6 research outputs found

    Challenges to Global Implementation of Infrared Thermography Technology: Current Perspective

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    Medical infrared thermography (IT) produces an image of the infrared waves emitted by the human body as part of the thermoregulation process that can vary in intensity based on the health of the person. This review analyzes recent developments in the use of infrared thermography as a screening and diagnostic tool in clinical and nonclinical settings, and identifies possible future routes for improvement of the method. Currently, infrared thermography is not considered to be a fully reliable diagnostic method. If standard infrared protocol is established and a normative database is available, infrared thermography may become a reliable method for detecting inflammatory processes

    Comparação dos efeitos do laser de baixa potência, do gerador de alta frequência e do curativo no tratamento de pacientes com lesão por pressão durante a internação hospitalar : ensaio clínico randomizado

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    Introdução: As lesões por pressão (LP) apresentam alta prevalência hospitalar, sendo importante o tratamento adequado. Porém, são poucos os estudos randomizados que comparam diferentes recursos terapêuticos neste tipo de lesão. Objetivo: Comparar a eficácia do LBP, do AF e do curativo no tratamento de pacientes com LP estágios 2 ou 3 durante o período de internação hospitalar sobre a área, evolução clínica e temperatura da ferida. Métodos: Ensaio clínico randomizado. Foram incluídos pacientes de ambos os gêneros, com presença de LP estágios 2 ou 3. Os pacientes foram randomizados em três grupos: LBP associado ao curativo (GLBP), AF associado ao curativo (GAF) e curativo (GC). Os desfechos analisados foram a área avaliada através de registros fotográficos, a evolução clínica da ferida através da PUSH, e a temperatura através de termografia. O GLBP recebeu aplicação de LBP com comprimento de onda de 658nm, potência de 100mW e dosagem de energia de 3J por ponto. O GAF recebeu aplicação de AF durante 15 minutos. Ambos os grupos receberam a intervenção uma vez ao dia, por sete ou 14 dias. O curativo foi realizado de acordo com o protocolo institucional. Resultados: Vinte e oito pacientes com 37 LPs foram incluídos, oito no GAF (12 LPs), sete no GLBP (oito LPs) e 13 no GC (17 LPs). Foi observado uma redução significativa de 61,6% da área da lesão no GAF entre o basal e o 14ºdia e entre o GAF e o GC (p≤0,05). No escore total da PUSH, foi observado redução significativa de 42,2% no GAF entre o e o 14º dia, redução de 20% entre o basal e o 7º dia, e redução de 28% do 7º para o 14º dia (p≤0,05). Entre os grupos foi observada diferença entre GAF e GC no 7° e 14º dias e entre o GAF e GLBP no 14° dia (p≤0,05). Em relação a temperatura da lesão, foi observado redução na temperatura da área circundante da LP no GAF após sete dias de intervenção. Conclusão: O AF possui efeito benéfico sobre a redução da área e a evolução clínica das LPs após sete e 14 dias de intervenção. Porém, é necessário aumentar o tamanho da amostra para avaliar os reais benefícios dessas terapias.Introduction: Pressure injury (PI) present a high prevalence rate in hospital, and despite the modernization of treatment, there are few randomized clinical trials that evaluate the effects of low level laser therapy (LLT) and the high frequency generator (HF) compared to the curative in the treatment of this type of lesion. Objective: To compare the efficacy of LLT, HF and curative in the treatment of patients with PI in the stages 2 or 3 during hospitalization, about the area, temperature and clinical evolution of the wound. Methods: Randomized clinical trial. Patients of both genders, older than 18 years, with PI stages 2 or 3 were included. Patients were randomized into three groups: curative-associated LLT (GLLT), curative-associated HF (GHF) and curative (GC). The analyzed outcomes were the area evaluated through photographic records, the temperature through thermography and the clinical evolution of the wound through the PUSH. GLLT received LLT application with 658nm wavelength, 3J energy per point. GHF received HF application for 15 minutes. Both groups received the intervention once daily, for seven or fourteen days. The curative was performed according to the institutional protocol. Results: A total of 28 patients with 37 PIs were included, 8 in GHF (12 PIs), 7 in GLLT (8 PIs) and 13 in GC (17 PIs). There was a significant reduction in the GHF about the area (in cm²) by the IMAGE J software analysis, and in the subitems of the PUSH: PUSH area, PUSH area score, PUSH exudate and PUSH total score (p≤0.05). No differences were observed in the other groups. Regarding the temperature of the lesion, there was a reduction in the area surrounding the LI in the GHF after seven days of intervention, without significant changes in the bed and the border of the lesion. Although there was no significant difference, it was observed in the evaluation of the basal moment that measures of temperature of the edge and the bed of the wound were inferior to the temperature evaluated in the area surrounding the LP. Conclusion: HF associated to the curative has a beneficial effect on the reduction of the area and the clinical evolution of PIs after seven and fourteen days of intervention. However, it is necessary to increase the sample size to evaluate the real benefits of these therapies

