29,428 research outputs found

    Abstracts of Invited Talks

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    AbstractTowards Adaptive Real-Time SystemsGiorgio ButtazzoUniversity of PaviaItalyModern real-time applications, including multimedia systems, mobile robotics, and distributed monitoring architectures, often operate in highly dynamic environments where workload conditions are difficult to predict in advance. In addition, real-time activities may have variable computational requirements and are characterized by more flexible timing constraints than classical real-time theory usually permits. Handling such systems according to a hard real-time paradigm (based on worst-case assumptions) is inappropriate, because it would cause a waste of resources and would dramatically increase the cost. Recently, significant work has been devoted at increasing the flexibility and the efficiency of real-time systems, still providing a form of performance guarantee.The goal of this talk is to introduce a set of new methodologies that can be adopted to develop adaptive real-time systems, that is, systems which can modify resource management policies based on the current workload conditions. In this framework, tasks are allowed to have less stringent timing constraints to achieve higher resource utilization. Moreover, the concept of yes-or-no guarantee is replaced with the notion of quality of service, which can be specified within a much larger grey-level scale.Real Life Timing Analysis at IntelAvi EfratiIntel, HaifaIsraelThe current generation of VLSI CPU's include a huge number of devices and the complexity is continuously increasing as technology scaling allows the designers to put more and more functionality within same area. At the same time the more and more advanced processes with faster devices allow higher operating frequency which require considering inductance and other physical effects. Lower voltages and smaller devices require increased timing accuracy. We take a two-prong approach, by increasing accuracy at the local level and supporting hierarchical models which abstract internals of blocks while preserving timing accuracy and interface electrical behaviour.This talk will give an overview of timing analysis at intel. Hierarchical timing models that enable full-chip timing will be described as well as interaction with academia in timing-related topics, such as false paths identification.Scheduling by a Combination of Mathematical and Constraint ProgrammingJohn HookerCarnegie Mellon UniversityPittsburgh, USAI survey decomposition-methods that combine mathematical and constraint programming for solving scheduling problems.  Theidea is to generalize Benders decomposition so that the subproblem is a constraint programming problem in which Benders cuts are obtained by logical inference, and the master problem is a mixed integer programming problem.  I report results by Jain and Grossmann for a machine scheduling problem, and by Thorsteinsson for a branch-and-check approach to the same problem. I suggest how to generalize the approach using a continuous relaxation of the cumulative constraint (joint work with Yan).Temporal and Resource Constraints in Constraint-Based SchedulingClaude Le PapeILOG SAParis, FranceScheduling consists in assigning execution times and resources to activities so as to satisfy a variety of constraints (time bounds, precedence relations, resource capacity constraints, etc.) and optimize one or several conflicting performance criteria (total schedule duration, cost, schedule robustness, etc.). Two main issues have to be considered to evaluate the applicability of a model of time and resources to industrial scheduling applications: "flexibility" and "efficiency". Flexibility means that the specific constraints of a given application shall be easy to represent in the given model. Efficiency means that the algorithms that are applicable to this model must provide good solutions in limited CPU time. As scheduling applications tend to be different one from another, this led to the development of a variety of models of time and resources, with different characteristics in terms of flexibility and efficiency. The presentation will emphasize the most widely used models and compare them along these two dimensions.Restricting the Behavior of Timed SystemsJoseph SifakisVERIMAGGrenoble, FranceRestriction is a central notion in system development. It appears to be a key concept for definition of parallel composition and refinement relations. It can be defined as a unary operation on systems whose effect is the restriction of the enabling conditions of actions.  For untimed systems,  restrictions S' of a system S both simulate S and preserve its invariants. For timed systems different notions of restriction can be defined depending on the effect of restriction operations on time progress. In this  talk we, •Discuss different technical choices involved in the definition of restriction for timed systems.•Give results about a notion of restriction which preserves both invariants and time progress.•Illustrate applications of these results to the definition of property preserving operations such as flexible parallel composition.•Discuss technical choices concerning the definition of time in systems and advocate for time models where waiting conditions are not specified or modified independently of the system's ability to perform actions

    Meeting Report for Mobile DNA 2010

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    An international conference on mobile DNA was held 24-28 April 2010 in Montreal, Canada. Sponsored by the American Society for Microbiology, the conference's goal was to bring together researchers from around the world who study transposition in diverse organisms using multiple experimental approaches. The meeting drew over 190 attendees and most contributed through poster presentations, invited talks and short talks selected from poster abstracts. The talks were organized into eight scientific sessions, which ranged in topic from the evolutionary dynamics of mobile genetic elements to transposition reaction mechanisms. Here we present highlights from the platform sessions with a focus on talks presented by the invited speakers

    Workshop on the Tectonic Evolution of Greenstone Belts (supplement containing abstracts of invited talks and late abstracts)

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    Topics addressed include: greenstone belt tectonics, thermal constaints, geological structure, rock components, crustal accretion model, geological evolution, synsedimentary deformation, Archean structures and geological faults

    Book of Abstracts of the Sixth SIAM Workshop on Combinatorial Scientific Computing

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    Book of Abstracts of CSC14 edited by Bora UçarInternational audienceThe Sixth SIAM Workshop on Combinatorial Scientific Computing, CSC14, was organized at the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France on 21st to 23rd July, 2014. This two and a half day event marked the sixth in a series that started ten years ago in San Francisco, USA. The CSC14 Workshop's focus was on combinatorial mathematics and algorithms in high performance computing, broadly interpreted. The workshop featured three invited talks, 27 contributed talks and eight poster presentations. All three invited talks were focused on two interesting fields of research specifically: randomized algorithms for numerical linear algebra and network analysis. The contributed talks and the posters targeted modeling, analysis, bisection, clustering, and partitioning of graphs, applied in the context of networks, sparse matrix factorizations, iterative solvers, fast multi-pole methods, automatic differentiation, high-performance computing, and linear programming. The workshop was held at the premises of the LIP laboratory of ENS Lyon and was generously supported by the LABEX MILYON (ANR-10-LABX-0070, Université de Lyon, within the program ''Investissements d'Avenir'' ANR-11-IDEX-0007 operated by the French National Research Agency), and by SIAM

