4 research outputs found

    Acceptability of inversely-modelled parameters for non-equilibrium sorption of pesticides in soil

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    Simulation of the increase of sorption in time is one of the options in higher tiers of pesticide regulatory leaching assessments to obtain more realistic leaching estimates. Therefore, accurate estimates of non-equilibrium sorption parameters are required as input for the pesticide leaching scenarios. Usually, non-equilibrium sorption is described with a two-site equilibrium/non-equilibrium model in which the non-equilibrium sorption is described with two parameters (i.e. the desorption rate coefficient of the non-equilibrium site and the Freundlich sorption coefficient of this site). Estimates of these parameters can be obtained with inverse modelling techniques. At the moment, there is little understanding about whether the confidence intervals provided by inverse modelling can be used as measure of the likely accuracy (i.e. how close the estimated value is to the true value) of these estimates. We set up a semi-global inverse modelling exercise for a large number of parameter sets (Le. different pesticides) using simulated datasets. Inverse modelling of non-equilibrium parameters demonstrated decreasing accuracy of the estimates for decreasing values of the non-equilibrium sorption parameters and the equilibrium sorption coefficient. Furthermore, we found a relationship between the accuracy of a parameter estimate and its CV (coefficient of variation) provided by the inverse modelling technique. Using this relationship we calculated the likelihood of rightly or wrongly accepting or rejecting a parameter estimate as a function of this CV. We recommend to use this likelihood as the basis of communication with decision makers on how to decide on accepting or rejecting parameter estimates. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Acceptability of inversely-modelled parameters for non-equilibrium sorption of pesticides in soil

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    Simulation of the increase of sorption in time is one of the options in higher tiers of pesticide regulatory leaching assessments to obtain more realistic leaching estimates. Therefore, accurate estimates of non-equilibrium sorption parameters are required as input for the pesticide leaching scenarios. Usually, non-equilibrium sorption is described with a two-site equilibrium/non-equilibrium model in which the non-equilibrium sorption is described with two parameters (i.e. the desorption rate coefficient of the non-equilibrium site and the Freundlich sorption coefficient of this site). Estimates of these parameters can be obtained with inverse modelling techniques. At the moment, there is little understanding about whether the confidence intervals provided by inverse modelling can be used as measure of the likely accuracy (i.e. how close the estimated value is to the true value) of these estimates. We set up a semi-global inverse modelling exercise for a large number of parameter sets (Le. different pesticides) using simulated datasets. Inverse modelling of non-equilibrium parameters demonstrated decreasing accuracy of the estimates for decreasing values of the non-equilibrium sorption parameters and the equilibrium sorption coefficient. Furthermore, we found a relationship between the accuracy of a parameter estimate and its CV (coefficient of variation) provided by the inverse modelling technique. Using this relationship we calculated the likelihood of rightly or wrongly accepting or rejecting a parameter estimate as a function of this CV. We recommend to use this likelihood as the basis of communication with decision makers on how to decide on accepting or rejecting parameter estimates. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Evaluaci贸n del efecto de un lombricompost sobre la retenci贸n y degradaci贸n de clorpirifos en suelo

