1,085 research outputs found

    On barrier and modified barrier multigrid methods for 3d topology optimization

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    One of the challenges encountered in optimization of mechanical structures, in particular in what is known as topology optimization, is the size of the problems, which can easily involve millions of variables. A basic example is the minimum compliance formulation of the variable thickness sheet (VTS) problem, which is equivalent to a convex problem. We propose to solve the VTS problem by the Penalty-Barrier Multiplier (PBM) method, introduced by R.\ Polyak and later studied by Ben-Tal and Zibulevsky and others. The most computationally expensive part of the algorithm is the solution of linear systems arising from the Newton method used to minimize a generalized augmented Lagrangian. We use a special structure of the Hessian of this Lagrangian to reduce the size of the linear system and to convert it to a form suitable for a standard multigrid method. This converted system is solved approximately by a multigrid preconditioned MINRES method. The proposed PBM algorithm is compared with the optimality criteria (OC) method and an interior point (IP) method, both using a similar iterative solver setup. We apply all three methods to different loading scenarios. In our experiments, the PBM method clearly outperforms the other methods in terms of computation time required to achieve a certain degree of accuracy

    A rational deferred correction approach to parabolic optimal control problems

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    The accurate and efficient solution of time-dependent PDE-constrained optimization problems is a challenging task, in large part due to the very high dimension of the matrix systems that need to be solved. We devise a new deferred correction method for coupled systems of time-dependent PDEs, allowing one to iteratively improve the accuracy of low-order time stepping schemes. We consider two variants of our method, a splitting and a coupling version, and analyze their convergence properties. We then test our approach on a number of PDE-constrained optimization problems. We obtain solution accuracies far superior to that achieved when solving a single discretized problem, in particular in cases where the accuracy is limited by the time discretization. Our approach allows for the direct reuse of existing solvers for the resulting matrix systems, as well as state-of-the-art preconditioning strategies

    A Multigrid Method for the Efficient Numerical Solution of Optimization Problems Constrained by Partial Differential Equations

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    We study the minimization of a quadratic functional subject to constraints given by a linear or semilinear elliptic partial differential equation with distributed control. Further, pointwise inequality constraints on the control are accounted for. In the linear-quadratic case, the discretized optimality conditions yield a large, sparse, and indefinite system with saddle point structure. One main contribution of this thesis consists in devising a coupled multigrid solver which avoids full constraint elimination. To this end, we define a smoothing iteration incorporating elements from constraint preconditioning. A local mode analysis shows that for discrete optimality systems, we can expect smoothing rates close to those obtained with respect to the underlying constraint PDE. Our numerical experiments include problems with constraints where standard pointwise smoothing is known to fail for the underlying PDE. In particular, we consider anisotropic diffusion and convection-diffusion problems. The framework of our method allows to include line smoothers or ILU-factorizations, which are suitable for such problems. In all cases, numerical experiments show that convergence rates do not depend on the mesh size of the finest level and discrete optimality systems can be solved with a small multiple of the computational cost which is required to solve the underlying constraint PDE. Employing the full multigrid approach, the computational cost is proportional to the number of unknowns on the finest grid level. We discuss the role of the regularization parameter in the cost functional and show that the convergence rates are robust with respect to both the fine grid mesh size and the regularization parameter under a mild restriction on the next to coarsest mesh size. Incorporating spectral filtering for the reduced Hessian in the control smoothing step allows us to weaken the mesh size restriction. As a result, problems with near-vanishing regularization parameter can be treated efficiently with a negligible amount of additional computational work. For fine discretizations, robust convergence is obtained with rates which are independent of the regularization parameter, the coarsest mesh size, and the number of levels. In order to treat linear-quadratic problems with pointwise inequality constraints on the control, the multigrid approach is modified to solve subproblems generated by a primal-dual active set strategy (PDAS). Numerical experiments demonstrate the high efficiency of this approach due to mesh-independent convergence of both the outer PDAS method and the inner multigrid solver. The PDAS-multigrid method is incorporated in the sequential quadratic programming (SQP) framework. Inexact Newton techniques further enhance the computational efficiency. Globalization is implemented with a line search based on the augmented Lagrangian merit function. Numerical experiments highlight the efficiency of the resulting SQP-multigrid approach. In all cases, locally superlinear convergence of the SQP method is observed. In combination with the mesh-independent convergence rate of the inner solver, a solution method with optimal efficiency is obtained

    Convergence and Optimality of Adaptive Mixed Finite Element Methods

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    The convergence and optimality of adaptive mixed finite element methods for the Poisson equation are established in this paper. The main difficulty for mixed finite element methods is the lack of minimization principle and thus the failure of orthogonality. A quasi-orthogonality property is proved using the fact that the error is orthogonal to the divergence free subspace, while the part of the error that is not divergence free can be bounded by the data oscillation using a discrete stability result. This discrete stability result is also used to get a localized discrete upper bound which is crucial for the proof of the optimality of the adaptive approximation

    Preconditioning iterative methods for the optimal control of the Stokes equation

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    Solving problems regarding the optimal control of partial differential equations (PDEs) – also known as PDE-constrained optimization – is a frontier area of numerical analysis. Of particular interest is the problem of flow control, where one would like to effect some desired flow by exerting, for example, an external force. The bottleneck in many current algorithms is the solution of the optimality system – a system of equations in saddle point form that is usually very large and ill-conditioned. In this paper we describe two preconditioners – a block-diagonal preconditioner for the minimal residual method and a block-lower triangular preconditioner for a non-standard conjugate gradient method – which can be effective when applied to such problems where the PDEs are the Stokes equations. We consider only distributed control here, although other problems – for example boundary control – could be treated in the same way. We give numerical results, and compare these with those obtained by solving the equivalent forward problem using similar technique
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