675 research outputs found

    A Sparse Graph-Structured Lasso Mixed Model for Genetic Association with Confounding Correction

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    While linear mixed model (LMM) has shown a competitive performance in correcting spurious associations raised by population stratification, family structures, and cryptic relatedness, more challenges are still to be addressed regarding the complex structure of genotypic and phenotypic data. For example, geneticists have discovered that some clusters of phenotypes are more co-expressed than others. Hence, a joint analysis that can utilize such relatedness information in a heterogeneous data set is crucial for genetic modeling. We proposed the sparse graph-structured linear mixed model (sGLMM) that can incorporate the relatedness information from traits in a dataset with confounding correction. Our method is capable of uncovering the genetic associations of a large number of phenotypes together while considering the relatedness of these phenotypes. Through extensive simulation experiments, we show that the proposed model outperforms other existing approaches and can model correlation from both population structure and shared signals. Further, we validate the effectiveness of sGLMM in the real-world genomic dataset on two different species from plants and humans. In Arabidopsis thaliana data, sGLMM behaves better than all other baseline models for 63.4% traits. We also discuss the potential causal genetic variation of Human Alzheimer's disease discovered by our model and justify some of the most important genetic loci.Comment: Code available at https://github.com/YeWenting/sGLM

    A decision-theoretic approach for segmental classification

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    This paper is concerned with statistical methods for the segmental classification of linear sequence data where the task is to segment and classify the data according to an underlying hidden discrete state sequence. Such analysis is commonplace in the empirical sciences including genomics, finance and speech processing. In particular, we are interested in answering the following question: given data yy and a statistical model π(x,y)\pi(x,y) of the hidden states xx, what should we report as the prediction x^\hat{x} under the posterior distribution π(xy)\pi (x|y)? That is, how should you make a prediction of the underlying states? We demonstrate that traditional approaches such as reporting the most probable state sequence or most probable set of marginal predictions can give undesirable classification artefacts and offer limited control over the properties of the prediction. We propose a decision theoretic approach using a novel class of Markov loss functions and report x^\hat{x} via the principle of minimum expected loss (maximum expected utility). We demonstrate that the sequence of minimum expected loss under the Markov loss function can be enumerated exactly using dynamic programming methods and that it offers flexibility and performance improvements over existing techniques. The result is generic and applicable to any probabilistic model on a sequence, such as Hidden Markov models, change point or product partition models.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/13-AOAS657 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Tree-guided group lasso for multi-response regression with structured sparsity, with an application to eQTL mapping

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    We consider the problem of estimating a sparse multi-response regression function, with an application to expression quantitative trait locus (eQTL) mapping, where the goal is to discover genetic variations that influence gene-expression levels. In particular, we investigate a shrinkage technique capable of capturing a given hierarchical structure over the responses, such as a hierarchical clustering tree with leaf nodes for responses and internal nodes for clusters of related responses at multiple granularity, and we seek to leverage this structure to recover covariates relevant to each hierarchically-defined cluster of responses. We propose a tree-guided group lasso, or tree lasso, for estimating such structured sparsity under multi-response regression by employing a novel penalty function constructed from the tree. We describe a systematic weighting scheme for the overlapping groups in the tree-penalty such that each regression coefficient is penalized in a balanced manner despite the inhomogeneous multiplicity of group memberships of the regression coefficients due to overlaps among groups. For efficient optimization, we employ a smoothing proximal gradient method that was originally developed for a general class of structured-sparsity-inducing penalties. Using simulated and yeast data sets, we demonstrate that our method shows a superior performance in terms of both prediction errors and recovery of true sparsity patterns, compared to other methods for learning a multivariate-response regression.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/12-AOAS549 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Structured Sparse Methods for Imaging Genetics

