13 research outputs found

    String Matching with Multicore CPUs: Performing Better with the Aho-Corasick Algorithm

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    Multiple string matching is known as locating all the occurrences of a given number of patterns in an arbitrary string. It is used in bio-computing applications where the algorithms are commonly used for retrieval of information such as sequence analysis and gene/protein identification. Extremely large amount of data in the form of strings has to be processed in such bio-computing applications. Therefore, improving the performance of multiple string matching algorithms is always desirable. Multicore architectures are capable of providing better performance by parallelizing the multiple string matching algorithms. The Aho-Corasick algorithm is the one that is commonly used in exact multiple string matching algorithms. The focus of this paper is the acceleration of Aho-Corasick algorithm through a multicore CPU based software implementation. Through our implementation and evaluation of results, we prove that our method performs better compared to the state of the art

    Implementation of Multipattern String Matching Accelerated with GPU for Intrusion Detection System

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    Abstract. As Internet-related  security threats continue to increase  in terms of volume and sophistication,  existing  Intrusion Detection System  is also  being challenged to cope with the current Internet  development. Multi Pattern String Matching algorithm accelerated with Graphical  Processing Unit  is  being  utilized  to improve  the packet scanning performance  of the  IDS. This paper implements a Multi Pattern String Matching algorithm, also called Parallel Failureless Aho  Corasick  accelerated with  GPU to  improve the  performance of IDS.  OpenCL library  is  used  to  allow  the  IDS  to  support  various GPU, including  popular GPU such  as NVIDIA and AMD, used  in our research. The  experiment result  shows that the application of Multi  Pattern String Matching using GPU  accelerated platform provides  a speed up,  by up  to 141% in term of throughput compared to the  previous  research

    Parallelizing a network intrusion detection system using a GPU.

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    As network speeds continue to increase and attacks get increasingly more complicated, there is need to improved detection algorithms and improved performance of Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS). Recently, several attempts have been made to use the underutilized parallel processing capabilities of GPUs, to offload the costly NIDS pattern matching algorithms. This thesis presents an interface for NIDS Snort that allows porting of the pattern-matching algorithm to run on a GPU. The analysis show that this system can achieve up to four times speedup over the existing Snort implementation and that GPUs can be effectively utilized to perform intensive computational processes like pattern matching

    Implémentations logicielle et matérielle de l'algorithme Aho-Corasick pour la détection d'intrusions

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    RÉSUMÉ Ce travail propose des méthodes et architectures efficaces pour l’implémentation de l’algorithme Aho-Corasick. Cet algorithme peut être utilisé pour la recherche de chaînes de caractères dans un système de détection d’intrusion, tels que Snort, pour les réseaux informatiques. Deux versions sont proposées, une version logicielle et une version matérielle. La première version développe une implémentation logicielle pour des processeurs à usage général. Pour cela, de nouvelles implémentations de l'algorithme tenant compte des ressources mémoire et de l’exécution séquentielle des processeurs ont été proposées. La deuxième version développe de nouvelles architectures de processeurs particularisés pour FPGA. Elles tiennent compte des ressources de calcul disponibles, des ressources mémoire et du potentiel de parallélisation à grain fin offert par le FPGA. De plus, une comparaison avec une version logicielle modifiée est effectuée. Dans les deux cas, les performances et les compromis pour la sélection de différentes structures de données de nœuds en mémoire ont été analysés. Une sélection de paramètres est proposée afin de maximiser la fonction objective de performance qui combine le nombre de cycles, la consommation mémoire et la fréquence d’horloge du système. Les paramètres permettent de déterminer lequel des deux ou des trois types de structures de données de nœuds (selon la version) sera choisi pour chaque nœud d’une machine à états. Lors de la validation, des scénarios de test utilisant des données variées ont été utilisés afin de s'assurer du bon fonctionnement de l'algorithme. De plus, les contenus des règles de Snort 2.9.7 ont été utilisés. La machine à états a été construite avec environ 26×103 chaînes de caractères qui sont toutes extraites de ces règles. La machine à états contient environ 381×103 nœuds. La contribution générale de ce mémoire est de montrer qu’il est possible, à travers l’exploration d’architectures, de sélectionner des paramètres afin d’obtenir un produit mémoire × temps optimal. Pour ce qui est de la version logicielle, la consommation mémoire diminue de 407 Mo à 21 Mo, ce qui correspond à une diminution de mémoire d’environ 20× par rapport au pire cas avec seulement un type de nœud. Pour ce qui est de la version matérielle, la consommation mémoire diminue de 11 Mo à 4 Mo, ce qui résulte en une diminution de mémoire d’environ 3× par rapport à la version logicielle modifiée. Pour ce qui est du débit, il augmente de 300 Mbps pour la version logicielle modifiée à 400 Mbps pour la version matérielle.----------ABSTRACT This work proposes effective methods and architectures for the implementation of the Aho-Corasick algorithm. This algorithm can be used for pattern matching in network-based intrusion detection systems such as Snort. Two versions are proposed, a software version and a hardware version. The first version develops a software implementation in C/C++ for general purpose processors. For this, new implementations of the algorithm, considering the memory resources and the processor’s sequential execution, are proposed. The second version develops an architecture in VHDL for a specialized processor on FPGA. For this, new architectures of the algorithm, considering the available computing resources, the memory resources and the inherent parallelism of FPGAs, are proposed. Furthermore, a comparison with a modified software version is performed. For both cases, we analyze the performance and cost trade-off from selecting different data structures of nodes in memory. A selection of parameters is used in order to maximize de performance objective function that combines the cycles count, the memory usage and the system’s frequency. The parameters determine which of two or three types of data structures of nodes (depending on the version) is selected for each node of the state machine. For the validation phase, test cases with diverse data are used in order to ensure that the algorithm operates properly. Furthermore, the Snort 2.9.7 rules are used. The state machine was built with around 26×103 patterns which are all extracted from these rules. The state machine is comprised of around 381×103 nodes. The main contribution of this work is to show that it is possible to choose parameters through architecture exploration, to obtain an optimal memory × time product. For the software version, the memory consumption is reduced from 407 MB to 21 MB, which results in a memory improvement of about 20× compared with the single node-type case. For the hardware version, the memory consumption is reduced from 11 MB to 4 MB, which results in a memory improvement of about 3× compared with the modified software version. For the throughput, it increases from 300 Mbps with the modified software version to 400 Mbps with the hardware version

    Accelerating String Matching Using Multi-threaded Algorithm on GPU

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    [[abstract]]Network Intrusion Detection System has been widely used to protect computer systems from network attacks. Due to the ever-increasing number of attacks and network complexity, traditional software approaches on uni-processors have become inadequate for the current high-speed network. In this paper, we propose a novel parallel algorithm to speedup string matching performed on GPUs. We also innovate new state machine for string matching, the state machine of which is more suitable to be performed on GPU. We have also described several speedup techniques considering special architecture properties of GPU. The experimental results demonstrate the new algorithm on GPUs achieves up to 4,000 times speedup compared to the AC algorithm on CPU. Compared to other GPU approaches, the new algorithm achieves 3 times faster with significant improvement on memory efficiency. Furthermore, because the new Algorithm reduces the complexity of the Aho-Corasick algorithm, the new algorithm also improves on memory requirements.[[fileno]]2030219030056[[department]]資訊工程學