7 research outputs found

    Cradle to Cradle for End-user Computing Devices in Business

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    Whilst computers can and do contribute significantly to improving our use of sustainable materials and practices, computers themselves are responsible for the consumption of large amounts of such resources contributing extensively to hazardous waste. The aim of this study is to develop a model to collect data on an organisations specific approach to implementing several types of end-user computing devices, which through key lifecycle stages of each device and, through comparison with a set of benchmarks, will identify areas where the organisation might improve its performance. The key objective will be to analyse the implementation of this model within a number of organisations and identify, through feedback gained from each organisation, whether there has been a net gain in understanding, policy, culture or practice following the implementation

    Aplikasi teknologi ICT hijau di pejabat

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    Teknologi ICT hijau merupakan program mesra alam yang berkaitan dengan kepenggunaan peralatan ICT secara efisien di pejabat.Pada masa kini kajian terhadap aplikasi teknologi ICT hijau di sektor perkhidmatan awam amat kurang diberi perhatian berbanding di sektor swasta.Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji tahap pengetahuan di kalangan pekerja tentang kepentingan untuk mengaplikasikan teknologi ICT hijau di pejabat.Dapatan kajian menggunakan temubual secara bersemuka bersama 36 responden dari tiga buah institusi pengajian tinggi awam. Secara keseluruhan, dapatan kajian menunjukkan 54% responden mempraktiskan prosedur teknologi ICT hijau manakala 46% responden tidak mempraktiskannya walaupun secara umumnya mereka mengetahui bahawa institusi mereka mempunyai prosedur untuk mengaplikasi kaedah tersebut. Oleh itu kajian ini menyarankan agar agensi yang berwajib khasnya Kementerian Tenaga, Teknologi Hijau dan Air menjalankan promosi secara intensif ke seluruh sektor awam agar dapat mengurangkan kepenggunaan tenaga dan kos operasi serta dapat menangani isu dunia seperti pemanasan global dan pelepasan berlebihan CO2

    Green inter-cluster interference management in uplink of multi-cell processing systems

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    This paper examines the uplink of cellular systems employing base station cooperation for joint signal processing. We consider clustered cooperation and investigate effective techniques for managing inter-cluster interference to improve users' performance in terms of both spectral and energy efficiency. We use information theoretic analysis to establish general closed form expressions for the system achievable sum rate and the users' Bit-per-Joule capacity while adopting a realistic user device power consumption model. Two main inter-cluster interference management approaches are identified and studied, i.e., through: 1) spectrum re-use; and 2) users' power control. For the former case, we show that isolating clusters by orthogonal resource allocation is the best strategy. For the latter case, we introduce a mathematically tractable user power control scheme and observe that a green opportunistic transmission strategy can significantly reduce the adverse effects of inter-cluster interference while exploiting the benefits from cooperation. To compare the different approaches in the context of real-world systems and evaluate the effect of key design parameters on the users' energy-spectral efficiency relationship, we fit the analytical expressions into a practical macrocell scenario. Our results demonstrate that significant improvement in terms of both energy and spectral efficiency can be achieved by energy-aware interference management

    Green IT - available data and guidelines for reducing energy consumption in IT Systems

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    Nowadays saving energy is an interdisciplinary key challenge. Green IT deals with saving energy in IT systems, and is rapidly gaining momentum. Hardware manufacturers and designers have first considered the problem, in the field of IT, but recently software energy efficiency gathered the interest of industry and academic research. In this paper we aim at summarizing the available knowledge in Green IT. In particular we: • Introduce a taxonomy of concepts related to energy and IT. • Present recent data on energy consumption trends organized according to the taxonomy. • Present some guidelines to write energy efficient software organized according to the taxonomy. • Underline what is missing and what should be done in future research

    Energy Consumption Comparison Between Macro-Micro and Public Femto Deployment in a Plausible LTE Network

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    We study the energy consumptions of two strategies that increase the capacity of an LTE network: (1) the deployment of redundant macro and micro base stations by the operator at locations where the traffic is high, and (2) the deployment of publicly accessible femto base stations by home users. Previous studies show the deployment of publicly accessible residential femto base stations is considerably more energy efficient; however, the results are proposed using an abstracted model of LTE networks, where the coverage constraint was neglected in the study, as well as some other important physical and traffic layer specifications of LTE networks. We study a realistic scenario where coverage is provided by a set of non-redundant macro-micro base stations and additional capacity is provided by redundant macro-micro base stations or by femto base stations. We quantify the energy consumption of macro-micro and femto deployment strategies by using a simulation of a plausible LTE deployment in a mid-size metropolitan area, based on data obtained from an operator and using detailed models of heterogeneous devices, traffic, and physical layers. The metrics of interest are operator-energy-consumption/total-energy-consumption per unit of network capacity. For the scenarios we studied, we observe the following: (1) There is no significant difference between operator energy consumption of femto and macro-micro deployment strategies. From the point of view of society, i.e. total energy consumption, macro-micro deployment is even more energy efficient in some cases. This differs from the previous findings, which compared the energy consumption of femto and macro-micro deployment strategies, and found that femto deployment is considerably more energy efficient. (2) The deployment of femto base stations has a positive effect on mobile-terminal energy consumption; however, it is not significant compared to the macro-micro deployment strategy. (3) The energy saving that could be obtained by making macro and micro base stations more energy proportional is much higher than that of femto deployment