4,356 research outputs found

    Multi-GPU Acceleration of Iterative X-ray CT Image Reconstruction

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    X-ray computed tomography is a widely used medical imaging modality for screening and diagnosing diseases and for image-guided radiation therapy treatment planning. Statistical iterative reconstruction (SIR) algorithms have the potential to significantly reduce image artifacts by minimizing a cost function that models the physics and statistics of the data acquisition process in X-ray CT. SIR algorithms have superior performance compared to traditional analytical reconstructions for a wide range of applications including nonstandard geometries arising from irregular sampling, limited angular range, missing data, and low-dose CT. The main hurdle for the widespread adoption of SIR algorithms in multislice X-ray CT reconstruction problems is their slow convergence rate and associated computational time. We seek to design and develop fast parallel SIR algorithms for clinical X-ray CT scanners. Each of the following approaches is implemented on real clinical helical CT data acquired from a Siemens Sensation 16 scanner and compared to the straightforward implementation of the Alternating Minimization (AM) algorithm of O’Sullivan and Benac [1]. We parallelize the computationally expensive projection and backprojection operations by exploiting the massively parallel hardware architecture of 3 NVIDIA TITAN X Graphical Processing Unit (GPU) devices with CUDA programming tools and achieve an average speedup of 72X over a straightforward CPU implementation. We implement a multi-GPU based voxel-driven multislice analytical reconstruction algorithm called Feldkamp-Davis-Kress (FDK) [2] and achieve an average overall speedup of 1382X over the baseline CPU implementation by using 3 TITAN X GPUs. Moreover, we propose a novel adaptive surrogate-function based optimization scheme for the AM algorithm, resulting in more aggressive update steps in every iteration. On average, we double the convergence rate of our baseline AM algorithm and also improve image quality by using the adaptive surrogate function. We extend the multi-GPU and adaptive surrogate-function based acceleration techniques to dual-energy reconstruction problems as well. Furthermore, we design and develop a GPU-based deep Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to denoise simulated low-dose X-ray CT images. Our experiments show significant improvements in the image quality with our proposed deep CNN-based algorithm against some widely used denoising techniques including Block Matching 3-D (BM3D) and Weighted Nuclear Norm Minimization (WNNM). Overall, we have developed novel fast, parallel, computationally efficient methods to perform multislice statistical reconstruction and image-based denoising on clinically-sized datasets

    Single-shot compressed ultrafast photography: a review

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    Compressed ultrafast photography (CUP) is a burgeoning single-shot computational imaging technique that provides an imaging speed as high as 10 trillion frames per second and a sequence depth of up to a few hundred frames. This technique synergizes compressed sensing and the streak camera technique to capture nonrepeatable ultrafast transient events with a single shot. With recent unprecedented technical developments and extensions of this methodology, it has been widely used in ultrafast optical imaging and metrology, ultrafast electron diffraction and microscopy, and information security protection. We review the basic principles of CUP, its recent advances in data acquisition and image reconstruction, its fusions with other modalities, and its unique applications in multiple research fields

    Recent advances in x-ray cone-beam computed laminography

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    X-ray computed tomography is a well established volume imaging technique used routinely in medical diagnosis, industrial non-destructive testing, and a wide range of scientific fields. Traditionally, computed tomography uses scanning geometries with a single axis of rotation together with reconstruction algorithms specifically designed for this setup. Recently there has however been increasing interest in more complex scanning geometries. These include so called X-ray computed laminography systems capable of imaging specimens with large lateral dimensions, or large aspect ratios, neither of which are well suited to conventional CT scanning procedures. Developments throughout this field have thus been rapid, including the introduction of novel system trajectories, the application and refinement of various reconstruction methods, and the use of recently developed computational hardware and software techniques to accelerate reconstruction times. Here we examine the advances made in the last several years and consider their impact on the state of the art

