24,581 research outputs found

    Online Product Quantization

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    Approximate nearest neighbor (ANN) search has achieved great success in many tasks. However, existing popular methods for ANN search, such as hashing and quantization methods, are designed for static databases only. They cannot handle well the database with data distribution evolving dynamically, due to the high computational effort for retraining the model based on the new database. In this paper, we address the problem by developing an online product quantization (online PQ) model and incrementally updating the quantization codebook that accommodates to the incoming streaming data. Moreover, to further alleviate the issue of large scale computation for the online PQ update, we design two budget constraints for the model to update partial PQ codebook instead of all. We derive a loss bound which guarantees the performance of our online PQ model. Furthermore, we develop an online PQ model over a sliding window with both data insertion and deletion supported, to reflect the real-time behaviour of the data. The experiments demonstrate that our online PQ model is both time-efficient and effective for ANN search in dynamic large scale databases compared with baseline methods and the idea of partial PQ codebook update further reduces the update cost.Comment: To appear in IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (DOI: 10.1109/TKDE.2018.2817526

    Crisis translation: considering language needs in multilingual disaster settings

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    Purpose: The purpose of this conceptual paper is to highlight the role that language translation can play in disaster prevention and management and to make the case for increased attention to language translation in crisis communication. Approach: The article draws on literature relating to disaster management to suggest that translation is a perennial issue in crisis communication. Findings: Although communication with multicultural and multilinguistic communities is seen as being in urgent need of attention, we find that the role of translation in enabling this is underestimated, if not unrecognised. Value: This article raises awareness of the need for urgent attention to be given by scholars and practitioners to the role of translation in crisis communication

    Fintech and Secured Transactions Systems of the Future

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    Syftet med den hÀr studien var att undersöka hur pedagoger tÀnker kring sitt förhÄllningssÀtt i konflikter och vilka effekter de tror att förhÄllningssÀttet kan fÄ i barngruppen. Studiens metod har varit kvalitativa intervjuer dÀr sex pedagoger frÄn olika förskolor har deltagit. Resultatet visade att deltagarna hela tiden reflekterar över sitt förhÄllningssÀtt till konflikter och varför konflikter uppstÄr. NÄgot som alla deltagare belyste var att det Àr viktigt att barnen ges verktyg för att klara konflikter sjÀlva. Flera olika strategier kunde ses pÄ hur konflikthantering gÄr till men mycket handlar om bemötande, förklaringar och att alla i slutÀndan ska kÀnna sig nöjda. Alla deltagande ansÄg att konflikter Àr lÀrande men pÄ olika plan. Bland annat handlar det om ett lÀrande utifrÄn den gemensamma respekt man bör ha mot varandra men Àven det sociala samspelet nÀmns. De slutsatser som kan dras Àr att konflikthantering i förskolan Àr en viktig del dÀr pedagogens förhÄllningssÀtt pÄverkar konfliktens utgÄng. Att ge barnen verktyg för att klara konflikter sjÀlva ses som en bra start och en central del i konflikthantering hos deltagarna

    Fintech and Secured Transactions Systems of the Future

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    Web 2.0 Projects at Warwick University Library

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    About 2 years ago at Warwick our senior managers encouraged Academic Support staff to really explore web 2.0 technologies and find out if anything particularly lent itself to supporting library work or marketing. We were given free reign to find out what worked and what suited the library, and what didn’t. The following brief overviews cover only four of the projects that have been running since then. We have also investigated much more, including Twitter, Google Documents, wiki reading lists, You-Tube and more, but we couldn’t possibly fit it all in here. The brief articles below are just to give a taste of the kind of projects we have worked on. There are many more members of staff involved and many more web 2.0 adventures underway..

    The Value of Long-Term Climate Forecast Information in Weather Index Insurance

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    In the paper, preliminary results of the analysis of potential use of climate forecast information in designing rainfall index insurance in the southeastern region of the U.S. are reported. Joint distributions of bi-monthly rainfall and El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) indexes are estimated using copula analysis of historical data. The risk reducing effectiveness of introducing premiums conditional on ENSO forecast is evaluated. The results indicate some dependence of the downward volatility of rainfall on the lagged ENSO (forecast) index, particularly in the coastal areas and in the late winter and spring.Environmental Economics and Policy, Q14, Q54,

    Designing Rainfall Insurance Contracts for Pasture, Rangeland, and Forage

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    In the paper, preliminary results of the analysis of potential use of climate forecast information in designing rainfall index insurance in the southeastern region of the U.S. are reported. Joint distributions of bi-monthly rainfall and El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) indexes are estimated using copula analysis of historical data. The risk reducing effectiveness of introducing premiums conditional on ENSO forecast is evaluated. The results indicate some dependence of the downward volatility of rainfall on the lagged ENSO (forecast) index, particularly in the coastal areas and in the late winter and spring.rainfall index insurance, ENSO, copulas, Agricultural Finance, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods, Risk and Uncertainty, Q14, Q54,

    Information commons planning: Strategic and operational considerations

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    This session will introduce you to planning issues and operational elements that you will need to consider when implementing an Information Commons. The planning process, service models, collaboration issues and relationship building will be discussed in context of a case study of the University of Auckland Library’s Information Commons Group. The Information Commons Group consists of the large purpose built Kate Edger Information Commons (established in 2003) on the City Campus, the smaller Grafton Information Commons (established in 2004) on the Medical Campus and the library-based Epsom Information Commons (established in 2006) on the Education Campus. The group comprises three models of co-location, collaboration, integration and innovation successfully operating within the same IT, service and staffing infrastructure. These student-centered learning facilities provide proactive integrated learning support in a collaborative, interdisciplinary physical and virtual learning environment

    Atomic: an open-source software platform for multi-level corpus annotation

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    This paper presents Atomic, an open-source platform-independent desktop application for multi-level corpus annotation. Atomic aims at providing the linguistic community with a user-friendly annotation tool and sustainable platform through its focus on extensibility, a generic data model, and compatibility with existing linguistic formats. It is implemented on top of the Eclipse Rich Client Platform, a pluggable Java-based framework for creating client applications. Atomic - as a set of plug-ins for this framework - integrates with the platform and allows other researchers to develop and integrate further extensions to the software as needed. The generic graph-based meta model Salt serves as Atomic’s domain model and allows for unlimited annotation levels and types. Salt is also used as an intermediate model in the Pepper framework for conversion of linguistic data, which is fully integrated into Atomic, making the latter compatible with a wide range of linguistic formats. Atomic provides tools for both less experienced and expert annotators: graphical, mouse-driven editors and a command-line data manipulation language for rapid annotation
