946 research outputs found

    Normative EMG activation patterns of school-age children during gait

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    Gait analysis is widely used in clinics to study walking abnormalities for surgery planning, definition of rehabilitation protocols, and objective evaluation of clinical outcomes. Surface electromyography allows the study of muscle activity non-invasively and the evaluation of the timing of muscle activation during movement. The aim of this study was to present a normative dataset of muscle activation patterns obtained from a large number of strides in a population of 100 healthy children aged 6-11 years. The activity of Tibialis Anterior, Lateral head of Gastrocnemius, Vastus Medialis, Rectus Femoris and Lateral Hamstrings on both lower limbs was analyzed during a 2.5-min walk at free speed. More than 120 consecutive strides were analyzed for each child, resulting in approximately 28,000 strides. Onset and offset instants were reported for each observed muscle. The analysis of a high number of strides for each participant allowed us to obtain the most recurrent patterns of activation during gait, demonstrating that a subject uses a specific muscle with different activation modalities even in the same walk. The knowledge of the various activation patterns and of their statistics will be of help in clinical gait analysis and will serve as reference in the design of future gait studie

    Stretch hyperreflexia in children with cerebral palsy:Assessment - Contextualization - Modulation

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    Cerebral palsy (CP) is a neurological disorder and the most frequent cause of motor impairment in children in Europe. Around 85% of children with CP experience stretch hyperreflexia, also known as “spasticity”. Stretch hyperreflexia is an excessive response to muscle stretch, leading to increased joint resistance. The joint hyper-resistance causes limitations in activities such as walking. Multiple methods have been developed to measure stretch hyperreflexia, but evidence supporting the use of these methods for diagnostics and treatment evaluation in children with CP is insufficient. Furthermore, most methods are designed to assess stretch reflexes in passive conditions, which might not translate to the limitations encountered due to stretch reflexes during activities. Furthermore, while a broad range of stretch hyperreflexia treatments is available, many are invasive, non-specific, or temporary and might have adverse side effects. Training methods to reduce stretch reflexes using biofeedback are promising non-invasive methods with potential long-term sustained effects. Still, clinical feasibility needs to be improved before implementation in clinical rehabilitation of children with CP. This thesis aimed to develop methods to assess stretch hyperreflexia of the calf muscles during passive conditions, as well as in the context of walking. Additionally, this thesis aimed to develop clinically feasible methods to modulate stretch hyperreflexia in the calf muscle of children with CP. The outcomes are described in eight different studies presented in this thesis. All in all, the work presented in this thesis shows that sagittal plane clinical gait analysis can be performed using the human body model and can be complemented with ultrasound imaging of the calf muscle. Motorized methods to assess stretch hyperreflexia in passive conditions might be useful for evaluation in adults after SCI/Stroke. Still, limitations regarding feasibility and validity limit clinical application for children with CP. Furthermore, this thesis provides additional evidence that the deviating muscle activation patterns during walking, particularly the increased activation around initial contact, are caused by stretch hyper-reflexes in children with CP. The deviating muscle activation patterns, with increased activation during early stance and reduced activation around push-off, can be modulated within one session by several children with CP. Therefore, the next step is to develop a training program to modulate the activation pattern and potentially decrease stretch hyper-reflexes in children with CP to improve the gait patter

    A Review of EMG Techniques for Detection of Gait Disorders

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    Electromyography (EMG) is a commonly used technique to record myoelectric signals, i.e., motor neuron signals that originate from the central nervous system (CNS) and synergistically activate groups of muscles resulting in movement. EMG patterns underlying movement, recorded using surface or needle electrodes, can be used to detect movement and gait abnormalities. In this review article, we examine EMG signal processing techniques that have been applied for diagnosing gait disorders. These techniques span from traditional statistical tests to complex machine learning algorithms. We particularly emphasize those techniques are promising for clinical applications. This study is pertinent to both medical and engineering research communities and is potentially helpful in advancing diagnostics and designing rehabilitation devices

