1,785 research outputs found

    SwitchWare: Accelerating Network Evolution (White Paper)

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    We propose the development of a set of software technologies ( SwitchWare ) which will enable rapid development and deployment of new network services. The key insight is that by making the basic network service selectable on a per user (or even per packet) basis, the need for formal standardization is eliminated. Additionally, by making the basic network service programmable, the deployment times, today constrained by capital funding limitations, are tremendously reduced (to the order of software distribution times). Finally, by constructing an advanced, robust programming environment, even the service development time can be reduced. A SwitchWare switch consists of input and output ports controlled by a software-programmable element; programs are contained in sequences of messages sent to the SwitchWare switch\u27s input ports, which interpret the messages as programs. We call these Switchlets . This accelerates the pace of network evolution, as evolving user needs can be immediately reflected in the network infrastructure. Immediate reconfigurability enhances the adaptability of the network infrastructure in the face of unexpected situations. We call a network built from SwitchWare switches an active network

    Just In Time Assembly (JITA) - A Run Time Interpretation Approach for Achieving Productivity of Creating Custom Accelerators in FPGAs

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    The reconfigurable computing community has yet to be successful in allowing programmers to access FPGAs through traditional software development flows. Existing barriers that prevent programmers from using FPGAs include: 1) knowledge of hardware programming models, 2) the need to work within the vendor specific CAD tools and hardware synthesis. This thesis presents a series of published papers that explore different aspects of a new approach being developed to remove the barriers and enable programmers to compile accelerators on next generation reconfigurable manycore architectures. The approach is entitled Just In Time Assembly (JITA) of hardware accelerators. The approach has been defined to allow hardware accelerators to be built and run through software compilation and run time interpretation outside of CAD tools and without requiring each new accelerator to be synthesized. The approach advocates the use of libraries of pre-synthesized components that can be referenced through symbolic links in a similar fashion to dynamically linked software libraries. Synthesis still must occur but is moved out of the application programmers software flow and into the initial coding process that occurs when programming patterns that define a Domain Specific Language (DSL) are first coded. Programmers see no difference between creating software or hardware functionality when using the DSL. A new run time interpreter is introduced to assemble the individual pre-synthesized hardware accelerators that comprise the accelerator functionality within a configurable tile array of partially reconfigurable slots at run time. Quantitative results are presented that compares utilization, performance, and productivity of the approach to what would be achieved by full custom accelerators created through traditional CAD flows using hardware programming models and passing through synthesis

    A selective dynamic compiler for embedded Java virtual machine targeting ARM processors

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    Tableau d’honneur de la Faculté des études supérieures et postdoctorales, 2004-2005Ce travail présente une nouvelle technique de compilation dynamique sélective pour les systèmes embarqués avec processeurs ARM. Ce compilateur a été intégré dans la plateforme J2ME/CLDC (Java 2 Micro Edition for Connected Limited Device Con- figuration). L’objectif principal de notre travail est d’obtenir une machine virtuelle accélérée, légère et compacte prête pour l’exécution sur les systèmes embarqués. Cela est atteint par l’implémentation d’un compilateur dynamique sélectif pour l’architecture ARM dans la Kilo machine virtuelle de Sun (KVM). Ce compilateur est appelé Armed E-Bunny. Premièrement, on présente la plateforme Java, le Java 2 Micro Edition(J2ME) pour les systèmes embarqués et les composants de la machine virtuelle Java. Ensuite, on discute les différentes techniques d’accélération pour la machine virtuelle Java et on détaille le principe de la compilation dynamique. Enfin, on illustre l’architecture, le design (la conception), l’implémentation et les résultats expérimentaux de notre compilateur dynamique sélective Armed E-Bunny. La version modifiée de KVM a été portée sur un ordinateur de poche (PDA) et a été testée en utilisant un benchmark standard de J2ME. Les résultats expérimentaux de la performance montrent une accélération de 360 % par rapport à la dernière version de la KVM de Sun avec un espace mémoire additionnel qui n’excède pas 119 kilobytes.This work presents a new selective dynamic compilation technique targeting ARM 16/32-bit embedded system processors. This compiler is built inside the J2ME/CLDC (Java 2 Micro Edition for Connected Limited Device Configuration) platform. The primary objective of our work is to come up with an efficient, lightweight and low-footprint accelerated Java virtual machine ready to be executed on embedded machines. This is achieved by implementing a selective ARM dynamic compiler called Armed E-Bunny into Sun’s Kilobyte Virtual Machine (KVM). We first present the Java platform, Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME) for embedded systems and Java virtual machine components. Then, we discuss the different acceleration techniques for Java virtual machine and we detail the principle of dynamic compilation. After that we illustrate the architecture, design, implementation and experimental results of our selective dynamic compiler Armed E-Bunny. The modified KVM is ported on a handheld PDA and is tested using standard J2ME benchmarks. The experimental results on its performance demonstrate that a speedup of 360% over the last version of Sun’s KVM is accomplished with a footprint overhead that does not exceed 119 kilobytes

    Performance analysis methods for understanding scaling bottlenecks in multi-threaded applications

