3 research outputs found

    A retail store SKU promotions optimization model for category multi-period profit maximization

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    Consumer promotions are an important element of competitive dynamics in retail markets and make a significant difference in the retailer's profits. But no study has so far included all the elements that are required to meet retail business objectives. We extend the existing literatures by considering all the basic requirements for a promotional Decision Support System (DSS): reliance on operational (store-level) data only, the ability to predict sales as a function of prices and the inclusion of other promotional variables affecting the category. The new model delivers an optimizing promotional schedule at Stock-Keeping-Unit (SKU) level which maximizes multi-period category level profit under the constraints of business rules typically applied in practice. We first develop a high dimensional distributed lag demand model which integrates both cross-SKU competitive promotion information and cross-period promotional influences. We estimate the model by proposing a two stage sign constrained regularization approach to ensure realistic promotional parameters. Based on the demand model, we then build a nonlinear integer programming model to maximize the retailer's category profits over a planning horizon under constraints that model important business rules. The output of the model provides optimized prices, display and feature advertising planning together with sales and profit forecasts. Empirical tests over a number of stores and categories using supermarket data suggest that our model generates accurate sales forecasts and increases category profits by approximately 17% and that including cross-item and cross-period effects is also valuable

    A semiparametric approach to estimating reference price effects in sales response models

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    It is well known that store-level brand sales may not only depend on contemporaneous influencing factors like current own and competitive prices or other marketing activities, but also on past prices representing customer response to price dynamics. On the other hand, non- or semiparametric regression models have been proposed in order to accommodate potential nonlinearities in price response, and related empirical findings for frequently purchased consumer goods indicate that price effects may show complex nonlinearities, which are difficult to capture with parametric models. In this contribution, we combine nonparametric price response modeling and behavioral pricing theory. In particular, we propose a semiparametric approach to flexibly estimating price-change or reference price effects based on store-level sales data. We compare different representations for capturing symmetric vs. asymmetric and proportional vs. disproportionate price-change effects following adaptation-level and prospect theory, and further compare our flexible autoregressive model specifications to parametric benchmark models. Functional flexibility is accommodated via P-splines, and all models are estimated within a fully Bayesian framework. In an empirical study, we demonstrate that our semiparametric dynamic models provide more accurate sales forecasts for most brands considered compared to competing benchmark models that either ignore price dynamics or just include them in a parametric way

    Retail forecasting: research and practice

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    This paper first introduces the forecasting problems faced by large retailers, from the strategic to the operational, from the store to the competing channels of distribution as sales are aggregated over products to brands to categories and to the company overall. Aggregated forecasting that supports strategic decisions is discussed on three levels: the aggregate retail sales in a market, in a chain, and in a store. Product level forecasts usually relate to operational decisions where the hierarchy of sales data across time, product and the supply chain is examined. Various characteristics and the influential factors which affect product level retail sales are discussed. The data rich environment at lower product hierarchies makes data pooling an often appropriate strategy to improve forecasts, but success depends on the data characteristics and common factors influencing sales and potential demand. Marketing mix and promotions pose an important challenge, both to the researcher and the practicing forecaster. Online review information too adds further complexity so that forecasters potentially face a dimensionality problem of too many variables and too little data. The paper goes on to examine evidence on the alternative methods used to forecast product sales and their comparative forecasting accuracy. Many of the complex methods proposed have provided very little evidence to convince as to their value, which poses further research questions. In contrast, some ambitious econometric methods have been shown to outperform all the simpler alternatives including those used in practice. New product forecasting methods are examined separately where limited evidence is available as to how effective the various approaches are. The paper concludes with some evidence describing company forecasting practice, offering conclusions as to the research gaps but also the barriers to improved practice