    The biomechanics of human locomotion

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    Includes bibliographical references. The thesis on CD-ROM includes Animate, GaitBib, GaitBook and GaitLab, four quick time movies which focus on the functional understanding of human gait. The CD-ROM is available at the Health Sciences Library


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    INTRODUCTION: Cerebral Palsy (CP) is a sensorimotor disorder characterized by dysfunctional motor coordination, balance problems, and loss of selective motor control. Motor coordination exhibited as co-contraction, has been subjectively quantified using gait analysis, but recent studies have begun to objectively analyze the amount of co-contraction by collecting electromyography (EMG) data. Center of pressure excursion (COPE) measurements collected during a single leg standing test (SLST) have shown to be more valid measurements of balance in populations with motor disabilities than a SLST alone. A recent study has correlated increased COPE velocity with a lower fall risk as determined by reported fall frequency, suggesting a more objective measure of fall risk. The current study aimed to determine if the fall risk calculated by COPE velocity in children with CP is correlated with co-contraction index value in various muscle synergy groups. It was hypothesized that i) co-contraction index values will differ between high and low fall risk groups, ii) there will be preferential activation of different synergy groups within the high and low fall risk groups, and iii) there will be a negative and direct correlation between COPE velocity and co-contraction index values for all synergy groups. METHODS: Fall risk grouping was determined by average COPE velocity values calculated from previously reported fall frequency groups. Balance ability was determined by COPE measurements during a SLST on a force plate. Muscle synergy groups were determined by common muscle pairings at the hip, knee and ankle. Co-contraction indices were determined from linear envelopes plotted from muscle group EMG data. An independent t-test was run on muscle synergy groups between high and low fall risk groups. Nonparametric Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and Tukey post-hoc tests were run on the high and low fall risk groups separately to determine differences in co-contraction index value within high and low fall risk groups. A Pearson correlation analyzed COPE velocity and co-contraction index value. RESULTS: No significant differences in muscle synergy between the high and low fall risk groups were found (p = 0.476, 0.076, 0.064, 0.364). The ANOVA and Tukey post-hoc tests for high fall risk group found significant differences in co-activation index value between the sagittal hip and frontal hip groups (p = 0.022) and sagittal hip and ankle groups (p = 0.016). Low fall risk group was found to have significant differences between the sagittal hip and frontal hip groups (p = 0.038) and frontal hip and knee groups (p = 0.012). Weak and negative correlations were found between COPE velocity and both knee and ankle groups (r = -0.309, -0.323, p = 0.059, 0.050). Negligible and insignificant correlations were found between frontal hip and sagittal hip synergies and COPE velocity ((r = 0.013, -0.068, p = 0.475, 0.367). CONCLUSION: There is insufficient evidence to claim that muscle group activations are different depending on fall risk grouped by COPE velocity. It is not currently possible to correlate COPE velocity to a specific synergy group recruitment. However, data do suggest that sagittal hip and knee strategies are recruited more than ankle and frontal hip strategies during SLST

    Head and trunk kinematics and kinetics in normal and cerebral palsy gait: a systematic review.

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    Background: Cerebral palsy (CP) is a neuromuscular disability characterised by a persistent disorder of movement and posture due to a non-progressive lesion in a developing brain. In children with CP, gait is compromised in a variety of ways. A number of studies have suggested that there is a higher degree of biomechanical variations including kinematics and kinetics at head and trunk while analysing a CP gait. Since coordinated movements of head and trunk are important to analyse a typical gait, it is important to determine these biomechanical changes among children with CP for altered movements such as decreased head and trunk stability. Studies have also reported a variety of outcome measures for clinical use. However, the results among the studies are not consistent as there is variability for altered biomechanics based on type and level of the disorder which requires further investigation. Although clinically very useful, the data regarding the head and trunk biomechanics in children with CP is limited. In this study, a systematic review was done to determine the head and trunk kinematic and kinetics variations in CP gait compared to TD children of the same age-group. Methodology: Scientific articles were obtained by a search in databases including Science Direct, Cinahl, Springer Link, Sport discuss, Web of Science and Pubmed. Limitations used were AND/OR. Full-text articles from 1999 to 2017 in English were selected. Results: A total of 3029 records were identified that included Science Direct (n=1854), Cinahl (n=176), Springer Link (n=121), Sports Discuss (n=101), Web of Science (n=14) and Pubmed (n=763). After removing the duplicates, 1786 records were obtained. Fifty-one full text articles were selected for the eligibility and 27 were included in the study. Conclusions: In this review study, we conclude that children with CP have a significant difference in head and trunk kinetics and kinematics compared to age-matched TD children