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    In dit proefschrift stellen we drie nieuwe methodes voor om de prestatie van meerdradige programma's te analyseren. Onze eerste methode, criticality stacks, is bruikbaar voor het analyseren van onevenwicht tussen draden. Om deze stacks te construeren stellen we een nieuwe criticaliteitsmetriek voor, die de uitvoeringstijd van een applicatie opsplitst in een deel voor iedere draad. Hoe groter dit deel is voor een draad, hoe kritischer deze draad is voor de applicatie. De tweede methode, bottle graphs, stelt iedere draad van een meerdradig programma voor als een rechthoek in een grafiek. De hoogte van de rechthoek wordt berekend door middel van onze criticaliteitsmetriek, en de breedte stelt het parallellisme van een draad voor. Rechthoeken die bovenaan in de grafiek zitten, als het ware in de hals van de fles, hebben een beperkt parallellisme, waardoor we ze beschouwen als “bottlenecks” voor de applicatie. Onze derde methode, speedup stacks, toont de bereikte speedup van een applicatie en de verschillende componenten die speedup beperken in een gestapelde grafiek. De intuïtie achter dit concept is dat door het reduceren van de invloed van een bepaalde component, de speedup van een applicatie proportioneel toeneemt met de grootte van die component in de stapel

    Reflections on Active Networking

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    Interactions among telecommunications networks, computers, and other peripheral devices have been of interest since the earliest distributed computing systems. A key architectural question is the location (and nature) of programmability. One perspective, that examined in this paper, is that network elements should be as programmable as possible, in order to build the most flexible distributed computing systems. This paper presents my personal view of the history of programmable networking over the last two decades, and in the spirit of vox audita perit, littera scripta manet , includes an account of how what is now called Active Networking came into being. It demonstrates the deep roots Active Networking has in the programming languages, networking and operating systems communities, and shows how interdisciplinary approaches can have impacts greater than the sums of their parts. Lessons are drawn both from the broader research agenda, and the specific goals pursued in the SwitchWare project. I close by speculating on possible futures for Active Networking

    A Hybrid Partially Reconfigurable Overlay Supporting Just-In-Time Assembly of Custom Accelerators on FPGAs

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    The state of the art in design and development flows for FPGAs are not sufficiently mature to allow programmers to implement their applications through traditional software development flows. The stipulation of synthesis as well as the requirement of background knowledge on the FPGAs\u27 low-level physical hardware structure are major challenges that prevent programmers from using FPGAs. The reconfigurable computing community is seeking solutions to raise the level of design abstraction at which programmers must operate, and move the synthesis process out of the programmers\u27 path through the use of overlays. A recent approach, Just-In-Time Assembly (JITA), was proposed that enables hardware accelerators to be assembled at runtime, all from within a traditional software compilation flow. The JITA approach presents a promising path to constructing hardware designs on FPGAs using pre-synthesized parallel programming patterns, but suffers from two major limitations. First, all variant programming patterns must be pre-synthesized. Second, conditional operations are not supported. In this thesis, I present a new reconfigurable overlay, URUK, that overcomes the two limitations imposed by the JITA approach. Similar to the original JITA approach, the proposed URUK overlay allows hardware accelerators to be constructed on FPGAs through software compilation flows. To this basic capability, URUK adds additional support to enable the assembly of presynthesized fine-grained computational operators to be assembled within the FPGA. This thesis provides analysis of URUK from three different perspectives; utilization, performance, and productivity. The analysis includes comparisons against High-Level Synthesis (HLS) and the state of the art approach to creating static overlays. The tradeoffs conclude that URUK can achieve approximately equivalent performance for algebra operations compared to HLS custom accelerators, which are designed with simple experience on FPGAs. Further, URUK shows a high degree of flexibility for runtime placement and routing of the primitive operations. The analysis shows how this flexibility can be leveraged to reduce communication overhead among tiles, compared to traditional static overlays. The results also show URUK can enable software programmers without any hardware skills to create hardware accelerators at productivity levels consistent with software development and compilation

    Energy analysis and optimisation techniques for automatically synthesised coprocessors

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    The primary outcome of this research project is the development of a methodology enabling fast automated early-stage power and energy analysis of configurable processors for system-on-chip platforms. Such capability is essential to the process of selecting energy efficient processors during design-space exploration, when potential savings are highest. This has been achieved by developing dynamic and static energy consumption models for the constituent blocks within the processors. Several optimisations have been identified, specifically targeting the most significant blocks in terms of energy consumption. Instruction encoding mechanism reduces both the energy and area requirements of the instruction cache; modifications to the multiplier unit reduce energy consumption during inactive cycles. Both techniques are demonstrated to offer substantial energy savings. The aforementioned techniques have undergone detailed evaluation and, based on the positive outcomes obtained, have been incorporated into Cascade, a system-on-chip coprocessor synthesis tool developed by Critical Blue, to provide automated analysis and optimisation of processor energy requirements. This thesis details the process of identifying and examining each method, along with the results obtained. Finally, a case study demonstrates the benefits of the developed functionality, from the perspective of someone using Cascade to automate the creation of an energy-efficient configurable processor for system-on-chip platforms
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