13,328 research outputs found

    Operations management system

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    The objective of an operations management system is to provide an orderly and efficient method to operate and maintain aerospace vehicles. Concepts are described for an operations management system and the key technologies are highlighted which will be required if this capability is brought to fruition. Without this automation and decision aiding capability, the growing complexity of avionics will result in an unmanageable workload for the operator, ultimately threatening mission success or survivability of the aircraft or space system. The key technologies include expert system application to operational tasks such as replanning, equipment diagnostics and checkout, global system management, and advanced man machine interfaces. The economical development of operations management systems, which are largely software, will require advancements in other technological areas such as software engineering and computer hardware

    CLE in Pennsylvania: From Growing Pains to Growing Gains

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    The Factory of the Future

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    A brief history of aircraft production techniques is given. A flexible machining cell is then described. It is a computer controlled system capable of performing 4-axis machining part cleaning, dimensional inspection and materials handling functions in an unmanned environment. The cell was designed to: allow processing of similar and dissimilar parts in random order without disrupting production; allow serial (one-shipset-at-a-time) manufacturing; reduce work-in-process inventory; maximize machine utilization through remote set-up; maximize throughput and minimize labor

    Prohibited Floor Trading Activities Under the Commodity Exchange Act

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    In algorithmic graph theory, a classic open question is to determine the complexity of the Maximum Independent Set problem on Pt -free graphs, that is, on graphs not containing any induced path on t vertices. So far, polynomial-time algorithms are known only for t≤5 (Lokshtanov et al., in: Proceedings of the twenty-fifth annual ACM-SIAM symposium on discrete algorithms, SODA 2014, Portland, OR, USA, January 5–7, 2014, pp 570–581, 2014), and an algorithm for t=6 announced recently (Grzesik et al. in Polynomial-time algorithm for maximum weight independent set on P6 -free graphs. CoRR, arXiv:1707.05491, 2017). Here we study the existence of subexponential-time algorithms for the problem: we show that for any t≥1 , there is an algorithm for Maximum Independent Set on Pt -free graphs whose running time is subexponential in the number of vertices. Even for the weighted version MWIS, the problem is solvable in 2O(tnlogn√) time on Pt -free graphs. For approximation of MIS in broom-free graphs, a similar time bound is proved. Scattered Set is the generalization of Maximum Independent Set where the vertices of the solution are required to be at distance at least d from each other. We give a complete characterization of those graphs H for which d-Scattered Set on H-free graphs can be solved in time subexponential in the size of the input (that is, in the number of vertices plus the number of edges): If every component of H is a path, then d-Scattered Set on H-free graphs with n vertices and m edges can be solved in time 2O(|V(H)|n+m√log(n+m)) , even if d is part of the input. Otherwise, assuming the Exponential-Time Hypothesis (ETH), there is no 2o(n+m) -time algorithm for d-Scattered Set for any fixed d≥3 on H-free graphs with n-vertices and m-edges

    NASA Center for Intelligent Robotic Systems for Space Exploration

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    NASA's program for the civilian exploration of space is a challenge to scientists and engineers to help maintain and further develop the United States' position of leadership in a focused sphere of space activity. Such an ambitious plan requires the contribution and further development of many scientific and technological fields. One research area essential for the success of these space exploration programs is Intelligent Robotic Systems. These systems represent a class of autonomous and semi-autonomous machines that can perform human-like functions with or without human interaction. They are fundamental for activities too hazardous for humans or too distant or complex for remote telemanipulation. To meet this challenge, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) has established an Engineering Research Center for Intelligent Robotic Systems for Space Exploration (CIRSSE). The Center was created with a five year $5.5 million grant from NASA submitted by a team of the Robotics and Automation Laboratories. The Robotics and Automation Laboratories of RPI are the result of the merger of the Robotics and Automation Laboratory of the Department of Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering (ECSE) and the Research Laboratory for Kinematics and Robotic Mechanisms of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering, and Mechanics (ME,AE,&M), in 1987. This report is an examination of the activities that are centered at CIRSSE

    Workplace Accommodations for People Living with Multiple Sclerosis

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    This brochure is one of a series on human resources practices and workplace accommodations for persons with disabilities edited by Susanne M. Bruyère, Ph.D., CRC, Director, Employment and Disability Institute, Cornell University ILR School. This brochure was developed in 2001 for Cornell University by Kurt L. Johnson, Ph.D., CRC., co-Principal Investigator for the University of Washington Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Multiple Sclerosis. He reviewed and updated it in 2010. It recieved legal review in in 2011 by Beth Reiter, an independent legal consultant, Ithaca, N.Y., with assistance from Sara Furguson, a Cornell University Employment and Disability Institute student research assistant

    Functional design for operational earth resources ground data processing

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Study emphasis was on developing a unified concept for the required ground system, capable of handling data from all viable acquisition platforms and sensor groupings envisaged as supporting operational earth survey programs. The platforms considered include both manned and unmanned spacecraft in near earth orbit, and continued use of low and high altitude aircraft. The sensor systems include both imaging and nonimaging devices, operated both passively and actively, from the ultraviolet to the microwave regions of the electromagnetic spectrum

    A development framework for artificial intelligence based distributed operations support systems

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    Advanced automation is required to reduce costly human operations support requirements for complex space-based and ground control systems. Existing knowledge based technologies have been used successfully to automate individual operations tasks. Considerably less progress has been made in integrating and coordinating multiple operations applications for unified intelligent support systems. To fill this gap, SOCIAL, a tool set for developing Distributed Artificial Intelligence (DAI) systems is being constructed. SOCIAL consists of three primary language based components defining: models of interprocess communication across heterogeneous platforms; models for interprocess coordination, concurrency control, and fault management; and for accessing heterogeneous information resources. DAI applications subsystems, either new or existing, will access these distributed services non-intrusively, via high-level message-based protocols. SOCIAL will reduce the complexity of distributed communications, control, and integration, enabling developers to concentrate on the design and functionality of the target DAI system itself
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