    Muscle co-activation during gait in children with cerebral palsy

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    La paralysie cérébrale (PC) est un trouble non progressif causé par une lésion cérébrale. La PC survient tôt dans la vie et présente une atteinte hétérogène et une altération fonctionnelle. Chez les personnes atteintes de PC, les modifications du Contrôle neuronal et des muscles entraînent des modifications permanentes de la fonction motrice, entraînant des déficits de mouvement. L'une des raisons des patrons de marche atypiques chez les enfants atteints de PC est l'altération l'activation musculaire. Un niveau anormal d'activation simultanée des muscles agonistes et antagonistes des muscles agonistes et antagonistes entourant une même articulation la même articulation empêche une performance de marche optimale chez les enfants atteints de PC. Ce phénomène est connu sous le nom de co-contraction musculaire (CoM) ou de co-activation musculaire (CaM) dans toutes les études. L'identification des schémas musculaires les plus détériorés, à savoir CoM/CaM, chez les enfants atteints de PC est essentielle pour une rééducation efficace de la marche. L'objectif de ce projet de maîtrise était donc de distinguer CoM/CaM chez les enfants atteints de PC de leurs pairs en développement typique (DT) pendant la marche. Cet objectif a été atteint en deux étapes ; Premièrement, nous avons décrit la CoM/CaM chez les personnes atteintes de PC via la réalisation d'une revue de littérature ; Ensuite, nous avons appliqué nos résultats de la première étape à une étude transversale pour comparer CoM/CaM pendant la marche entre des enfants atteints de CP et de DT. Une revue de littérature suivant la méthodologie en 6 étapes du Joanna Briggs Institute a été effectué. Les bases de données ont été consultées à l'aide de mots-clés pertinents. Toutes les études publiées sur CoM/CaM chez les personnes atteintes de PC pendant la marche ont été recueillies. Après un examen de la pertinence des titres et des résumés, un deuxième examen des textes intégraux des sources par deux examinateurs a été appliqué. Enfin, les données ont été extraites des articles inclus (n=21). Ensuite, à l'étape suivante, les principales méthodes utilisées pour quantifier la MCa identifiées à l'étape précédente ont été codées dans Matlab (The Mathworks Inc., Natick, États-Unis) et appliquées à nos données de 12 enfants atteints de CP et 23 enfants TD. Nous avons comparé le CaM moyen de deux groupes de muscles de la cuisse et de la jambe (Rectus Femoris (RF)/Semitendinosus (ST) et Tibialis Anterior (TA)/Lateral gastrocnemius (LG), respectivement) via des tests t non appariés (ou son équivalent non paramétrique). La revue de littérature a suggéré une CaM plus élevée chez les personnes atteintes de PC par rapport à leurs pairs en bonne santé dans toutes les études. Bien qu'il y ait eu une terminologie et des approches méthodologiques incohérentes, nous avons pu discriminer les terminologies (c'est-à-dire CoM et CaM) en fonction des méthodologies de calcul (c'est-à-dire moment et EMG) utilisées par les études. En outre, cette étude nous a permis de résumer les modèles de CaM chez les individus atteints de PC et d'identifier la relation entre certains des paramètres de marche avec CaM. Enfin, les résultats de cette étude ont révélé des informations précieuses concernant les lacunes de la recherche dans ce domaine. La deuxième étude a identifié une augmentation de la CaM pendant la marche (la foulée entière, la phase d’appuie et la phase oscillante) chez les enfants atteints de PC par rapport à leurs pairs TD. Cette augmentation n'a été observée que dans les muscles de la jambe (pendant la phase d’appuie et la phase oscillante) et dans les muscles de la cuisse (pendant la phase oscillante) lorsque nous avons normalisé les signaux d'électromyographie. Les groupes CP et DT n'avaient pas de CaM différent en utilisant l'EMG normalisé pour l'ensemble de la foulée. Cette différence met en évidence l'effet de la normalisation EMG sur les valeurs de CaM. De plus, les enfants avec le niveau II du système de classification de la fonction motrice globale (SCFMG) avaient un CaM plus élevé dans les muscles de la cuisse pendant le swing que ceux avec le niveau I. Dans l'ensemble, ce projet de maîtrise révèle de nouvelles preuves soutenant une plus grande CaM chez les enfants atteints de PC par rapport à DT pendant la marche. Néanmoins, il est important d'étudier la CaM dans différentes phases de marche car elle affecte la comparaison entre les groupes. En outre, ce projet justifie l'importance de la méthodologie (par exemple, le traitement EMG et le calcul CaM) dans les études CaM. Plus précisément, il est fort