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    abstract: Imaging genetics is an emerging and promising technique that investigates how genetic variations affect brain development, structure, and function. By exploiting disorder-related neuroimaging phenotypes, this class of studies provides a novel direction to reveal and understand the complex genetic mechanisms. Oftentimes, imaging genetics studies are challenging due to the relatively small number of subjects but extremely high-dimensionality of both imaging data and genomic data. In this dissertation, I carry on my research on imaging genetics with particular focuses on two tasks---building predictive models between neuroimaging data and genomic data, and identifying disorder-related genetic risk factors through image-based biomarkers. To this end, I consider a suite of structured sparse methods---that can produce interpretable models and are robust to overfitting---for imaging genetics. With carefully-designed sparse-inducing regularizers, different biological priors are incorporated into learning models. More specifically, in the Allen brain image--gene expression study, I adopt an advanced sparse coding approach for image feature extraction and employ a multi-task learning approach for multi-class annotation. Moreover, I propose a label structured-based two-stage learning framework, which utilizes the hierarchical structure among labels, for multi-label annotation. In the Alzheimer's disease neuroimaging initiative (ADNI) imaging genetics study, I employ Lasso together with EDPP (enhanced dual polytope projections) screening rules to fast identify Alzheimer's disease risk SNPs. I also adopt the tree-structured group Lasso with MLFre (multi-layer feature reduction) screening rules to incorporate linkage disequilibrium information into modeling. Moreover, I propose a novel absolute fused Lasso model for ADNI imaging genetics. This method utilizes SNP spatial structure and is robust to the choice of reference alleles of genotype coding. In addition, I propose a two-level structured sparse model that incorporates gene-level networks through a graph penalty into SNP-level model construction. Lastly, I explore a convolutional neural network approach for accurate predicting Alzheimer's disease related imaging phenotypes. Experimental results on real-world imaging genetics applications demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed structured sparse methods.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Computer Science 201

    Reconstructing DNA copy number by joint segmentation of multiple sequences

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    The variation in DNA copy number carries information on the modalities of genome evolution and misregulation of DNA replication in cancer cells; its study can be helpful to localize tumor suppressor genes, distinguish different populations of cancerous cell, as well identify genomic variations responsible for disease phenotypes. A number of different high throughput technologies can be used to identify copy number variable sites, and the literature documents multiple effective algorithms. We focus here on the specific problem of detecting regions where variation in copy number is relatively common in the sample at hand: this encompasses the cases of copy number polymorphisms, related samples, technical replicates, and cancerous sub-populations from the same individual. We present an algorithm based on regularization approaches with significant computational advantages and competitive accuracy. We illustrate its applicability with simulated and real data sets.Comment: 54 pages, 5 figure

    Regularized regression method for genome-wide association studies

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    We use a novel penalized approach for genome-wide association study that accounts for the linkage disequilibrium between adjacent markers. This method uses a penalty on the difference of the genetic effect at adjacent single-nucleotide polymorphisms and combines it with the minimax concave penalty, which has been shown to be superior to the least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) in terms of estimator bias and selection consistency. Our method is implemented using a coordinate descent algorithm. The value of the tuning parameters is determined by extended Bayesian information criteria. The leave-one-out method is used to compute p-values of selected single-nucleotide polymorphisms. Its applicability to a simulated data from Genetic Analysis Workshop 17 replication one is illustrated. Our method selects three SNPs (C13S522, C13S523, and C13S524), whereas the LASSO method selects two SNPs (C13S522 and C13S523)

    Statistical Estimation of Correlated Genome Associations to a Quantitative Trait Network

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    Many complex disease syndromes, such as asthma, consist of a large number of highly related, rather than independent, clinical or molecular phenotypes. This raises a new technical challenge in identifying genetic variations associated simultaneously with correlated traits. In this study, we propose a new statistical framework called graph-guided fused lasso (GFlasso) to directly and effectively incorporate the correlation structure of multiple quantitative traits such as clinical metrics and gene expressions in association analysis. Our approach represents correlation information explicitly among the quantitative traits as a quantitative trait network (QTN) and then leverages this network to encode structured regularization functions in a multivariate regression model over the genotypes and traits. The result is that the genetic markers that jointly influence subgroups of highly correlated traits can be detected jointly with high sensitivity and specificity. While most of the traditional methods examined each phenotype independently and combined the results afterwards, our approach analyzes all of the traits jointly in a single statistical framework. This allows our method to borrow information across correlated phenotypes to discover the genetic markers that perturb a subset of the correlated traits synergistically. Using simulated datasets based on the HapMap consortium and an asthma dataset, we compared the performance of our method with other methods based on single-marker analysis and regression-based methods that do not use any of the relational information in the traits. We found that our method showed an increased power in detecting causal variants affecting correlated traits. Our results showed that, when correlation patterns among traits in a QTN are considered explicitly and directly during a structured multivariate genome association analysis using our proposed methods, the power of detecting true causal SNPs with possibly pleiotropic effects increased significantly without compromising performance on non-pleiotropic SNPs