153 research outputs found

    The Write Stuff: U.S. Serial Print Culture from Conservatives out to Neo-Nazis

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    Insufficient scholarly attention has been devoted to alternative or "oppositional" serials from the political right, even though a number of scholars have used these materials as primary sources for studies in several academic disciplines. This overview reviews some of the terms used to describe these serials, explores the development of distinct post???WWII right-wing ideologies, and proposes that these serials usefully can be analyzed through a sociological lens as movement literature that both reflects and shapes different sectors through frames and narratives. How oppositional serials can play a role in constructing rhetorical pipelines and echo chambers to take movement grievances and push them into mainstream political policy initiatives is explored. The sectors defined and examined are the secular right, religious right, and xenophobic right. Examples from each sector are provided, with selected periodicals highlighted in detail.published or submitted for publicatio

    Activated Peroxygens for Remediation of Contaminated Soil and Groundwater

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    UTP Interactive WAP Announcement

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    UTP Interactive WAP Application is a project that will enable UTP students to retrieve information around UTP only by sending request through SMS. Currently, lecturers and administration are usingUTP Website, UTP Buletin Board, E-learning, and notice board to spread out information to students such as class replacement and club events. However, due to various technical errors, students seldom log on to those websites. Therefore, this project is developed as a backup to UTP Website and E-Iearning, especially for high mobility students whoprefer to access Internet through Mobile phone than from computers. Through their handphone, student will send request as provided in the system menu to Web Server. Then, the Web Server which hold WAP content will process the request and reply to the sender. The process is completed once the sender received the requested information.This is the manuscript which reporting the whole development of the project. To describe the study, background, problem statement, objectives and scope of the project will be imparted in Introduction Chapter. Next, in Literature Review Chapter, search and findings about the implementation and architecture of WAP and WML technology together with other components in developing the project is summarized. Next, as the framework that builds the project, the procedures that have been gone through, and the software that is implemented namely Nokia Mobile Internet Toolkit 4.0, EasyPHP, and Dreamweaver are generally described in Methodology Chapter. In Result and Discussion Chapter, The output of the first and second part of the study are imparted, displayed and discussed

    Factors influencing China's behaviour in the South China Sea

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    This research assesses China's likely future behaviour in relation to the South China Sea disputes, critically evaluating two prominent, related topics of discussion among the International Relations scholars since the late 1980s. One of these topics is theoretical: to what extent is the flourishing `liberal peace' argument in International Relations theory valid when applied to China's international behaviour, and towards the South China Sea disputes in particular'? The advocates of the `liberal peace' argument have spent much energy attempting to prove the positive correlation between peace and such factors as democracy and economic interdependence using statistical models. In addition, one faction of the liberal school emphasises the effectiveness of institutions which supposedly impose constraints on a state through international rules and agreements. However, liberals' arguments fail to engage with some critical points. First of all, whether a state goes to war is not a matter of probability but a political decision. Secondly, the costs of sacrificing economic ties and violating internationally-agreed obligations surely affect a decision to go to war. However, if a state perceives that its vital national interests are at risk, such costs will have little influence on decision-making. In addition, liberals' argument ignores the importance of the political framework in which economic interdependence functions. Furthermore, liberals do not pay attention to the facts that institutions are usually established by the initiative of a hegemon and its supporters, and that the rules and norms of institutions generally reflect the distribution of power among their members. This dissertation illustrates the way in which realist thinking (involving consideration of survival, balance of power and relative gain) still forms the foundation for states' behaviour.The other topic relevant in this dissertation is empirical and concerns which of the conflicting opinions about China's future geopolitical orientation is more accurate: that China will become an assertive regional hegemon as her economy develops and her military is modernised, or that she will not obtain even regional hegemonic status for some decades to come due to her lack of economic and military power. The first view generally draws the conclusion that China should somehow be contained, while the second view concludes that other states need to engage China so that the latter can be tied into the international community. A major problem with arguments of this type is that China's likely behaviour tends to be predicted on the basis of research on specific issues. In particular, military factors, such as China's increasing defence budget, its vigorous purchase of advanced weapons particularly from Russia, and the PLA's weight in the government's decision-making, have been overemphasised. Although stronger military capabilities may provide a government with wider foreign policy options, states - including China - usually do not use force just because their military capabilities become stronger. Understanding the nature of states and the factors that drive states' behaviour is necessary in order to avoid extreme conclusions. This dissertation tries to integrate the existing empirical studies and theoretical assumptions in International Relations theory.The reason for focusing on the South China Sea is that this case is important in the sense that the disputes there are not just territorial conflicts involving China and other claimants. The South China Sea disputes involve many factors such as fisheries, energy, and extra-regional powers' strategic and economic interests, besides the overlapping territorial sovereign claims. In addition, economic interdependence between China and regional states has deepened since the 1990s, and the region has international institutions such as APEC and the ARF where economic and security issues, respectively, are I Introduction discussed. The last two factors make this case particularly suitable for the application of IR theory. This dissertation will demonstrate that geopolitical considerations are dominant not only in China's decision-making but also in the ASEAN states' attitudes towards China and the disputes themselves

