2 research outputs found

    Querying and managing complex networks

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    Orientador: André SantanchèTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Compreender e quantificar as propriedades emergentes de redes naturais e de redes construídas pelo homem, tais como cadeias alimentares, interações sociais e infra-estruturas de transporte é uma tarefa desafiadora. O campo de redes complexas foi desenvolvido para agregar medições, algoritmos e técnicas para lidar com tais tópicos. Embora as pesquisas em redes complexas tenham sido aplicadas com sucesso em várias áreas de atividade humana, ainda há uma falta de infra-estruturas comuns para tarefas rotineiras, especialmente aquelas relacionadas à gestão de dados. Por outro lado, o campo de bancos de dados tem se concentrado em questões de gestão de dados desde o seu início, há várias décadas. Sistemas de banco de dados, no entanto, oferecem suporte reduzido à análise de redes. Para prover um melhor suporte para tarefas de análise de redes complexas, um sistema de banco de dados deve oferecer recursos de consulta e gerenciamento de dados adequados. Esta tese defende uma maior integração entre as áreas e apresenta nossos esforços para atingir este objetivo. Aqui nós descrevemos o Sistema de Gerenciamento de Dados Complexos (CDMS), que permite consultas exploratórias sobre redes complexas através de uma linguagem de consulta declarativa. Os resultados da consulta são classificados com base em medições de rede avaliadas no momento da consulta. Para suportar o processamento de consultas, nós introduzimos a Beta-álgebra, que oferece um operador capaz de representar diversas medições típicas de análise de redes complexas. A álgebra oferece oportunidades para otimizações transparentes de consulta baseadas em reescritas, propostas e discutidas aqui. Também introduzimos o mecanismo mapper de gestão de relacionamentos, que está integrado à linguagem de consulta. Os mecanismos de consulta e gerenciamento de dados flexíveis propostos são também úteis em cenários além da análise de redes complexas. Nós demonstramos o uso do CDMS em aplicações tais como integração de dados institucionais, recuperação de informação, classificação e recomendação. Todos os aspectos da proposta foram implementadas e testados com dados reais e sintéticosAbstract: Understanding and quantifying the emergent properties of natural and man-made networks such as food webs, social interactions, and transportation infrastructures is a challenging task. The complex networks field was developed to encompass measurements, algorithms, and techniques to tackle such topics. Although complex networks research has been successfully applied to several areas of human activity, there is still a lack of common infrastructures for routine tasks, especially those related to data management. On the other hand, the databases field has focused on mastering data management issues since its beginnings, several decades ago. Database systems, however, offer limited network analysis capabilities. To enable a better support for complex network analysis tasks, a database system must offer adequate querying and data management capabilities. This thesis advocates for a tighter integration between the areas and presents our efforts towards this goal. Here we describe the Complex Data Management System (CDMS), which enables explorative querying of complex networks through a declarative query language. Query results are ranked based on network measurements assessed at query time. To support query processing, we introduce the Beta-algebra, which offers an operator capable of representing diverse measurements typical of complex network analysis. The algebra offers opportunities for transparent query optimization through query rewritings, proposed and discussed here. We also introduce the mapper mechanism for relationship management, which is integrated in the query language. The flexible query language and data management mechanisms are useful in scenarios other than complex network analysis. We demonstrate the use of the CDMS in applications such as institutional data integration, information retrieval, classification and recommendation. All aspects of the proposal are implemented and have been tested with real and synthetic dataDoutoradoCiência da ComputaçãoDoutor em Ciência da Computação2012/15988-9FAPESPCAPE

    Abstract Framework For Social Ontologies And Folksonomized Ontologies

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    Many web-based public repositories are widely adopting tag-based metadata approaches as their main classification mechanism. This phenomenon is fostering initiatives to improve the semantic interpretation of tags, usually involving two main entities: "social ontologies", which emerges from the collaborative tagging (folksonomies), and formal ontologies. In order to analyze and compare these initiatives we present here an abstract framework. It supports our argument that existing approaches do not explore the full potential of the combination between folksonomies and ontologies due to their unidirectionality. The framework is also the basis to evidence that a fusion approach - -as proposed in our "folksonomized ontology" - -enables to better explore the organic semantics of folksonomies combined to the engineered semantics of ontologies. © 2012 ACM.ACM Special Interest Group on Management of Data (SIGMOD)Alves, H., Santanchè, A., Folksonomized ontologies - From social to formal (2011) XVII Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia and the WebBang, B.H.K., Dané, E., Grandbastien, M., Merging semantic and participative approaches for organising teachers' documents (2008) Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2008, pp. 4959-4966. , J. Luca and E. R. Weippl, editors, Vienna, Austria, June AACECantador, I., Konstas, I., Jose, J.M., Categorising social tags to improve folksonomy-based recommendations (2011) Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web, 9, pp. 1-15. , MarchCattuto, C., Benz, D., Hotho, A., Stumme, G., Semantic grounding of tag relatedness in social bookmarking systems (2008) LNAI, 5318, pp. 615-631. , The Semantic Web - ISWC 2008, Proc.Intl. Semantic Web Conference 2008, Heidelberg, SpringerHeymann, P., Garcia-Molina, H., (2006) Collaborative Creation of Communal Hierarchical Taxonomies in Social Tagging Systems, , Technical report, Computer Science Department, Standford University, AprilKotis, K., Alexopoulos, P., Papasalouros, A., Towards a framework for trusting the automated learning of social ontologies (2010) Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6291, pp. 388-399. , Y. Bi and M.-A. Williams, editors, Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management, Springer Berlin/HeidelbergLimpens, F., Gandon, F., Buffa, M., Helping online communities to semantically enrich folksonomies (2010) Web Science Conference 2010Resnik, P., Using information content to evaluate semantic similarity in a taxonomy (1995) Proceedings of the 14th IJCAI, pp. 448-453. , C. R. Perrault, editor, Montréal (Canada)Specia, L., Motta, E., Integrating folksonomies with the semantic web (2007) LNCS, 4519, pp. 624-639. , Proceedings of the European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC2007), Berlin Heidelberg, Germany, July Springer-VerlagSuchanek, F.M., Kasneci, G., Weikum, G., Yago: A core of semantic knowledge (2007) Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on World Wide Web, WWW '07, pp. 697-706. , New York, NY, USA, ACMTesconi, M., Ronzano, F., Marchetti, A., Minutoli, S., Semantify del.icio.us: Automatically turn your tags into senses (2008) First Workshop on Social Data on the Web (SDoW2008)Van Damme, C., Hepp, M., Siorpaes, K., Folksontology: An integrated approach for turning folksonomies into ontologies (2007) Proceedings of the ESWC Workshop "Bridging the Gap between Semantic Web and Web 2.0", , SpringerVander Wal, T., (2007) Folksonomy, , http://vanderwal.net/folksonomy.html, Retrieved on April, 201