513 research outputs found

    Accumulating regional density dissimilarity for concept drift detection in data streams

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    © 2017 Elsevier Ltd In a non-stationary environment, newly received data may have different knowledge patterns from the data used to train learning models. As time passes, a learning model's performance may become increasingly unreliable. This problem is known as concept drift and is a common issue in real-world domains. Concept drift detection has attracted increasing attention in recent years. However, very few existing methods pay attention to small regional drifts, and their accuracy may vary due to differing statistical significance tests. This paper presents a novel concept drift detection method, based on regional-density estimation, named nearest neighbor-based density variation identification (NN-DVI). It consists of three components. The first is a k-nearest neighbor-based space-partitioning schema (NNPS), which transforms unmeasurable discrete data instances into a set of shared subspaces for density estimation. The second is a distance function that accumulates the density discrepancies in these subspaces and quantifies the overall differences. The third component is a tailored statistical significance test by which the confidence interval of a concept drift can be accurately determined. The distance applied in NN-DVI is sensitive to regional drift and has been proven to follow a normal distribution. As a result, the NN-DVI's accuracy and false-alarm rate are statistically guaranteed. Additionally, several benchmarks have been used to evaluate the method, including both synthetic and real-world datasets. The overall results show that NN-DVI has better performance in terms of addressing problems related to concept drift-detection

    Autonomous Deep Learning: Continual Learning Approach for Dynamic Environments

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    The feasibility of deep neural networks (DNNs) to address data stream problems still requires intensive study because of the static and offline nature of conventional deep learning approaches. A deep continual learning algorithm, namely autonomous deep learning (ADL), is proposed in this paper. Unlike traditional deep learning methods, ADL features a flexible structure where its network structure can be constructed from scratch with the absence of an initial network structure via the self-constructing network structure. ADL specifically addresses catastrophic forgetting by having a different-depth structure which is capable of achieving a trade-off between plasticity and stability. Network significance (NS) formula is proposed to drive the hidden nodes growing and pruning mechanism. Drift detection scenario (DDS) is put forward to signal distributional changes in data streams which induce the creation of a new hidden layer. The maximum information compression index (MICI) method plays an important role as a complexity reduction module eliminating redundant layers. The efficacy of ADL is numerically validated under the prequential test-then-train procedure in lifelong environments using nine popular data stream problems. The numerical results demonstrate that ADL consistently outperforms recent continual learning methods while characterizing the automatic construction of network structures

    Frouros: A Python library for drift detection in machine learning systems

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    Frouros is an open-source Python library capable of detecting drift in machine learning systems. It provides a combination of classical and more recent algorithms for drift detection: both concept and data drift. We have designed it with the objective of making it compatible with any machine learning framework and easily adaptable to real-world use cases. The library is developed following a set of best development and continuous integration practices to ensure ease of maintenance and extensibility. The source code is available at https://github.com/IFCA/frouros.Comment: 11 pages, 1 tabl