    Computer systems

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    In addition to the discussions, Ocean Climate Data Workshop hosts gave participants an opportunity to hear about, see, and test for themselves some of the latest computer tools now available for those studying climate change and the oceans. Six speakers described computer systems and their functions. The introductory talks were followed by demonstrations to small groups of participants and some opportunities for participants to get hands-on experience. After this familiarization period, attendees were invited to return during the course of the Workshop and have one-on-one discussions and further hands-on experience with these systems. Brief summaries or abstracts of introductory presentations are addressed


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    The Thirteenth Annual PACLIM Workshop was held at the Asilomar Conference Center on April 14-17, 1996. Attended by about 100 registered participants, the workshop included 27 talks and 26 poster presentations. The talks consisted of a one-day theme session of seven 45-minute talks and two featured evening talks. Throughout the remainder of the meeting were nearly 20 shorter, 20-minute presentations. Poster presenters gave a short 1-2 minute introduction to their posters, which were displayed during the entire meeting. All presenters were invited to expand their abstracts into a manuscript for inclusion in the Proceedings volume, and nearly all presentations are included in manuscript or abstract form. In this Proceedings volume, manuscripts are presented first, and abstracts of talks and then posters follow

    Proceedings of KogWis 2012. 11th Biannual Conference of the German Cognitive Science Society

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    The German cognitive science conference is an interdisciplinary event where researchers from different disciplines -- mainly from artificial intelligence, cognitive psychology, linguistics, neuroscience, philosophy of mind, and anthropology -- and application areas -- such as eduction, clinical psychology, and human-machine interaction -- bring together different theoretical and methodological perspectives to study the mind. The 11th Biannual Conference of the German Cognitive Science Society took place from September 30 to October 3 2012 at Otto-Friedrich-Universität in Bamberg. The proceedings cover all contributions to this conference, that is, five invited talks, seven invited symposia and two symposia, a satellite symposium, a doctoral symposium, three tutorials, 46 abstracts of talks and 23 poster abstracts

    Hydrocephalus 2008, 17–20th September, Hannover Germany: a conference report

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    Hydrocephalus 2008 was held 17–20 September in Hannover, Germany, at the invitation of Petra M Klinge (President), co-hosted by Joachim K. Krauss (Vice President), and Madjid Samii (Honorary President). This meeting was a successor to Hydrocephalus 2006 held in Göteborg, Sweden, organised by Past-President, Carsten Wikkelso. The conference began with a general introductory session of six talks including three invited lectures, followed by eighteen parallel sessions. Subjects covered were hydrocephalus signs, symptoms and diagnosis, especially in normal pressure hydrocephalus; cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) physics and dynamics; CSF function and modelling of function; dementia and quality of life, economy, health care and rehabilitation; neuropsychology, cognition and outcome assessment; neuroimaging, functional imaging and non-invasive diagnostics; paediatric and adolescent hydrocephalus; intelligent shunt and valve design (e.g. telemetry, adjustable and antimicrobial shunts); endoscopic third ventriculostomy; technical advances and image-guided surgical approaches in the treatment of hydrocephalus; brain metabolism, biomarkers and biophysics; co-morbidity, classification and aetiology; epidemiology, registries and clinical trials; experimental hydrocephalus; and pharmaceutical modulation of central nervous system function (CNS drug delivery). Each session began with introductory talks from the invited chairpersons followed by six to eight submitted oral presentations. Overall, 136 oral presentations and 18 posters were presented, the abstracts of which were published elsewhere [1]. We present here an account of the introductory session, the invited chairperson's talks and the concluding remarks by Anthony Marmarou

    Systematics 2008 - Programme and Abstracts

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    The Göttingen conference „Systematics 2008“ is the first joint meeting of the Gesellschaft für Biologische Systematik (GfBS) and the German Botanical Society, section Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology (DBG), being the 10th Annual Meeting of the GfBS and the 18th International Symposium „Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology“ of the DBG. The conference programme covers biological systematics in the widest sense and provides ample opportunities for oral and poster presentations on new advances in plant, animal and microbial systematics. This volume brings together the abstracts of invited speaches from the plenary sessions on „Progress in Deep Phylogeny“, „Speciation and Phylogeography“, and „New Trends in Biological Systematics“ as well as those of submitted talks and poster sessions.The Göttingen conference „Systematics 2008“ is the first joint meeting of the Gesellschaft für Biologische Systematik (GfBS) and the German Botanical Society, section Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology (DBG), being the 10th Annual Meeting of the GfBS and the 18th International Symposium „Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology“ of the DBG. The conference programme covers biological systematics in the widest sense and provides ample opportunities for oral and poster presentations on new advances in plant, animal and microbial systematics. This volume brings together the abstracts of invited speaches from the plenary sessions on „Progress in Deep Phylogeny“, „Speciation and Phylogeography“, and „New Trends in Biological Systematics“ as well as those of submitted talks and poster sessions


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    Equadiff 15 – Conference on Differential Equations and Their Applications – is an international conference in the world famous series Equadiff running since 70 years ago. This booklet contains conference materials related with the 15th Equadiff conference in the Czech and Slovak series, which was held in Brno in July 2022. It includes also a brief history of the East and West branches of Equadiff, abstracts of the plenary and invited talks, a detailed program of the conference, the list of participants, and portraits of four Czech and Slovak outstanding mathematicians
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