16 research outputs found

    Використання математичного апарату нечітких множин для розробки методів, технологій, моделей систем безпеки інформації

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    Викладено питання розроблення методів, технологій, моделей і систем безпеки інформації, які з використанням математичного апарату нечітких множин дозволяють ефективно впроваджувати захищені інформаційні технології.The subjects of methods, technologies, models and information security systems development are presented, which with the use of mathematical fuzzy sets apparatus allow effective introduction of the protected information technologies

    Дослідження методів завадостійкого кодування для автоматизації визначення когнітивних властивостей інформації

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    Розглядається можливість застосування принципів завадостійкого кодування для визначення такої когнітивної властивості інформації, як її оригінальність. Приводяться визначення основних понять та постановка проблеми. Розглядається можливість порівняння послідовностей на основі принципів завадостійкого кодування, та їх застосування для визначення кількісних характеристик оригінальності інформації та пошуку запозичень.The possibility of application of principles of error control codes for definition such cognitive properties of the information, as its originality is considered in this article. Definitions of the basic concepts and statement of a problem are given. The possibility of comparison of sequences on the basis of the error control codes, and also their application for definition of quantitative characteristics of originality of the information and search of loans is considered

    Метод прискореного цифрового підписування на основі математичного апарату еліптичних кривих

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    Запропоновано метод цифрового підписування на основі математичного апарату еліптичних кривих, який дозволяє прискорити цифрове підписування порівняно з відомими аналогами.This work proposes the method of digital signing based on the mathematical background of elliptic curves which allows to accelerate digital signing in comparison with known prototypes

    Метод цифрового підписування на основі математичного апарату еліптичних кривих з прискореною процедурою перевірки підпису

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    Запропоновано метод цифрового підписування на основі математичного апарату еліптичних кривих для застосування в додатках, що потребують швидкої перевірки цифрового підпису.This work proposes the method of the digital signature based on the mathematical background of elliptic curves for being used in applications that requires a high-speed verification of digital signature

    Accelerating V2X Cryptography through Batch Operations

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    The increasing communication capabilities of vehicles are paving the way for promising road safety and traffic management applications. But the rise of connected vehicles also potentially introduces many security and privacy concerns. Thus, a vision of a successful cooperative vehicular network relies on strong security properties. Proposals such as the Security Credential Management System (SCMS) fulfil these security requirements with the concept of pseudonym certificates, relying on large-scale PKI. But since the on-board units performing these cryptographic operations are usually resource-constrained devices, it is important to consider ways to optimize and devise efficient implementations of the proposed algorithms. In this work, we study optimizations on the mathematical and algorithmic aspects of the validation of implicit certificates and the verification of ECDSA signatures used in the SCMS. We propose efficient algorithms to validate batches of implicit certificates, providing significant savings compared to the sequential validation of the individual certificates. We also propose optimizations to the verification of ECDSA signatures when the verification is performed with an implicit certificate. Although we focus our work on the SCMS and V2X communications, our contributions are more general and apply to every system combining ECQV and ECDSA

    Faster Multi-Exponentiation through Caching: Accelerating (EC)DSA Signature Verification

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    We consider the task of computing power products 1ikgiei\prod_{1 \leq i \leq k} g_i^{e_i} ( multi-exponentiation ) where base elements g2,...,gkg_2, ..., g_k are fixed while g1g_1 is variable between multi-exponentiations but may repeat, and where the exponents are bounded (e.g., in a finite group). We present a new technique that entails two different ways of computing such a result. The first way applies to the first occurrence of any g1g_1 where, besides obtaining the actual result, we create a cache entry based on g1g_1, investing very little memory or time overhead. The second way applies to any multi-exponentiation once such a cache entry exists for the g1g_1 in question: the cache entry provides for a significant speed-up. Our technique is useful for ECDSA or DSA signature verification with common domain parameters and recurring signers

    Taming the many EdDSAs

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    This paper analyses security of concrete instantiations of EdDSA by identifying exploitable inconsistencies between standardization recommendations and Ed25519 implementations. We mainly focus on current ambiguity regarding signature verification equations, binding and malleability guarantees, and incompatibilities between randomized batch and single verification. We give a formulation of Ed25519 signature scheme that achieves the highest level of security, explaining how each step of the algorithm links with the formal security properties. We develop optimizations to allow for more efficient secure implementations. Finally, we designed a set of edge-case test-vectors and run them by some of the most popular Ed25519 libraries. The results allowed to understand the security level of those implementations and showed that most libraries do not comply with the latest standardization recommendations. The methodology allows to test compatibility of different Ed25519 implementations which is of practical importance for consensus-driven applications

    Faster verification of V2X BSM messages via Message Chaining

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    Vehicular-to-Everything (V2X) communications enable vehicles to exchange messages with other entities, including nearby vehicles and pedestrians. V2X is, thus, essential for establishing an Intelligent Transportation System (ITS), where vehicles use information from their surroundings to reduce traffic congestion and improve safety. To avoid abuse, V2X messages should be digitally signed using valid digital certificates. Messages sent by unauthorized entities can then be discarded, while misbehavior can lead to the revocation of the corresponding certificates. One challenge in this scenario is that messages must be verified shortly after arrival (e.g., within centiseconds), whereas vehicles may receive thousands of them per second. To handle this issue, some solutions propose prioritization or delayed-verification mechanisms, while others involve signature schemes that support batch verification. In this manuscript, we discuss two mechanisms that complement such proposals, enabling the authentication of a sequence of messages from the same source with one single signature verification. Our analysis shows that the technique can reduce the number of verified signatures by around 90% for reliable communication channels, and by more than 65% for a maximum packet loss rate of 20%

    Efficient and Secure ECDSA Algorithm and its Applications: A Survey

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    Public-key cryptography algorithms, especially elliptic curve cryptography (ECC)and elliptic curve digital signature algorithm (ECDSA) have been attracting attention frommany researchers in different institutions because these algorithms provide security andhigh performance when being used in many areas such as electronic-healthcare, electronicbanking,electronic-commerce, electronic-vehicular, and electronic-governance. These algorithmsheighten security against various attacks and the same time improve performanceto obtain efficiencies (time, memory, reduced computation complexity, and energy saving)in an environment of constrained source and large systems. This paper presents detailedand a comprehensive survey of an update of the ECDSA algorithm in terms of performance,security, and applications