2,724 research outputs found

    Simulating Fractures with Bonded Discrete Element Method

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    Along with motion and deformation, fracture is a fundamental behaviour for solid materials, playing a critical role in physically-based animation. Many simulation methods including both continuum and discrete approaches have been used by the graphics community to animate fractures for various materials. However, compared with motion and deformation, fracture remains a challenging task for simulation, because the material's geometry, topology and mechanical states all undergo continuous (and sometimes chaotic) changes as fragmentation develops. Recognizing the discontinuous nature of fragmentation, we propose a discrete approach, namely the Bonded Discrete Element Method (BDEM), for fracture simulation. The research of BDEM in engineering has been growing rapidly in recent years, while its potential in graphics has not been explored. We also introduce several novel changes to BDEM to make it more suitable for animation design. Compared with other fracture simulation methods, the BDEM has some attractive benefits, e.g. efficient handling of multiple fractures, simple formulation and implementation, and good scaling consistency. But it also has some critical weaknesses, e.g. high computational cost, which demand further research. A number of examples are presented to demonstrate the pros and cons, which are then highlighted in the conclusion and discussion

    Cute Balloons with Thickness

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    Based on the fnite element method, we present a simple volume-preserved thin shell deformation algorithm to simulate the process of inflating a balloon. Diff erent from other thin shells, the material of balloons has special features: large stretch, small bend and shear, and incompressibility. Previous deformation methods often focus on typical three-dimensional models or thin plate models such as cloth model. The rest thin shell methods are complex or ignore the special features of thin shells especially balloons. We modify the triangle element to simple three-prism element, ignore bending and shearing deformation, and use volume preservation algorithm to match the incompressibility of balloons. Simple gas model is used, which interacts with shells to make the balloons inflated. Di different balloon examples have been tested in our experiments and the results are compared with those of other methods. The experiments show that our algorithm is simple and effective

    ACM Transactions on Graphics

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    We present a boundary element based method for fast simulation of brittle fracture. By introducing simplifying assumptions that allow us to quickly estimate stress intensities and opening displacements during crack propagation, we build a fracture algorithm where the cost of each time step scales linearly with the length of the crackfront. The transition from a full boundary element method to our faster variant is possible at the beginning of any time step. This allows us to build a hybrid method, which uses the expensive but more accurate BEM while the number of degrees of freedom is low, and uses the fast method once that number exceeds a given threshold as the crack geometry becomes more complicated. Furthermore, we integrate this fracture simulation with a standard rigid-body solver. Our rigid-body coupling solves a Neumann boundary value problem by carefully separating translational, rotational and deformational components of the collision forces and then applying a Tikhonov regularizer to the resulting linear system. We show that our method produces physically reasonable results in standard test cases and is capable of dealing with complex scenes faster than previous finite- or boundary element approaches

    Planning Framework for Robotic Pizza Dough Stretching with a Rolling Pin

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    Stretching a pizza dough with a rolling pin is a nonprehensile manipulation. Since the object is deformable, force closure cannot be established, and the manipulation is carried out in a nonprehensile way. The framework of this pizza dough stretching application that is explained in this chapter consists of four sub-procedures: (i) recognition of the pizza dough on a plate, (ii) planning the necessary steps to shape the pizza dough to the desired form, (iii) path generation for a rolling pin to execute the output of the pizza dough planner, and (iv) inverse kinematics for the bi-manual robot to grasp and control the rolling pin properly. Using the deformable object model described in Chap. 3, each sub-procedure of the proposed framework is explained sequentially

    Integration of Polynomials Times Double Step Function in Quadrilateral Domains for XFEM Analysis

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    The numerical integration of discontinuous functions is an abiding problem addressed by various authors. This subject gained even more attention in the context of the extended finite element method (XFEM), in which the exact integration of discontinuous functions is crucial to obtaining reliable results. In this scope, equivalent polynomials represent an effective method to circumvent the problem while exploiting the standard Gauss quadrature rule to exactly integrate polynomials times step function. Certain scenarios, however, might require the integration of polynomials times two step functions (i.e., problems in which branching cracks, kinking cracks or crack junctions within a single finite element occur). In this context, the use of equivalent polynomials has been investigated by the authors, and an algorithm to exactly integrate arbitrary polynomials times two Heaviside step functions in quadrilateral domains has been developed and is presented in this paper. Moreover, the algorithm has also been implemented into a software library (DD_EQP) to prove its precision and effectiveness and also the proposed method’s ease of implementation into any existing computational software or framework. The presented algorithm is the first step towards the numerical integration of an arbitrary number of discontinuities in quadrilateral domains. Both the algorithm and the library have a wide application range, in addition to fracture mechanics, from mathematical computing of complex geometric regions, to computer graphics and computational mechanics

    Application of desktop manufacturing system (SLA) for the manufacturing of a centrifugal pump impeller using CAD (I-DEAS)

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    Desktop Manufacturing (DTM) systems which combine personal computer, laser and other technologies are being used to sculpt objects from computer generated models created on computer aided design (CAD) workstations. As a member of DTM systems, StereoLithography Apparatus (SLA) transforms 3-dimensional designs into a 3-D output. This can substantially reduce the time required to produce a prototype through the process of photopolymerization. The process involves the transfer of a liquid plastic monomer into a solid polymer by exposing it to ultraviolet light. Although the process looks productive, inefficiencies can occur, if incorrect parameters are selected before its application for a particular prototype fabrication. In understanding the correct requirements of the prototype being built, efficiency can be maximized by the use of desktop manufacturing systems

    Advancing the mechanical performance of glasses: Perspectives and challenges

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    Glasses are materials that lack a crystalline microstructure and long‐range atomic order. Instead, they feature heterogeneity and disorder on superstructural scales, which have profound consequences for their elastic response, material strength, fracture toughness, and the characteristics of dynamic fracture. These structure–property relations present a rich field of study in fundamental glass physics and are also becoming increasingly important in the design of modern materials with improved mechanical performance. A first step in this direction involves glass‐like materials that retain optical transparency and the haptics of classical glass products, while overcoming the limitations of brittleness. Among these, novel types of oxide glasses, hybrid glasses, phase‐separated glasses, and bioinspired glass–polymer composites hold significant promise. Such materials are designed from the bottom‐up, building on structure–property relations, modeling of stresses and strains at relevant length scales, and machine learning predictions. Their fabrication requires a more scientifically driven approach to materials design and processing, building on the physics of structural disorder and its consequences for structural rearrangements, defect initiation, and dynamic fracture in response to mechanical load. In this article, a perspective is provided on this highly interdisciplinary field of research in terms of its most recent challenges and opportunities.The mechanical performance of glassy materials presents a major challenge in modern glass science and technology. With a focus on visually transparent, inorganic and hybrid glasses, a perspective on the most recent developments in the field is provided herein, emphasizing the importance of translating fundamental insight from glass physics into future applications