    Concept drift adaptation for learning with streaming data

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    University of Technology Sydney. Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology.The term concept drift refers to the change of distribution underlying the data. It is an inherent property of evolving data streams. Concept drift detection and adaptation has been considered an important component of learning under evolving data streams and has attracted increasing attention in recent years. According to the existing literature, the most commonly used definition of concept drift is constrained to discrete feature space. The categorization of concept drift is complicated and has limited contribution to solving concept drift problems. As a result, there is a gap to uniformly describe concept drift for both discrete and continuous feature space, and to be a guideline to addressing the root causes of concept drift. The objective of existing concept drift handling methods mainly focuses on identifying when is the best time to intercept training samples from data streams to construct the cleanest concept. Most only consider concept drift as a time-related distribution change, and are disinterested in the spatial information related to the drift. As a result, if a drift detection or adaptation method does not have spatial information regarding the drift regions, it can only update learning models or their training dataset in terms of time-related information, which may result in an incomplete model update or unnecessary training data reduction. In particular, if a false alarm is raised, updating the entire training set is costly and may degrade the overall performance of the learners. For the same reason, any regional drifts, before becoming globally significant, will not trigger the adaptation process and will result in a delay in the drift detection process. These disadvantages limit the accuracy of machine learning under evolving data streams. To better address concept drift problems, this thesis proposes a novel Regional Drift Adaptation (RDA) framework that introduces spatial-related information into concept drift detection and adaptation. In other words, RDA-based algorithms consider both time-related and spatial information for concept drift handling (concept drift handling includes both drift detection and adaptation). In this thesis, a formal definition of regional drift is given which has theoretically proved that any types of concept drift can be represented as a set of regional drifts. According to these findings, a series of regional drift-oriented drift adaptation algorithms have been developed, including the Nearest Neighbor-based Density Variation Identification (NN-DVI) algorithm which focuses on improving concept drift detection accuracy, the Local Drift Degree-based Density Synchronization Drift Adaptation (LDD-DSDA) algorithm which focuses on boosting the performance of learners with concept drift adaptation, and the online Regional Drift Adaptation (online-RDA) algorithm which incrementally solves concept drift problems quickly and with limited storage requirements. Finally, an extensive evaluation on various benchmarks, consisting of both synthetic and real-world data streams, was conducted. The competitive results underline the effectiveness of RDA in relation to concept drift handling. To conclude, this thesis targets an urgent issue in modern machine learning research. The approach taken in the thesis of building regional concept drift detection and adaptation system is novel. There has previously been no systematic study on handling concept drift from spatial prespective. The findings of this thesis contribute to both scientific research and practical applications

    A Comprehensive Review of Machine Learning Advances on Data Change: A Cross-Field Perspective

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    Recent artificial intelligence (AI) technologies show remarkable evolution in various academic fields and industries. However, in the real world, dynamic data lead to principal challenges for deploying AI models. An unexpected data change brings about severe performance degradation in AI models. We identify two major related research fields, domain shift and concept drift according to the setting of the data change. Although these two popular research fields aim to solve distribution shift and non-stationary data stream problems, the underlying properties remain similar which also encourages similar technical approaches. In this review, we regroup domain shift and concept drift into a single research problem, namely the data change problem, with a systematic overview of state-of-the-art methods in the two research fields. We propose a three-phase problem categorization scheme to link the key ideas in the two technical fields. We thus provide a novel scope for researchers to explore contemporary technical strategies, learn industrial applications, and identify future directions for addressing data change challenges

    Solving the challenges of concept drift in data stream classification.

