21 research outputs found

    Accepting Hybrid Networks of Evolutionary Processors

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    We consider time complexity classes defined on accepting hybrid networks of evolutionary processors (AHNEP) similarly to the classical time complexity classes defined on the standard computing model of Turing machine. By definition, AHNEPs are deterministic. We prove that the classical complexity class NP equals the set of languages accepted by AHNEPs in polynomial time

    Accepting Hybrid Networks of Evolutionary Processors with Special Topologies and Small Communication

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    Starting from the fact that complete Accepting Hybrid Networks of Evolutionary Processors allow much communication between the nodes and are far from network structures used in practice, we propose in this paper three network topologies that restrict the communication: star networks, ring networks, and grid networks. We show that ring-AHNEPs can simulate 2-tag systems, thus we deduce the existence of a universal ring-AHNEP. For star networks or grid networks, we show a more general result; that is, each recursively enumerable language can be accepted efficiently by a star- or grid-AHNEP. We also present bounds for the size of these star and grid networks. As a consequence we get that each recursively enumerable can be accepted by networks with at most 13 communication channels and by networks where each node communicates with at most three other nodes.Comment: In Proceedings DCFS 2010, arXiv:1008.127

    A New Characterization of NP, P, and PSPACE with Accepting Hybrid Networks of Evolutionary Processors

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    We consider three complexity classes defined on Accepting Hybrid Networks of Evolutionary Processors (AHNEP) and compare them with the classical complexity classes defined on the standard computing model of Turing machine. By definition, AHNEPs are deterministic. We prove that the classical complexity class NP equals the family of languages decided by AHNEPs in polynomial time. A language is in P if and only if it is decided by an AHNEP in polynomial time and space. We also show that PSPACE equals the family of languages decided by AHNEPs in polynomial length

    Small Universal Accepting Networks of Evolutionary Processors with Filtered Connections

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    In this paper, we present some results regarding the size complexity of Accepting Networks of Evolutionary Processors with Filtered Connections (ANEPFCs). We show that there are universal ANEPFCs of size 10, by devising a method for simulating 2-Tag Systems. This result significantly improves the known upper bound for the size of universal ANEPFCs which is 18. We also propose a new, computationally and descriptionally efficient simulation of nondeterministic Turing machines by ANEPFCs. More precisely, we describe (informally, due to space limitations) how ANEPFCs with 16 nodes can simulate in O(f(n)) time any nondeterministic Turing machine of time complexity f(n). Thus the known upper bound for the number of nodes in a network simulating an arbitrary Turing machine is decreased from 26 to 16

    Networks of polarized evolutionary processors are computationally complete

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    ABSTRACT In this paper, we consider the computational power of a new variant of networks of evolutionary processors which seems to be more suitable for a software and hardware implementation. Each processor as well as the data navigating throughout the network are now considered to be polarized. While the polarization of every processor is predefined, the data polarization is dynamically computed by means of a valuation mapping. Consequently, the protocol of communication is naturally defined by means of this polarization. We show that tag systems can be simulated by these networks with a constant number of nodes, while Turing machines can be simulated, in a time-efficient way, by these networks with a number of nodes depending linearly on the tape alphabet of the Turing machine

    Networks of Bio-inspired Processors

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    The goal of this work is twofold. Firstly, we propose a uniform view of three types of accepting networks of bio-inspired processors: networks of evolutionary processors, networks of splicing processors and networks of genetic processors. And, secondly, we survey some features of these networks: computational power, computational and descriptional complexity, the existence of universal networks, eciency as problem solvers and the relationships among them

    P Systems with Minimal Left and Right Insertion and Deletion

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    In this article we investigate the operations of insertion and deletion performed at the ends of a string. We show that using these operations in a P systems framework (which corresponds to using specific variants of graph control), computational completeness can even be achieved with the operations of left and right insertion and deletion of only one symbol

    Transducers based on networks of evolutionary processors LOS FINANCIADORES NO ESTÁN BIEN

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    We consider a new type of transducer that does not scan sequentially the input word. Instead, it consists of a directed graph whose nodes are processors which work in parallel and are specialized in just one type of a very simple evolutionary operation: inserting, deleting or substituting a symbol by another one. The computation on an input word starts with this word placed in a designated node, the input node, of the network an alternates evolutionary and communication steps. The computation halts as soon as another designated node, the output node, is nonempty. The translation of the input word is the set of words existing in the output node when the computation halts. We prove that these transducers can simulate the work of generalized sequential machines on every input. Furthermore, all words obtained by a given generalized sequential machine by the shortest computations on a given word can also be computed by the new transducers. Unlike the case of generalized sequential machines, every recursively enumerable language can be the transduction de?ned by the new transducer of a very simple regular language. The same idea may be used for proving that these transducers can simulate the shortest computations of an arbitrary Turing machine, used as a transducer, on every input word. Finally, we consider a restricted variant of NEP transducer, namely pure NEP transducers and prove that there are still regular languages whose pure NEP transductions are not semilinear

    P Systems with Minimal Left and Right Insertion and Deletion

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    Summary. In this article we investigate the operations of insertion and deletion performed at the ends of a string. We show that using these operations in a P systems framework (which corresponds to using specific variants of graph control), computational completeness can even be achieved with the operations of left and right insertion and deletion of only one symbol.

    String Measure Applied to String Self-Organizing Maps and Networks of Evolutionary Processors

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    * Supported by projects CCG08-UAM TIC-4425-2009 and TEC2007-68065-C03-02This paper shows some ideas about how to incorporate a string learning stage in self-organizing algorithms. T. Kohonen and P. Somervuo have shown that self-organizing maps (SOM) are not restricted to numerical data. This paper proposes a symbolic measure that is used to implement a string self-organizing map based on SOM algorithm. Such measure between two strings is a new string. Computation over strings is performed using a priority relationship among symbols; in this case, symbolic measure is able to generate new symbols. A complementary operation is defined in order to apply such measure to DNA strands. Finally, an algorithm is proposed in order to be able to implement a string self-organizing map