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    Cuando se aplican plaguicidas al cultivo de manera foliar o directamente en el suelo se produce un dep贸sito en la planta como en el suelo. Los residuos de plaguicida acumulados en el suelo pueden pasar por diferentes procesos (degradaci贸n, volatilizaci贸n, adsorci贸n, lixiviaci贸n, entre otros.) que determinar谩n su destino en el medio ambiente. Adem谩s, cuando el plaguicida es usado de forma indiscriminada produce efectos negativos sobre los seres vivos y los diferentes compartimientos ambientales. Sin embargo, se ha encontrado que una forma de evitar estos efectos es la adici贸n de materia org谩nica ex贸gena en forma de lombricompost, debido a que, esta presenta sustancias parecidas a las sustancias h煤micas que adem谩s de mejorar las condiciones del suelo, incrementan la actividad microbiana y contribuye a la retenci贸n de metales pesados y plaguicidas. Dentro de la amplia variedad de plaguicidas utilizados en la regi贸n, se seleccion贸 como objeto de estudio en este trabajo el insecticida clorpirifos, debido a su uso extensivo en cultivos y a nivel urbano, por sus efectos adversos en el ambiente y el hombre y como materia org谩nica ex贸gena un lombricompost comercial, con el fin, de determinar el efecto de la adici贸n del lombricompost sobre la retenci贸n y degradaci贸n. Por otro lado, se hace necesario implementar t茅cnicas anal铆ticas capaces de determinar estos residuos de una manera fiable, con procedimientos de extracci贸n efectivos y r谩pidos que requieran vol煤menes m铆nimos de disolventes t贸xicos y el uso de 铆ndices de impacto como el de lixiviaci贸n GUS (Groundwater Ubiquity Score) y el 铆ndice de Percolaci贸n, Bioacumulaci贸n y Toxicidad (PBT) que permitan una evaluaci贸n de riesgos. Mediante estos sistemas de an谩lisis, se podr谩 adem谩s, iniciar en el estudio de los diferentes procesos que van a determinar el destino ambiental de los plaguicidas despu茅s de su aplicaci贸n. En este trabajo, Se evalu贸 el efecto de un lombricompost en la adsorci贸n y desorci贸n de clorpirifos en un Inceptisol del Valle del Cauca, por el m茅todo Batch, mediante un dise帽o experimental aleatorio con arreglo factorial, tres tratamientos (T1=0%, T2=20% y T3=50% de adici贸n de lombricompost) con tres r茅plicas cada uno. Los datos se ajustaron a los modelos de adsorci贸n de Langmuir, Freundlich y lineal, obteni茅ndose un mejor resultado por Freundlich (R2 entre 0,9169 y 0,9511). El valor de K_f del clorpirifos en T1 (175,41 L/kg 卤 10,73 L/kg) fue significativamente inferior a los valores de K_f en T2 (226,48 L/kg 卤 23,55 L/kg) y T3 (454,86 L/kg 卤 51,58 L/kg), demostrando que, el lombricompost increment贸 la capacidad de adsorci贸n y disminuy贸 los porcentajes de desorci贸n del clorpirifos en el suelo. Por otro lado, se encontraron valores de K_oc para Clorpirifos entre 2780,10 a 5039,79 L/kg, indicando un riesgo bajo de lixiviaci贸n a trav茅s del perfil del suelo, dado que est谩 fuertemente adsorbido a sus componentes org谩nicos y minerales, impidiendo la contaminaci贸n de aguas subterr谩neas Adem谩s, se evalu贸 la degradaci贸n en laboratorio estimando el tiempo de permanencia del clorpirifos mediante el c谩lculo de la vida media (t1/2), en diferentes periodos de tiempo (0, 7, 14, 21, 35 y 45 d铆as) utilizando un dise帽o completamente aleatorio con arreglo factorial con los tratamientos utilizados anteriormente. Los datos se ajustaron a una cin茅tica de primer orden con coeficientes de correlaci贸n mayores a 0.9581. No se encontraron diferencias significativas en los valores de los t1/2 de los tratamientos T1 y T2, mientras que el t1/2 del T3 fue inferior, adem谩s, este tratamiento fue el que present贸 mayor actividad microbiana (medida como evoluci贸n de CO2), demostrando la bondad del lombricompost en acelerar la degradaci贸n del clorpirifos Los resultados de la adsorci贸n y degradaci贸n mostraron que la adici贸n de lombricompost increment贸 la adsorci贸n del clorpirifos y disminuy贸 el tiempo de permanencia de este plaguicida en el suelo. Por otro lado, los 铆ndices de GUS y PBT determinados mediante el coeficiente de distribuci贸n suelo-carbono org谩nico, Koc, y t1/2 clasificaron al clorpirifos de bajo riesgo en los tres sustratos empleados bajo condiciones de laboratorio Quedan interrogantes a resolver en cuanto a los procesos que pueden ocurrir en campo bajo diferentes condiciones edafoclim谩ticas//Abstract: When pesticides are applied to the crop in a foliar way or directly in the soil, a deposit is produced in the plant as in the soil. Pesticide residues accumulated in the soil can pass through different processes (degradation, volatilization, adsorption, leaching, among others), which will determine their duration in the environment. In addition, when the pesticide is used indiscriminately it produces negative effects on living beings and different environmental compartments. However, it has been found that one way to avoid these effects is the addition of exogenous organic material in the form of vermicompost, because it presents substances similar to humic substances that, in addition to improving soil conditions, it also increases microbial activity and contributes to the retention of heavy metals and pesticides. Within the wide variety of pesticides used in the region, the chlorpyrifos insecticide was selected as the object of study in this work due to (i) its extensive use in crops and at urban level and (ii) its adverse effects on the environment and human beings. A commercial vermicompost was used as an exogenous organic material in order to determine the effect of the addition of this vermicompost on the retention and degradation of the pesticide. On the other hand, it is necessary to implement analytical techniques capable of determining these residues in a reliable manner, with effective and rapid extraction procedures that require minimum volumes of toxic solvents and the use of impact indexes such as GUS Leaching (Groundwater Ubiquity Score ) and the Percolation, Bioaccumulation and Toxicity Index (PBT) that allow a risk assessment. By means of these analysis systems, it will also be possible to begin the study of different processes that will determine the environmental duration of pesticides after their application. In this work, the effect of a vermicompost on the adsorption and desorption of chlorpyrifos in an Inceptisol from Valle del Cauca was evaluated by the Batch method, by means of a randomized experimental design with factorial arrangement, three treatments (T1 = 0%, T2 = 20% and T3 = 50% addition of vermicompost) with three replicates each. The data was adjusted to the Langmuir, Freundlich and linear adsorption models, obtaining a better result by Freundlich (R2 between 0.9169 and 0.9511). The Kf value of chlorpyrifos in T1 (175.41 L/kg 卤 10.73 L/kg) was significantly lower than the values in T2 (226.48 L/kg 卤 23.55 L/kg) and T3 (454.86 L/kg 卤 51.58 L/kg), showing that the vermicompost increased the capacity of adsorption and decreased the percentages of desorption of chlorpyrifos in the soil. On the other hand, values of KOC for chlorpyrifos between 2780.10 to 5039.79 L/kg were found, indicating a low risk of leaching through the soil profile, given that it is strongly adsorbed to its organic and mineral components, preventing groundwater contamination.Doctorad