probable que les résultats changent avec différentes approches de normalisation EMG. De plus, les enfants atteints de SCFMG I et II peuvent éprouver différents niveaux de CaM pendant la phase oscillante. Davantage de comparaisons dans des recherches futures, telles qu'entre les SCFMG I, II et III dans la PC hémiplégique et diplégique pendant les sous-phases de la marche (le contact initial, le « mid-stance »), peuvent fournir de meilleures informations sur les modèles de CaM dans cette population.Cerebral palsy (CP) is a nonprogressive disorder caused by a brain injury. CP occurs early in life, before, during, or after birth, and has heterogeneous involvement and functional impairment. In individuals with CP, changes in neural drive and muscles lead to lifelong changes in motor function, leading to movement deficits. One of the reasons for atypical gait patterns in children with CP is altered muscle activation patterns. An abnormal level of simultaneous activation of agonist and antagonist muscles crossing the same joint prevents optimal gait performance in children with CP. This phenomenon is known as muscle co-contraction (MCo) or muscle co-activation (MCa) across studies. Identification of the most deteriorated muscular patterns, namely, MCo/MCa, in children with CP is vital for effective gait rehabilitation. The objective of this master’s project, therefore, was to distinguish MCo/MCa in children with CP from their typically developing (TD) peers during gait. This objective was achieved through two studies; first, we described MCo/MCa in individuals with CP via the conduction of a scoping review; then, we applied our findings to inform a cross-sectional study to compare MCo/MCa during gait between children with CP and TD. A scoping review following the 6-stage Joanna Briggs Institute methodology was conducted. Databases were searched using relevant keywords. All published studies on MCo/MCa in individuals with CP during gait were collected. After title and abstract relevance screening, a second screening for the full texts of the sources by two reviewers was applied. Finally, data were extracted from the included articles (n=21). Then, leading methods used to quantify MCa identified from the previous study were coded in Matlab (The Mathworks Inc., Natick, USA) and applied to our data from 12 children with CP and 23 TD children. We compared the average MCa of two thigh and shank muscle groups Rectus Femoris (RF)/Semitendinosus (ST) and Tibialis Anterior (TA)/Lateral gastrocnemius (LG), respectively, via unpaired t-tests (or its non-parametric equivalent). According to our scoping review, higher MCa in individuals with CP compared to healthy peers across studies was found. Although there were inconsistent terminology and methodological approaches, we could discriminate terminologies (i.e., MCo and MCa) according to the methodologies in the calculation (i.e., moment and EMG) used by studies. Also, this study enabled us to summarize MCa patterns within individuals with CP and identify the effect of the some of the gait parameters on MCa. Finally, the findings of this study revealed valuable information regarding the research gaps in this area. The second study identified increased MCa around the knee and ankle joints for the following muscles (i.e., RF/ST and TA/LG, respectively) during walking (i.e., entire stride, stance, and swing) in children with CP compared to their TD peers. This increase was seen only in shank muscles (i.e., during stance and swing) and in thigh muscles (i.e., during the swing) when we normalized electromyography (EMG) signals. CP and TD groups did not have different MCa using normalized EMG for the entire stride. This difference highlights the effect of EMG normalization on MCa values. Also, children with Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) level II had higher MCa around the knee during swing than those with level I. Overall, this master’s project reveals new evidence supporting greater MCa in children with CP compared to TD peers during walking. Nevertheless, it is recommended to investigate MCa within different gait phases as it affects the comparison across groups. Also, this project justifies the importance of methodology (e.g., EMG processing and MCa calculation) in MCa studies. More specifically, it is likely that the results alter with different EMG normalization approaches. Moreover, children with GMFCS I and II can experience various levels of MCa during the swing phase. More comparisons in future research, such as between GMFCS I, II, and III in hemiplegic and diplegic CP during gait sub-phases (i.e., initial stance, mid-stance), can provide better information regarding MCa patterns in this population