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    The rise of network connected devices and applications leads to a significant increase in the volume of data that are continuously generated overtime time, called data streams. In real world applications, storing the entirety of a data stream for analyzing later is often not practical, due to the data stream’s potentially infinite volume. Data stream mining techniques and frameworks are therefore created to analyze streaming data as they arrive. However, compared to traditional data mining techniques, challenges unique to data stream mining also emerge, due to the high arrival rate of data streams and their dynamic nature. In this dissertation, an array of techniques and frameworks are presented to improve the solutions on some of the challenges. First, this dissertation acknowledges that a “no free lunch” theorem exists for data stream mining, where no silver bullet solution can solve all problems of data stream mining. The dissertation focuses on detection of changes of data distribution in data stream mining. These changes are called concept drift. Concept drift can be categorized into many types. A detection algorithm often works only on some types of drift, but not all of them. Because of this, the dissertation finds specific techniques to solve specific challenges, instead of looking for a general solution. Then, this dissertation considers improving solutions for the challenges of high arrival rate of data streams. Data stream mining frameworks often need to process vast among of data samples in limited time. Some data mining activities, notably data sample labeling for classification, are too costly or too slow in such large scale. This dissertation presents two techniques that reduce the amount of labeling needed for data stream classification. The first technique presents a grid-based label selection process that apply to highly imbalanced data streams. Such data streams have one class of data samples vastly outnumber another class. Many majority class samples need to be labeled before a minority class sample can be found due to the imbalance. The presented technique divides the data samples into groups, called grids, and actively search for minority class samples that are close by within a grid. Experiment results show the technique can reduce the total number of data samples needed to be labeled. The second technique presents a smart preprocessing technique that reduce the number of times a new learning model needs to be trained due to concept drift. Less model training means less data labels required, and thus costs less. Experiment results show that in some cases the reduced performance of learning models is the result of improper preprocessing of the data, not due to concept drift. By adapting preprocessing to the changes in data streams, models can retain high performance without retraining. Acknowledging the high cost of labeling, the dissertation then considers the scenario where labels are unavailable when needed. The framework Sliding Reservoir Approach for Delayed Labeling (SRADL) is presented to explore solutions to such problem. SRADL tries to solve the delayed labeling problem where concept drift occurs, and no labels are immediately available. SRADL uses semi-supervised learning by employing a sliding windowed approach to store historical data, which is combined with newly unlabeled data to train new models. Experiments show that SRADL perform well in some cases of delayed labeling. Next, the dissertation considers improving solutions for the challenge of dynamism within data streams, most notably concept drift. The complex nature of concept drift means that most existing detection algorithms can only detect limited types of concept drift. To detect more types of concept drift, an ensemble approach that employs various algorithms, called Heuristic Ensemble Framework for Concept Drift Detection (HEFDD), is presented. The occurrence of each type of concept drift is voted on by the detection results of each algorithm in the ensemble. Types of concept drift with votes past majority are then declared detected. Experiment results show that HEFDD is able to improve detection accuracy significantly while reducing false positives. With the ability to detect various types of concept drift provided by HEFDD, the dissertation tries to improve the delayed labeling framework SRADL. A new combined framework, SRADL-HEFDD is presented, which produces synthetic labels to handle the unavailability of labels by human expert. SRADL-HEFDD employs different synthetic labeling techniques based on different types of drift detected by HEFDD. Experimental results show that comparing to the default SRADL, the combined framework improves prediction performance when small amount of labeled samples is available. Finally, as machine learning applications are increasingly used in critical domains such as medical diagnostics, accountability, explainability and interpretability of machine learning algorithms needs to be considered. Explainable machine learning aims to use a white box approach for data analytics, which enables learning models to be explained and interpreted by human users. However, few studies have been done on explaining what has changed in a dynamic data stream environment. This dissertation thus presents Data Stream Explainability (DSE) framework. DSE visualizes changes in data distribution and model classification boundaries between chunks of streaming data. The visualizations can then be used by a data mining researcher to generate explanations of what has changed within the data stream. To show that DSE can help average users understand data stream mining better, a survey was conducted with an expert group and a non-expert group of users. Results show DSE can reduce the gap of understanding what changed in data stream mining between the two groups

    Continual learning from stationary and non-stationary data

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    Continual learning aims at developing models that are capable of working on constantly evolving problems over a long-time horizon. In such environments, we can distinguish three essential aspects of training and maintaining machine learning models - incorporating new knowledge, retaining it and reacting to changes. Each of them poses its own challenges, constituting a compound problem with multiple goals. Remembering previously incorporated concepts is the main property of a model that is required when dealing with stationary distributions. In non-stationary environments, models should be capable of selectively forgetting outdated decision boundaries and adapting to new concepts. Finally, a significant difficulty can be found in combining these two abilities within a single learning algorithm, since, in such scenarios, we have to balance remembering and forgetting instead of focusing only on one aspect. The presented dissertation addressed these problems in an exploratory way. Its main goal was to grasp the continual learning paradigm as a whole, analyze its different branches and tackle identified issues covering various aspects of learning from sequentially incoming data. By doing so, this work not only filled several gaps in the current continual learning research but also emphasized the complexity and diversity of challenges existing in this domain. Comprehensive experiments conducted for all of the presented contributions have demonstrated their effectiveness and substantiated the validity of the stated claims