521 research outputs found

    Effects of Data Frame Size Distribution on Wireless Lans

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    The continuous need to replace cables and deploy mobile devices in the communications industry has led to very active research on the utilization of wireless networks. IEEE 802.11 WLAN is known to achieve relatively small throughput performance compared to the underlying physical layer’s transmission rate and this is as a result of large overhead information composed of medium access control header, physical layer preamble information back-off duration control frames (ACK) transmissions and even inter-frame spaces. This paper provides an overview of frame size distribution using the dual fixed frame size as a case in point and subsequently a performance evaluation in a multi-user transmission channel condition is carried out. The distribution of frame size and its effect on the throughput is also investigated. This is done through comparison of various scenarios such as fixed frame size distribution and dual-fixed frame size distribution. The dual- fixed frame size distribution case has both equality and inequality cases and both are investigated. The case of equal frames was found to have improved marginal throughput compared to the other cases. The analysis and measurement results from OPNET simulation has shown that an equal fixed frame size distribution can be efficient in optimizing useful data

    Medium access control and network planning in wireless networks

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    Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs) and Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks (WMANs) are two of the main technologies in wireless data networks. WLANs have a short range and aim at providing connectivity to end users. On the other hand, WMANs have a long range and aim at serving as a backbone network and also at serving end users. In this dissertation, we consider the problem of Medium Access Control (MAC) in WLANs and the placement of Relay Stations (RSs) in WMANs. We propose a MAC scheme for WLANs in which stations contend by using jams on the channel. We present analytic and simulation results to find the optimal parameters of the scheme and measure its performance. Our scheme has a low collision rate and delay and a high throughput and fairness performance. Secondly, we present a MAC scheme for the latest generation of WLANs which have very high data rates. In this scheme, we divide the stations into groups and only one station from each group contends to the channel. We also use frame aggregation to reduce the overhead. We present analytic and simulation results which show that our scheme provides a small collision rate and, hence, achieves a high throughput. The results also show that our scheme provides a delay performance that is suitable for real-time applications and also has a high level of fairness. Finally, we consider the problem of placing Relay Stations (RSs) in WMANs. We consider the Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WIMAX) technology. The RSs are used to increase the capacity of the network and to extend its range. We present an optimization formulation that places RSs in the WiMAX network to serve a number of customers with a pre-defined bit rate. Our solution also provides fault-tolerance by allowing one RS to fail at a given time so that the performance to the users remains at a predictable level. The goal of our solution is to meet the demands of the users, provide fault-tolerance and minimize the number of RSs used

    An improved medium access control protocol for real-time applications in WLANs and its firmware development

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    The IEEE 802.11 Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN), commonly known as Wi-Fi, has emerged as a popular internet access technology and researchers are continuously working on improvement of the quality of service (QoS) in WLAN by proposing new and efficient schemes. Voice and video over Internet Protocol (VVoIP) applications are becoming very popular in Wi-Fi enabled portable/handheld devices because of recent technological advancements and lower service costs. Different from normal voice and video streaming, these applications demand symmetric throughput for the upstream and downstream. Existing Wi-Fi standards are optimised for generic internet applications and fail to provide symmetric throughput due to traffic bottleneck at access points. Performance analysis and benchmarking is an integral part of WLAN research, and in the majority of the cases, this is done through computer simulation using popular network simulators such as Network Simulator ff 2 (NS-2) or OPNET. While computer simulation is an excellent approach for saving time and money, results generated from computer simulations do not always match practical observations. This is why, for proper assessment of the merits of a proposed system in WLAN, a trial on a practical hardware platform is highly recommended and is often a requirement. In this thesis work, with a view to address the abovementioned challenges for facilitating VoIP and VVoIP services over Wi-Fi, two key contributions are made: i) formulating a suitable medium access control (MAC) protocol to address symmetric traffic scenario and ii) firmware development of this newly devised MAC protocol for real WLAN hardware. The proposed solution shows signifocant improvements over existing standards by supporting higher number of stations with strict QoS criteria. The proposed hardware platform is available off-the-shelf in the market and is a cost effective way of generating and evaluating performance results on a hardware system

    Point Coordination Function WLAN Traffic Loadings

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    The current proliferation of Internet and the advancements in its technology contributed significantly in the gradual shift from wired LANs to wireless LANs (WLANs). WLAN’s ability to provide high capacity links, mobility and low acquisition cost played considerable positive role in its popularity. The operation of WLAN in Nigeria is associated with excessive traffic loading that adversely influence its performance since bandwidth is usually very limited. Achievement of satisfactory performance standard under this condition requires thorough analysis of traffic loadings on WLAN. Therefore, in this work, WLAN performance analysis under traffic loadings is presented. Influence of traffic loadings on WLAN quality of service (QoS) parameters was analyzed using computer simulation modeling technique. It was shown that the operation of WLAN is highly influenced by the intensity of traffic that it supports. The relationships between the network quality of service (QoS) parameters and traffic loading for specified values of resources were determined. A useful control tool was derived from the relationships for the determination of the optimum traffic loadings in a point coordination function (PCF) WLAN

    Enhanced Collision Resolution for the IEEE 802.11 Distributed Coordination Function

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    The IEEE 802.11 standard relies on the Distributed Coordination Function (DCF) as the fundamental medium access control method. DCF uses the Binary Exponential Backoff (BEB) algorithm to regulate channel access. The backoff period determined by BEB depends on a contention window (CW) whose size is doubled if a station suffers a collision and reset to its minimum value after a successful transmission. BEB doubles the CW size upon collision to reduce the collision probability in retransmission. However, this CW increase reduces channel access time because stations will spend more time sensing the channel rather than accessing it. Although resetting the CW to its minimum value increases channel access, it negatively affects fairness because it favours successfully transmitting stations over stations suffering from collisions. Moreover, resetting CW leads to increasing the collision probability and therefore increases the number of collisions. % Quality control editor: Please ensure that the intended meaning has been maintained in the edits of the previous sentence. Since increasing channel access time and reducing the probability of collisions are important factors to improve the DCF performance, and they conflict with each other, improving one will have an adverse effect on the other and consequently will harm the DCF performance. We propose an algorithm, \gls{ECRA}, that solves collisions once they occur without instantly increasing the CW size. Our algorithm reduces the collision probability without affecting channel access time. We also propose an accurate analytical model that allows comparing the theoretical saturation and maximum throughputs of our algorithm with those of benchmark algorithms. Our model uses a collision probability that is dependent on the station transmission history and thus provides a precise estimation of the probability that a station transmits in a random timeslot, which results in a more accurate throughput analysis. We present extensive simulations for fixed and mobile scenarios. The results show that on average, our algorithm outperformed BEB in terms of throughput and fairness. Compared to other benchmark algorithms, our algorithm improved, on average, throughput and delay performance

    Medium Access Control Protocols for Ad-Hoc Wireless Networks: A Survey

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    Studies of ad hoc wireless networks are a relatively new field gaining more popularity for various new applications. In these networks, the Medium Access Control (MAC) protocols are responsible for coordinating the access from active nodes. These protocols are of significant importance since the wireless communication channel is inherently prone to errors and unique problems such as the hidden-terminal problem, the exposed-terminal problem, and signal fading effects. Although a lot of research has been conducted on MAC protocols, the various issues involved have mostly been presented in isolation of each other. We therefore make an attempt to present a comprehensive survey of major schemes, integrating various related issues and challenges with a view to providing a big-picture outlook to this vast area. We present a classification of MAC protocols and their brief description, based on their operating principles and underlying features. In conclusion, we present a brief summary of key ideas and a general direction for future work
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