2,301 research outputs found

    Semantic Instance Annotation of Street Scenes by 3D to 2D Label Transfer

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    Semantic annotations are vital for training models for object recognition, semantic segmentation or scene understanding. Unfortunately, pixelwise annotation of images at very large scale is labor-intensive and only little labeled data is available, particularly at instance level and for street scenes. In this paper, we propose to tackle this problem by lifting the semantic instance labeling task from 2D into 3D. Given reconstructions from stereo or laser data, we annotate static 3D scene elements with rough bounding primitives and develop a model which transfers this information into the image domain. We leverage our method to obtain 2D labels for a novel suburban video dataset which we have collected, resulting in 400k semantic and instance image annotations. A comparison of our method to state-of-the-art label transfer baselines reveals that 3D information enables more efficient annotation while at the same time resulting in improved accuracy and time-coherent labels.Comment: 10 pages in Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 201

    Interactive Medical Image Segmentation using Deep Learning with Image-specific Fine-tuning

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    Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have achieved state-of-the-art performance for automatic medical image segmentation. However, they have not demonstrated sufficiently accurate and robust results for clinical use. In addition, they are limited by the lack of image-specific adaptation and the lack of generalizability to previously unseen object classes. To address these problems, we propose a novel deep learning-based framework for interactive segmentation by incorporating CNNs into a bounding box and scribble-based segmentation pipeline. We propose image-specific fine-tuning to make a CNN model adaptive to a specific test image, which can be either unsupervised (without additional user interactions) or supervised (with additional scribbles). We also propose a weighted loss function considering network and interaction-based uncertainty for the fine-tuning. We applied this framework to two applications: 2D segmentation of multiple organs from fetal MR slices, where only two types of these organs were annotated for training; and 3D segmentation of brain tumor core (excluding edema) and whole brain tumor (including edema) from different MR sequences, where only tumor cores in one MR sequence were annotated for training. Experimental results show that 1) our model is more robust to segment previously unseen objects than state-of-the-art CNNs; 2) image-specific fine-tuning with the proposed weighted loss function significantly improves segmentation accuracy; and 3) our method leads to accurate results with fewer user interactions and less user time than traditional interactive segmentation methods.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figure

    Multiatlas-Based Segmentation Editing With Interaction-Guided Patch Selection and Label Fusion

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    We propose a novel multi-atlas based segmentation method to address the segmentation editing scenario, where an incomplete segmentation is given along with a set of existing reference label images (used as atlases). Unlike previous multi-atlas based methods, which depend solely on appearance features, we incorporate interaction-guided constraints to find appropriate atlas label patches in the reference label set and derive their weights for label fusion. Specifically, user interactions provided on the erroneous parts are first divided into multiple local combinations. For each combination, the atlas label patches well-matched with both interactions and the previous segmentation are identified. Then, the segmentation is updated through the voxel-wise label fusion of selected atlas label patches with their weights derived from the distances of each underlying voxel to the interactions. Since the atlas label patches well-matched with different local combinations are used in the fusion step, our method can consider various local shape variations during the segmentation update, even with only limited atlas label images and user interactions. Besides, since our method does not depend on either image appearance or sophisticated learning steps, it can be easily applied to general editing problems. To demonstrate the generality of our method, we apply it to editing segmentations of CT prostate, CT brainstem, and MR hippocampus, respectively. Experimental results show that our method outperforms existing editing methods in all three data sets

    Segmentation Propagation in ImageNet

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    Abstract. ImageNet is a large-scale hierarchical database of object classes. We propose to automatically populate it with pixelwise segmentations, by leveraging existing manual annotations in the form of class labels and bounding-boxes. The key idea is to recursively exploit images segmented so far to guide the segmentation of new images. At each stage this propagation process expands into the images which are easiest to segment at that point in time, e.g. by moving to the semantically most related classes to those segmented so far. The propagation of segmentation occurs both (a) at the image level, by transferring existing segmentations to estimate the probability of a pixel to be foreground, and (b) at the class level, by jointly segmenting images of the same class and by importing the appearance models of classes that are already segmented. Through an experiment on 577 classes and 500k images we show that our technique (i) annotates a wide range of classes with accurate segmentations; (ii) effectively exploits the hierarchical structure of ImageNet; (iii) scales efficiently; (iv) outperforms a baseline GrabCut [1] initialized on the image center, as well as our recent segmentation transfer technique [2] on which this paper is based. Moreover, our method also delivers state-of-the-art results on the recent iCoseg dataset for co-segmentation.
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