2 research outputs found


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    The development of the Earth Gravitational Model 2008 (EGM2008) model is asignificant contribution for modeling the Earth’s gravity and geoid. Recently, it canbe confidently used versus geometric models following a simple refinementprocedure. Several studies show that, EGM2008 can reach the accuracy of regionalor local geoid models after modeling the differences between the GPS-levelinggeoid heights and EGM2008 derived geoid heights at identified control points. Thestudy focuses on a corrector surface fitting (CSF) approach based on radial basisfunctions (RBF) as improvement procedure for EGM2008. A detailed mathematicalmodel and solution algorithm of the proposed model is given, and it has beenapplied in different test areas covering the city borders of Bursa, Konya, Denizli andGaziantep in Turkey. Accuracy of the improved model was evaluated in scatteredcheck points within test regions. The geoid heights of all check points obtained byGPS-leveling measurements were compared with the geoid heights obtained fromimproved model. The discrepancies between the calculated and measured geoidheights were analyzed and discussed

    Improving EGM2008 by GPS and leveling data at local scale

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    The development of the Earth Gravitational Model 2008 (EGM2008) model is a significant contribution for modeling the Earth's gravity and geoid. Recently, it can be confidently used versus geometric models following a simple refinement procedure. Several studies show that, EGM2008 can reach the accuracy of regional or local geoid models after modeling the differences between the GPS-leveling geoid heights and EGM2008 derived geoid heights at identified control points. The study focuses on a corrector surface fitting (CSF) approach based on radial basis functions (RBF) as improvement procedure for EGM2008. A detailed mathematical model and solution algorithm of the proposed model is given, and it has been applied in different test areas covering the city borders of Bursa, Konya, Denizli and Gaziantep in Turkey. Accuracy of the improved model was evaluated in scattered check points within test regions. The geoid heights of all check points obtained by GPS-leveling measurements were compared with the geoid heights obtained from improved model. The discrepancies between the calculated and measured geoid heights were analyzed and discussed