    Sistema de monitorización para el diagnóstico de enfermedades mamarias, bajo el principio de aumento de temperatura y Machine Learning

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    Diseñar un sistema de monitorización e inspección de enfermedades mamarias, mediante un algoritmo predictivo para contribuir a la estimación de enfermedades mamarias en mujeres en el rango de 20 a 65 añosEl proyecto consiste en el desarrollo de un sistema de monitorización para el diagnóstico de enfermedades mamarias, bajo el principio de aumento de temperatura y machine learning. El sistema se ha diseñado en base a la necesidad de ser un método no invasivo, cómodo y adaptable a la fisonomía femenina para predecir posibles enfermedades mamarias mediante el uso de un método de inteligencia artificial. Se utiliza un algoritmo KNN y una red de sensores infrarrojos estratégicamente ubicados en una estructura análoga a la copa de un sujetador. Además, todo el sistema se basa en una plataforma embebida Arduino Nano para garantizar la portabilidad del prototipo. El dispositivo mencionado se basa en la termografía mamaria, que es una técnica de imagen no invasiva que utiliza la detección de la radiación infrarroja emitida por la piel para medir la temperatura de la superficie de la mama. La termografía mamaria se ha utilizado como una técnica de detección temprana en mujeres con alto riesgo de desarrollar cáncer de mama, o como complemento a la mamografía en mujeres con mamas densas o con implantes mamarios.Ingenierí

    The role of infrared thermal imaging in the assessment of chronic midportion Achilles tendinopathy

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    Infrared thermal imaging cameras (IRC) are non-contact devices that allow the capture of radiation presented in the form of colour-coded images, therefore they may provide an effective method of assessment for chronic midportion Achilles tendinopathy. Some of the features of the condition point towards regional heat change and could be reflected through surface skin temperature (TSK) change.This thesis firstly investigated the methodological aspects of IRC’s and created a robust method of Achilles tendon (AT) assessment (chapter 3). The first experimental study (chapter 4) assessed the baseline differences in TSK of the AT midportion in symptomatic (SX) and asymptomatic (ASX) individuals. It was found that no differences existed between the two. There were no differences between the symptomatic AT’s (SX_AT) or ASX AT’s (ASX_AT) or between the left and right limbs of control participants. Chapter 5 assessed the TSK responses of SX and ASX individuals in response to a 15-minute treadmill running task. Significant TSK elevations were found in all groups following the task, with the control group presenting with statistically significantly hotter absolute TSK values compared to the SX_AT and the ASX_AT groups. The SX participants then completed a 12-week heavy slow resistance (HSR) rehabilitation programme before conducting a repeat of the running task. No significant differences were found between the SX_AT and the control AT’s which appeared to show a normalisation of TSK response. Significant differences still existed between the ASX_AT’s and the control group. The 12-week HSR programme resulted in significant improvement in symptom scores in SX individuals. Chapter 6 assessed the TSK responses of SX and ASX individuals to a single leg hopping (SLH) task. Statistically insignificant TSK decreases were seen post-SLH task and there were no significant differences between groups. There were statistically significant between-group differences in some kinematic and kinetic variables associated with SLH. The SX participants then underwent a 12-week HSR rehabilitation programme before conducting a repeat of the SLH task. There were no between-group differences in TSK or kinematic or kinetic variables. There were statistically significant improvements in symptom, effort and pain scores following the 12-week HSR programme. Overall, this thesis demonstrated that the FLIR ONE is an acceptable objective measurement tool for the assessment of TSK. Some thermal responses to loading tasks were noted in the midportion of the AT in those suffering from chronic midportion Achilles tendinopathy, however the lack of differences between SX and ASX ATs meant that it would be difficult to objectively measure the progress of pathology based on TSK. Due to the success in detecting some thermal responses from the chronic AT, the tool may be used at other joints for the assessment of more reactive or acute pathologies that may display greater regional heat change, however, this warrants further investigation. HSR rehabilitation has proved successful for the management of chronic midportion Achilles tendinopathy alongside normal recreational running training regimes. Key words: Achilles Tendon; Achilles tendinopathy; Infrared thermal imaging; Heavy slow resistanc