1,901 research outputs found

    Surface Reconstruction from Scattered Point via RBF Interpolation on GPU

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    In this paper we describe a parallel implicit method based on radial basis functions (RBF) for surface reconstruction. The applicability of RBF methods is hindered by its computational demand, that requires the solution of linear systems of size equal to the number of data points. Our reconstruction implementation relies on parallel scientific libraries and is supported for massively multi-core architectures, namely Graphic Processor Units (GPUs). The performance of the proposed method in terms of accuracy of the reconstruction and computing time shows that the RBF interpolant can be very effective for such problem.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:0909.5413 by other author

    Online Tensor Methods for Learning Latent Variable Models

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    We introduce an online tensor decomposition based approach for two latent variable modeling problems namely, (1) community detection, in which we learn the latent communities that the social actors in social networks belong to, and (2) topic modeling, in which we infer hidden topics of text articles. We consider decomposition of moment tensors using stochastic gradient descent. We conduct optimization of multilinear operations in SGD and avoid directly forming the tensors, to save computational and storage costs. We present optimized algorithm in two platforms. Our GPU-based implementation exploits the parallelism of SIMD architectures to allow for maximum speed-up by a careful optimization of storage and data transfer, whereas our CPU-based implementation uses efficient sparse matrix computations and is suitable for large sparse datasets. For the community detection problem, we demonstrate accuracy and computational efficiency on Facebook, Yelp and DBLP datasets, and for the topic modeling problem, we also demonstrate good performance on the New York Times dataset. We compare our results to the state-of-the-art algorithms such as the variational method, and report a gain of accuracy and a gain of several orders of magnitude in the execution time.Comment: JMLR 201

    Architecture--Performance Interrelationship Analysis In Single/Multiple Cpu/Gpu Computing Systems: Application To Composite Process Flow Modeling

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    Current developments in computing have shown the advantage of using one or more Graphic Processing Units (GPU) to boost the performance of many computationally intensive applications but there are still limits to these GPU-enhanced systems. The major factors that contribute to the limitations of GPU(s) for High Performance Computing (HPC) can be categorized as hardware and software oriented in nature. Understanding how these factors affect performance is essential to develop efficient and robust applications codes that employ one or more GPU devices as powerful co-processors for HPC computational modeling. The present work analyzes and understands the intrinsic interrelationship of both hardware and software categories on computational performance for single and multiple GPU-enhanced systems using a computationally intensive application that is representative of a large portion of challenges confronting modern HPC. The representative application uses unstructured finite element computations for transient composite resin infusion process flow modeling as the computational core, characteristics and results of which reflect many other HPC applications via the sparse matrix system used for the solution of linear system of equations. This work describes these various software and hardware factors and how they interact to affect performance of computationally intensive applications enabling more efficient development and porting of High Performance Computing applications that includes current, legacy, and future large scale computational modeling applications in various engineering and scientific disciplines

    A High-Throughput Solver for Marginalized Graph Kernels on GPU

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    We present the design and optimization of a linear solver on General Purpose GPUs for the efficient and high-throughput evaluation of the marginalized graph kernel between pairs of labeled graphs. The solver implements a preconditioned conjugate gradient (PCG) method to compute the solution to a generalized Laplacian equation associated with the tensor product of two graphs. To cope with the gap between the instruction throughput and the memory bandwidth of current generation GPUs, our solver forms the tensor product linear system on-the-fly without storing it in memory when performing matrix-vector dot product operations in PCG. Such on-the-fly computation is accomplished by using threads in a warp to cooperatively stream the adjacency and edge label matrices of individual graphs by small square matrix blocks called tiles, which are then staged in registers and the shared memory for later reuse. Warps across a thread block can further share tiles via the shared memory to increase data reuse. We exploit the sparsity of the graphs hierarchically by storing only non-empty tiles using a coordinate format and nonzero elements within each tile using bitmaps. Besides, we propose a new partition-based reordering algorithm for aggregating nonzero elements of the graphs into fewer but denser tiles to improve the efficiency of the sparse format.We carry out extensive theoretical analyses on the graph tensor product primitives for tiles of various density and evaluate their performance on synthetic and real-world datasets. Our solver delivers three to four orders of magnitude speedup over existing CPU-based solvers such as GraKeL and GraphKernels. The capability of the solver enables kernel-based learning tasks at unprecedented scales
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