6 research outputs found

    About the domino problem in the hyperbolic plane, a new solution: complement

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    In this paper, we complete the construction of paper arXiv:cs.CG/0701096v2. Together with the proof contained in arXiv:cs.CG/0701096v2, this paper definitely proves that the general problem of tiling the hyperbolic plane with {\it \`a la} Wang tiles is undecidable.Comment: 20 page

    Constructing a uniform plane-filling path in the ternary heptagrid of the hyperbolic plane

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    In this paper, we distinguish two levels for the plane-filling property. We consider a simple and a strong one. In this paper, we give the construction which proves that the simple plane-filling property also holds for the hyperbolic plane. The plane-filling property was established for the Euclidean plane by J. Kari, in 1994, in the strong version

    Noncooperative algorithms in self-assembly

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    We show the first non-trivial positive algorithmic results (i.e. programs whose output is larger than their size), in a model of self-assembly that has so far resisted many attempts of formal analysis or programming: the planar non-cooperative variant of Winfree's abstract Tile Assembly Model. This model has been the center of several open problems and conjectures in the last fifteen years, and the first fully general results on its computational power were only proven recently (SODA 2014). These results, as well as ours, exemplify the intricate connections between computation and geometry that can occur in self-assembly. In this model, tiles can stick to an existing assembly as soon as one of their sides matches the existing assembly. This feature contrasts with the general cooperative model, where it can be required that tiles match on \emph{several} of their sides in order to bind. In order to describe our algorithms, we also introduce a generalization of regular expressions called Baggins expressions. Finally, we compare this model to other automata-theoretic models.Comment: A few bug fixes and typo correction