188 research outputs found

    Going Further with Point Pair Features

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    Point Pair Features is a widely used method to detect 3D objects in point clouds, however they are prone to fail in presence of sensor noise and background clutter. We introduce novel sampling and voting schemes that significantly reduces the influence of clutter and sensor noise. Our experiments show that with our improvements, PPFs become competitive against state-of-the-art methods as it outperforms them on several objects from challenging benchmarks, at a low computational cost.Comment: Corrected post-print of manuscript accepted to the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) 2016; https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-46487-9_5

    Hardware and software improvements of volume splatting

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    This paper proposes different hardware-based acceleration of the three classical splatting strategies: emph{composite-every-sample}, emph{object-space sheet-buffer} and emph{image-space sheet-buffer}.Preprin

    An Information-Theory Framework for Multi-Modal Visualization

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    The main goal of this master thesis is the development of new fusion strategies that enhance multimodal visualization strategies

    Time-varying volume visualization

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    Volume rendering is a very active research field in Computer Graphics because of its wide range of applications in various sciences, from medicine to flow mechanics. In this report, we survey a state-of-the-art on time-varying volume rendering. We state several basic concepts and then we establish several criteria to classify the studied works: IVR versus DVR, 4D versus 3D+time, compression techniques, involved architectures, use of parallelism and image-space versus object-space coherence. We also address other related problems as transfer functions and 2D cross-sections computation of time-varying volume data. All the papers reviewed are classified into several tables based on the mentioned classification and, finally, several conclusions are presented.Preprin

    Flux-Limited Diffusion for Multiple Scattering in Participating Media

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    For the rendering of multiple scattering effects in participating media, methods based on the diffusion approximation are an extremely efficient alternative to Monte Carlo path tracing. However, in sufficiently transparent regions, classical diffusion approximation suffers from non-physical radiative fluxes which leads to a poor match to correct light transport. In particular, this prevents the application of classical diffusion approximation to heterogeneous media, where opaque material is embedded within transparent regions. To address this limitation, we introduce flux-limited diffusion, a technique from the astrophysics domain. This method provides a better approximation to light transport than classical diffusion approximation, particularly when applied to heterogeneous media, and hence broadens the applicability of diffusion-based techniques. We provide an algorithm for flux-limited diffusion, which is validated using the transport theory for a point light source in an infinite homogeneous medium. We further demonstrate that our implementation of flux-limited diffusion produces more accurate renderings of multiple scattering in various heterogeneous datasets than classical diffusion approximation, by comparing both methods to ground truth renderings obtained via volumetric path tracing.Comment: Accepted in Computer Graphics Foru

    SPARF: Large-Scale Learning of 3D Sparse Radiance Fields from Few Input Images

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    Recent advances in Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs) treat the problem of novel view synthesis as Sparse Radiance Field (SRF) optimization using sparse voxels for efficient and fast rendering (plenoxels,InstantNGP). In order to leverage machine learning and adoption of SRFs as a 3D representation, we present SPARF, a large-scale ShapeNet-based synthetic dataset for novel view synthesis consisting of \sim 17 million images rendered from nearly 40,000 shapes at high resolution (400 X 400 pixels). The dataset is orders of magnitude larger than existing synthetic datasets for novel view synthesis and includes more than one million 3D-optimized radiance fields with multiple voxel resolutions. Furthermore, we propose a novel pipeline (SuRFNet) that learns to generate sparse voxel radiance fields from only few views. This is done by using the densely collected SPARF dataset and 3D sparse convolutions. SuRFNet employs partial SRFs from few/one images and a specialized SRF loss to learn to generate high-quality sparse voxel radiance fields that can be rendered from novel views. Our approach achieves state-of-the-art results in the task of unconstrained novel view synthesis based on few views on ShapeNet as compared to recent baselines. The SPARF dataset will be made public with the code and models on the project website https://abdullahamdi.com/sparf/ .Comment: Preprin

