then evaluated using different evaluation metrics on the angiography images...

    Toward Image-Guided Automated Suture Grasping Under Complex Environments: A Learning-Enabled and Optimization-Based Holistic Framework

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    To realize a higher-level autonomy of surgical knot tying in minimally invasive surgery (MIS), automated suture grasping, which bridges the suture stitching and looping procedures, is an important yet challenging task needs to be achieved. This paper presents a holistic framework with image-guided and automation techniques to robotize this operation even under complex environments. The whole task is initialized by suture segmentation, in which we propose a novel semi-supervised learning architecture featured with a suture-aware loss to pertinently learn its slender information using both annotated and unannotated data. With successful segmentation in stereo-camera, we develop a Sampling-based Sliding Pairing (SSP) algorithm to online optimize the suture's 3D shape. By jointly studying the robotic configuration and the suture's spatial characteristics, a target function is introduced to find the optimal grasping pose of the surgical tool with Remote Center of Motion (RCM) constraints. To compensate for inherent errors and practical uncertainties, a unified grasping strategy with a novel vision-based mechanism is introduced to autonomously accomplish this grasping task. Our framework is extensively evaluated from learning-based segmentation, 3D reconstruction, and image-guided grasping on the da Vinci Research Kit (dVRK) platform, where we achieve high performances and successful rates in perceptions and robotic manipulations. These results prove the feasibility of our approach in automating the suture grasping task, and this work fills the gap between automated surgical stitching and looping, stepping towards a higher-level of task autonomy in surgical knot tying

    Computer Vision Techniques for Transcatheter Intervention

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    Minimally invasive transcatheter technologies have demonstrated substantial promise for the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. For example, TAVI is an alternative to AVR for the treatment of severe aortic stenosis and TAFA is widely used for the treatment and cure of atrial fibrillation. In addition, catheter-based IVUS and OCT imaging of coronary arteries provides important information about the coronary lumen, wall and plaque characteristics. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of these cross-sectional image data will be beneficial for the evaluation and treatment of coronary artery diseases such as atherosclerosis. In all the phases (preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative) during the transcatheter intervention procedure, computer vision techniques (e.g., image segmentation, motion tracking) have been largely applied in the field to accomplish tasks like annulus measurement, valve selection, catheter placement control, and vessel centerline extraction. This provides beneficial guidance for the clinicians in surgical planning, disease diagnosis, and treatment assessment. In this paper, we present a systematical review on these state-of-the-art methods.We aim to give a comprehensive overview for researchers in the area of computer vision on the subject of transcatheter intervention. Research in medical computing is multi-disciplinary due to its nature, and hence it is important to understand the application domain, clinical background, and imaging modality so that methods and quantitative measurements derived from analyzing the imaging data are appropriate and meaningful. We thus provide an overview on background information of transcatheter intervention procedures, as well as a review of the computer vision techniques and methodologies applied in this area