545 research outputs found

    Accelerating Non-volatile/Hybrid Processor Cache Design Space Exploration for Application Specific Embedded Systems

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    In this article, we propose a technique to accelerate nonvolatile or hybrid of volatile and nonvolatile processor cache design space exploration for application specific embedded systems. Utilizing a novel cache behavior modeling equation and a new accurate cache miss prediction mechanism, our proposed technique can accelerate NVM or hybrid FIFO processor cache design space exploration for SPEC CPU 2000 applications up to 249 times compared to the conventional approach

    Accelerating Time Series Analysis via Processing using Non-Volatile Memories

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    Time Series Analysis (TSA) is a critical workload for consumer-facing devices. Accelerating TSA is vital for many domains as it enables the extraction of valuable information and predict future events. The state-of-the-art algorithm in TSA is the subsequence Dynamic Time Warping (sDTW) algorithm. However, sDTW's computation complexity increases quadratically with the time series' length, resulting in two performance implications. First, the amount of data parallelism available is significantly higher than the small number of processing units enabled by commodity systems (e.g., CPUs). Second, sDTW is bottlenecked by memory because it 1) has low arithmetic intensity and 2) incurs a large memory footprint. To tackle these two challenges, we leverage Processing-using-Memory (PuM) by performing in-situ computation where data resides, using the memory cells. PuM provides a promising solution to alleviate data movement bottlenecks and exposes immense parallelism. In this work, we present MATSA, the first MRAM-based Accelerator for Time Series Analysis. The key idea is to exploit magneto-resistive memory crossbars to enable energy-efficient and fast time series computation in memory. MATSA provides the following key benefits: 1) it leverages high levels of parallelism in the memory substrate by exploiting column-wise arithmetic operations, and 2) it significantly reduces the data movement costs performing computation using the memory cells. We evaluate three versions of MATSA to match the requirements of different environments (e.g., embedded, desktop, or HPC computing) based on MRAM technology trends. We perform a design space exploration and demonstrate that our HPC version of MATSA can improve performance by 7.35x/6.15x/6.31x and energy efficiency by 11.29x/4.21x/2.65x over server CPU, GPU and PNM architectures, respectively

    Exploiting Inter- and Intra-Memory Asymmetries for Data Mapping in Hybrid Tiered-Memories

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    Modern computing systems are embracing hybrid memory comprising of DRAM and non-volatile memory (NVM) to combine the best properties of both memory technologies, achieving low latency, high reliability, and high density. A prominent characteristic of DRAM-NVM hybrid memory is that it has NVM access latency much higher than DRAM access latency. We call this inter-memory asymmetry. We observe that parasitic components on a long bitline are a major source of high latency in both DRAM and NVM, and a significant factor contributing to high-voltage operations in NVM, which impact their reliability. We propose an architectural change, where each long bitline in DRAM and NVM is split into two segments by an isolation transistor. One segment can be accessed with lower latency and operating voltage than the other. By introducing tiers, we enable non-uniform accesses within each memory type (which we call intra-memory asymmetry), leading to performance and reliability trade-offs in DRAM-NVM hybrid memory. We extend existing NVM-DRAM OS in three ways. First, we exploit both inter- and intra-memory asymmetries to allocate and migrate memory pages between the tiers in DRAM and NVM. Second, we improve the OS's page allocation decisions by predicting the access intensity of a newly-referenced memory page in a program and placing it to a matching tier during its initial allocation. This minimizes page migrations during program execution, lowering the performance overhead. Third, we propose a solution to migrate pages between the tiers of the same memory without transferring data over the memory channel, minimizing channel occupancy and improving performance. Our overall approach, which we call MNEME, to enable and exploit asymmetries in DRAM-NVM hybrid tiered memory improves both performance and reliability for both single-core and multi-programmed workloads.Comment: 15 pages, 29 figures, accepted at ACM SIGPLAN International Symposium on Memory Managemen

    The Landscape of Compute-near-memory and Compute-in-memory: A Research and Commercial Overview