    Effect of Single-session Whole-body Vibration on Spasticity and Motor Function of Children with Cerebral Palsy

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    Cerebral palsy (CP) is the most common motor disability in childhood. Children with CP often develop abnormal gait patterns such as a shorter and slower step, a limited range-of-motion of the ankle, knee, and hip joints, and abnormal muscle spasticity and activation patterns. Whole-body vibration (WBV) is a new intervention paradigm that has demonstrated its effectiveness in clinical populations such as adults with stroke and children with CP. However, the effect of WBV frequency and amplitude and the optimal intervention dosage have not been fully understood in children with CP. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the acute effect of single-session WBV with two different amplitudes on (a) muscle spasticity, spatiotemporal gait parameters, and standing posture, and (b) joint kinematics and muscle activation patterns during walking in children with CP. Ten children with spastic CP aged 7-17 years participated in this study. Two WBV sessions were presented with the same frequency of 20Hz but two amplitudes (low amplitude: 1mm and high amplitude: 2mm). Each vibration session included 6 sets of 90-second vibration exposure and 90-second rest. Modified Ashworth scale, overground walking, and 60-second quiet standing tasks were performed at baseline and after each WBV session. Four muscles were studied including lateral gastrocnemius, tibialis anterior, vastus lateralis, and biceps femoris from the affected side for those with hemiplegia diagnosis and from the less affected side for those with diplegia diagnosis. For data analysis, participants were categorized into either a high-response (increasing stride length after WBV intervention) or a low-response subgroup (no change in stride length). Both subgroups reduced spasticity after both WBV sessions, and the high-response subgroup displayed a decreased postural sway during standing after the high-amplitude WBV. Both subgroups, especially the high-response subgroup, displayed increased ankle range-of-motion and decreased muscle activity during overground walking, which might be due to the reduced spasticity. Our results suggest that a single-session of WBV intervention with a higher amplitude can induce an acute effect on reducing muscle spasticity and improving motor function in some children with CP

    Normative EMG activation patterns of school-age children during gait

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    Gait analysis is widely used in clinics to study walking abnormalities for surgery planning, definition of rehabilitation protocols, and objective evaluation of clinical outcomes. Surface electromyography allows the study of muscle activity non-invasively and the evaluation of the timing of muscle activation during movement. The aim of this study was to present a normative dataset of muscle activation patterns obtained from a large number of strides in a population of 100 healthy children aged 6-11 years. The activity of Tibialis Anterior, Lateral head of Gastrocnemius, Vastus Medialis, Rectus Femoris and Lateral Hamstrings on both lower limbs was analyzed during a 2.5-min walk at free speed. More than 120 consecutive strides were analyzed for each child, resulting in approximately 28,000 strides. Onset and offset instants were reported for each observed muscle. The analysis of a high number of strides for each participant allowed us to obtain the most recurrent patterns of activation during gait, demonstrating that a subject uses a specific muscle with different activation modalities even in the same walk. The knowledge of the various activation patterns and of their statistics will be of help in clinical gait analysis and will serve as reference in the design of future gait studies