4 research outputs found

    Génération automatique de programmes pour des calcul multi-dimensionnels de type stencil

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    International audienceWe present a source-to-source auto-generating framework that enables alarge programmer community to easily and safely implement parallelstencil codes within the framework of Ordered Read-Write Locks(ORWL). It meets the specific needs of the application at a high levelof abstraction. ORWL is an inter-task synchronization model foriterative data-oriented parallel and distributed algorithms that usesstrict FIFO ordering for the access to all resources. It guaranteesequity, liveness and efficiency for a wide range of applications. Themain hurdle for using ORWL lies in its initialization phase, where theprogrammer has to specify the access scheme between tasks andresources and the initial positions of the tasks in the FIFOs. Weprovide a user-friendly interface based on a Domain-Specific Language(DSL) that captures domain semantics and automatically generates ORWLparallel high-performance stencil code. We conducted experiments thatproved the validity of our approach, as well as the efficiency andscalability of the generated code.Nous présentons un outil de génération automatique source-à source decode qui permet à une grande communauté de programmeurs d'implémenterdes codes stencils dans le cadre des verous ordonnés delecture-écriture (ORWL), et ceci de façon facile et sûre. L'outilproposé remplit les besoins spécifiques pour permettre un niveaud'abstraction élevé. ORWL est un modèle de synchronisation entretâches pour des calculs itératifs qui sont centrés sur les données. Ilutilise un ordonnocement strict imposé par des files d'attentes quisont associées à toutes les resources. Ainsi, il garantit l'égalité,la vivacité et l'efficacité pour une large catégorie d'applications.L'obstacle majeur pour l'utilisation d'ORWL est sa phased'initialisation, où le programmeur doit spécifier le schéma d'accèsentre tâches et resources, ainsi que les positions initiales destâches dans les files d'attente. Nous fournissons une interfaceconviviale, basée sur un langage dédié (DSL) qui capte la sémantiquespécifique au domaine et génère du code stencil parallèle de hauteperformance. Nous avons effectué des expériences qui prouvent lavalidité de notre approche, ainsi que l'efficacité et l'extensibilitédu code généré

    Evaluation of the results of orthodontic treatment by non-rigid image registration and deformation-based morphometry

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    The goal of this research was to find out, whether the non-rigid registration of dental casts can be used in the evaluation of orthodontic treatment and to develop a program, which would at least partially automatize the evaluation process of images. The aim was also to experiment the evaluation of three-dimensional models of the casts. This research was delimited to cover only the evaluation of malocclusions within the dental arch. The relationships between the dental arches were not considered. This thesis was done in the University of Vaasa at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Energy Technology as a part of the HammasSkanneri research project, whose aim is to automatize the digitization and archiving of dental casts. This research used two-dimensional images of dental casts which were taken of orthodontically treated patients before and after orthodontic treatment. Non-rigid registration was performed by using a registration tool of Fiji software. The evaluation of the accuracy of the registration was performed by measuring distances between manually inserted landmarks, and by comparing the linear and angular parameters of the registered images and the original target images. The displacements of the teeth were approximated with the help of deformation-based morphometry. The accuracy of registration is within reasonable error limits, if the image is taken straight from above of the cast and the registration is performed with the help of landmarks inserted by a human. Estimation of the changes showed that the movement of teeth can be coarsely measured by using deformation-based morphometry based on change estimates that resemble the Jacobian estimates. A set of programs, which partially automatize the evaluation of the accuracy and the changes, were developed. Three-dimensional imaging of the casts was unsuccessful, and thus the development of 3D evaluation system was left as a future research topic.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    Polyhedral-based data reuse optimization for configurable computing

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