    Imaging applications from a laser wakefield accelerator

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    Laser-plasma wakefield acceleration (LWFA) is a promising technology that is attracting the attention of the scientific community. It is a new acceleration concept where electrons can be accelerated to very high energy (~150 MeV) in a very short distance (mm scale). Electrons "surf" plasma waves excited by the passage of a high power laser (~1018 Wcm-2) through plasma. Electrons in the LWFA can undergo transverse oscillation and emit synchrotron-like X-ray radiation, commonly known as betatron radiation, in a narrow cone along the laser propagation axis. The properties of both the electrons and the X-rays produced by the LWFA make them excellent candidates for a wide range of applications. In this thesis, both betatron X-ray and bremsstrahlung sources from the ALPHA-X laboratory are used to carry out both conventional imaging and X-ray phase-contrast imaging experiments to explore the feasibility of real-world applications. The characterisation of the betatron X-ray radiation produced by the LWFA in the ALPHA-X laboratory is presented. In the last Chapter, a brief discussion of the potential of LWFA technology for clinical applications is presented.Laser-plasma wakefield acceleration (LWFA) is a promising technology that is attracting the attention of the scientific community. It is a new acceleration concept where electrons can be accelerated to very high energy (~150 MeV) in a very short distance (mm scale). Electrons "surf" plasma waves excited by the passage of a high power laser (~1018 Wcm-2) through plasma. Electrons in the LWFA can undergo transverse oscillation and emit synchrotron-like X-ray radiation, commonly known as betatron radiation, in a narrow cone along the laser propagation axis. The properties of both the electrons and the X-rays produced by the LWFA make them excellent candidates for a wide range of applications. In this thesis, both betatron X-ray and bremsstrahlung sources from the ALPHA-X laboratory are used to carry out both conventional imaging and X-ray phase-contrast imaging experiments to explore the feasibility of real-world applications. The characterisation of the betatron X-ray radiation produced by the LWFA in the ALPHA-X laboratory is presented. In the last Chapter, a brief discussion of the potential of LWFA technology for clinical applications is presented

    Towards Large-scale Single-shot Millimeter-wave Imaging for Low-cost Security Inspection

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    Millimeter-wave (MMW) imaging is emerging as a promising technique for safe security inspection. It achieves a delicate balance between imaging resolution, penetrability and human safety, resulting in higher resolution compared to low-frequency microwave, stronger penetrability compared to visible light, and stronger safety compared to X ray. Despite of recent advance in the last decades, the high cost of requisite large-scale antenna array hinders widespread adoption of MMW imaging in practice. To tackle this challenge, we report a large-scale single-shot MMW imaging framework using sparse antenna array, achieving low-cost but high-fidelity security inspection under an interpretable learning scheme. We first collected extensive full-sampled MMW echoes to study the statistical ranking of each element in the large-scale array. These elements are then sampled based on the ranking, building the experimentally optimal sparse sampling strategy that reduces the cost of antenna array by up to one order of magnitude. Additionally, we derived an untrained interpretable learning scheme, which realizes robust and accurate image reconstruction from sparsely sampled echoes. Last, we developed a neural network for automatic object detection, and experimentally demonstrated successful detection of concealed centimeter-sized targets using 10% sparse array, whereas all the other contemporary approaches failed at the same sample sampling ratio. The performance of the reported technique presents higher than 50% superiority over the existing MMW imaging schemes on various metrics including precision, recall, and mAP50. With such strong detection ability and order-of-magnitude cost reduction, we anticipate that this technique provides a practical way for large-scale single-shot MMW imaging, and could advocate its further practical applications

    A General Framework of Large-Scale Convex Optimization Using Jensen Surrogates and Acceleration Techniques

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    In a world where data rates are growing faster than computing power, algorithmic acceleration based on developments in mathematical optimization plays a crucial role in narrowing the gap between the two. As the scale of optimization problems in many fields is getting larger, we need faster optimization methods that not only work well in theory, but also work well in practice by exploiting underlying state-of-the-art computing technology. In this document, we introduce a unified framework of large-scale convex optimization using Jensen surrogates, an iterative optimization method that has been used in different fields since the 1970s. After this general treatment, we present non-asymptotic convergence analysis of this family of methods and the motivation behind developing accelerated variants. Moreover, we discuss widely used acceleration techniques for convex optimization and then investigate acceleration techniques that can be used within the Jensen surrogate framework while proposing several novel acceleration methods. Furthermore, we show that proposed methods perform competitively with or better than state-of-the-art algorithms for several applications including Sparse Linear Regression (Image Deblurring), Positron Emission Tomography, X-Ray Transmission Tomography, Logistic Regression, Sparse Logistic Regression and Automatic Relevance Determination for X-Ray Transmission Tomography
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