    VMesh: Hybrid Volume-Mesh Representation for Efficient View Synthesis

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    With the emergence of neural radiance fields (NeRFs), view synthesis quality has reached an unprecedented level. Compared to traditional mesh-based assets, this volumetric representation is more powerful in expressing scene geometry but inevitably suffers from high rendering costs and can hardly be involved in further processes like editing, posing significant difficulties in combination with the existing graphics pipeline. In this paper, we present a hybrid volume-mesh representation, VMesh, which depicts an object with a textured mesh along with an auxiliary sparse volume. VMesh retains the advantages of mesh-based assets, such as efficient rendering, compact storage, and easy editing, while also incorporating the ability to represent subtle geometric structures provided by the volumetric counterpart. VMesh can be obtained from multi-view images of an object and renders at 2K 60FPS on common consumer devices with high fidelity, unleashing new opportunities for real-time immersive applications.Comment: Project page: https://bennyguo.github.io/vmesh

    Volumetric Medical Images Visualization on Mobile Devices

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    Volumetric medical images visualization is an important tool in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Through history, one of the most dificult tasks for Medicine Specialists has been the accurate location of broken bones and of the damaged tissues during Chemotherapy treatment, among other applications; like techniques used in Neurological Studies. Thus these situations enhance the need of visualization in Medicine. New technologies, the improvement and development of new hardware as well as software and the updating of old ones for graphic applications have resulted in specialized systems for medical visualization. However the use of these techniques in mobile devices has been poor due to its low performance. In our work, we propose a client-server scheme, where the model is compressed in the server side and is reconstructed in a nal thin-client device. The technique restricts the natural density values to achieve good bone visualization in medical models, transforming the rest of the data to zero. Our proposal uses a tridimensional Haar Wavelet Function locally applied inside units blocks of 16x16x16, similar to the Wavelet Based 3D Compression Scheme for Interactive Visualization of Very Large Volume Data approach. We also implement a quantization algorithm which handles error coeficients according to the frequency distributions of these coe cients. Finally, we made an evaluation of the volume visualization; on current mobile devices .We present the speci cations for the implementation of our technique in the Nokia n900 Mobile Phone

    HollowNeRF: Pruning Hashgrid-Based NeRFs with Trainable Collision Mitigation

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    Neural radiance fields (NeRF) have garnered significant attention, with recent works such as Instant-NGP accelerating NeRF training and evaluation through a combination of hashgrid-based positional encoding and neural networks. However, effectively leveraging the spatial sparsity of 3D scenes remains a challenge. To cull away unnecessary regions of the feature grid, existing solutions rely on prior knowledge of object shape or periodically estimate object shape during training by repeated model evaluations, which are costly and wasteful. To address this issue, we propose HollowNeRF, a novel compression solution for hashgrid-based NeRF which automatically sparsifies the feature grid during the training phase. Instead of directly compressing dense features, HollowNeRF trains a coarse 3D saliency mask that guides efficient feature pruning, and employs an alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) pruner to sparsify the 3D saliency mask during training. By exploiting the sparsity in the 3D scene to redistribute hash collisions, HollowNeRF improves rendering quality while using a fraction of the parameters of comparable state-of-the-art solutions, leading to a better cost-accuracy trade-off. Our method delivers comparable rendering quality to Instant-NGP, while utilizing just 31% of the parameters. In addition, our solution can achieve a PSNR accuracy gain of up to 1dB using only 56% of the parameters.Comment: Accepted to ICCV 202

    Real-Time Terrain Storage Generation from Multiple Sensors towards Mobile Robot Operation Interface

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    A mobile robot mounted with multiple sensors is used to rapidly collect 3D point clouds and video images so as to allow accurate terrain modeling. In this study, we develop a real-time terrain storage generation and representation system including a nonground point database (PDB), ground mesh database (MDB), and texture database (TDB). A voxel-based flag map is proposed for incrementally registering large-scale point clouds in a terrain model in real time. We quantize the 3D point clouds into 3D grids of the flag map as a comparative table in order to remove the redundant points. We integrate the large-scale 3D point clouds into a nonground PDB and a node-based terrain mesh using the CPU. Subsequently, we program a graphics processing unit (GPU) to generate the TDB by mapping the triangles in the terrain mesh onto the captured video images. Finally, we produce a nonground voxel map and a ground textured mesh as a terrain reconstruction result. Our proposed methods were tested in an outdoor environment. Our results show that the proposed system was able to rapidly generate terrain storage and provide high resolution terrain representation for mobile mapping services and a graphical user interface between remote operators and mobile robots