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    In today's data-centric world, where data fuels numerous application domains, with machine learning at the forefront, handling the enormous volume of data efficiently in terms of time and energy presents a formidable challenge. Conventional computing systems and accelerators are continually being pushed to their limits to stay competitive. In this context, computing near-memory (CNM) and computing-in-memory (CIM) have emerged as potentially game-changing paradigms. This survey introduces the basics of CNM and CIM architectures, including their underlying technologies and working principles. We focus particularly on CIM and CNM architectures that have either been prototyped or commercialized. While surveying the evolving CIM and CNM landscape in academia and industry, we discuss the potential benefits in terms of performance, energy, and cost, along with the challenges associated with these cutting-edge computing paradigms

    Energy-Aware Data Movement In Non-Volatile Memory Hierarchies

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    While technology scaling enables increased density for memory cells, the intrinsic high leakage power of conventional CMOS technology and the demand for reduced energy consumption inspires the use of emerging technology alternatives such as eDRAM and Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) including STT-MRAM, PCM, and RRAM. The utilization of emerging technology in Last Level Cache (LLC) designs which occupies a signifcant fraction of total die area in Chip Multi Processors (CMPs) introduces new dimensions of vulnerability, energy consumption, and performance delivery. To be specific, a part of this research focuses on eDRAM Bit Upset Vulnerability Factor (BUVF) to assess vulnerable portion of the eDRAM refresh cycle where the critical charge varies depending on the write voltage, storage and bit-line capacitance. This dissertation broaden the study on vulnerability assessment of LLC through investigating the impact of Process Variations (PV) on narrow resistive sensing margins in high-density NVM arrays, including on-chip cache and primary memory. Large-latency and power-hungry Sense Amplifers (SAs) have been adapted to combat PV in the past. Herein, a novel approach is proposed to leverage the PV in NVM arrays using Self-Organized Sub-bank (SOS) design. SOS engages the preferred SA alternative based on the intrinsic as-built behavior of the resistive sensing timing margin to reduce the latency and power consumption while maintaining acceptable access time. On the other hand, this dissertation investigates a novel technique to prioritize the service to 1) Extensive Read Reused Accessed blocks of the LLC that are silently dropped from higher levels of cache, and 2) the portion of the working set that may exhibit distant re-reference interval in L2. In particular, we develop a lightweight Multi-level Access History Profiler to effciently identify ERRA blocks through aggregating the LLC block addresses tagged with identical Most Signifcant Bits into a single entry. Experimental results indicate that the proposed technique can reduce the L2 read miss ratio by 51.7% on average across PARSEC and SPEC2006 workloads. In addition, this dissertation will broaden and apply advancements in theories of subspace recovery to pioneer computationally-aware in-situ operand reconstruction via the novel Logic In Interconnect (LI2) scheme. LI2 will be developed, validated, and re?ned both theoretically and experimentally to realize a radically different approach to post-Moore\u27s Law computing by leveraging low-rank matrices features offering data reconstruction instead of fetching data from main memory to reduce energy/latency cost per data movement. We propose LI2 enhancement to attain high performance delivery in the post-Moore\u27s Law era through equipping the contemporary micro-architecture design with a customized memory controller which orchestrates the memory request for fetching low-rank matrices to customized Fine Grain Reconfigurable Accelerator (FGRA) for reconstruction while the other memory requests are serviced as before. The goal of LI2 is to conquer the high latency/energy required to traverse main memory arrays in the case of LLC miss, by using in-situ construction of the requested data dealing with low-rank matrices. Thus, LI2 exchanges a high volume of data transfers with a novel lightweight reconstruction method under specific conditions using a cross-layer hardware/algorithm approach

    Design Space Exploration and Resource Management of Multi/Many-Core Systems

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    The increasing demand of processing a higher number of applications and related data on computing platforms has resulted in reliance on multi-/many-core chips as they facilitate parallel processing. However, there is a desire for these platforms to be energy-efficient and reliable, and they need to perform secure computations for the interest of the whole community. This book provides perspectives on the aforementioned aspects from leading researchers in terms of state-of-the-art contributions and upcoming trends
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