    U.N.M. Weekly, Volume 006, No 26, 3/12/1904

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    U.N.M. Weekly, Volume 006, No 26, 3/12/1904https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/unm_weekly_1904/1009/thumbnail.jp


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    The popularity of Internet as it capable to handle various type of multimedia formats, give a new face for the community to change an idea and information. Main purpose of developing the portal is to use the information technologyand multimedia widely. Many organizations nowadays use an internet as a medium to promote their organization and a place to interact with the user. User can logon to an organization portal and use the facilities provided. Currently, the problem is the customer support services provided is not efficient enough for the organization and for the user itself. If user has any problem regarding the portal, they only can interact with the customer services by calling the office or send an email to the administration of the portal. This way is not very user-friendly and user has to wait for a long time to get the response from the organization. In order to overcome the problem, an Online Library Services with Live Customer Support should be developed. The objective of the project is to give online facilities to the user to interact with an operator ofthe portal. This can enables live customer support and visitor communication directly from the website. Provides real-time customer service support from any computer, anywhere! As a conclusion, Online Library Services with Live Customer Support can provide an efficient user service by the organization

    Gene expression dynamics in the oxidative stress response of fission yeast

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    Co-ordination chemistry of sulfimides

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    Reactions of Ph2SNH 1 with copper(II) halides in a 2:1 ratio is fast and efficiently generates species of the type trans-Cu(Ph2SNH)X2. A significant aspect of their coordination geometry comes with the observation that two distinct isomers (or allogons) of the chloro complex can be generated and we believe this is the first example of square-planar/pseudo-tetrahedral isomerism in a neutral copper(II) complex. True polymorphism is displayed by these allogons as they can be used to generate each other by crystallisation from the appropriate solvent mixtures. No such isomerism is exhibited by the bromo analogue. [Continues.

    Detection of Ongoing Mass Loss from HD 63433c, a Young Mini-Neptune

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    We detect Lyα absorption from the escaping atmosphere of HD 63433c, a R = 2.67R⊕, P = 20.5 day mini-Neptune orbiting a young (440 Myr) solar analog in the Ursa Major Moving Group. Using Hubble Space Telescope (HST)/Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph, we measure a transit depth of 11.1 ± 1.5% in the blue wing and 8 ± 3% in the red. This signal is unlikely to be due to stellar variability, but should be confirmed by an upcoming second transit observation with HST. We do not detect Lyα absorption from the inner planet, a smaller R = 2.15R⊕ mini-Neptune on a 7.1 day orbit. We use Keck/NIRSPEC to place an upper limit of 0.5% on helium absorption for both planets. We measure the host star\u27s X-ray spectrum and mid-ultraviolet flux with XMM-Newton, and model the outflow from both planets using a 3D hydrodynamic code. This model provides a reasonable match to the light curve in the blue wing of the Lyα line and the helium nondetection for planet c, although it does not explain the tentative red wing absorption or reproduce the excess absorption spectrum in detail. Its predictions of strong Lyα and helium absorption from b are ruled out by the observations. This model predicts a much shorter mass-loss timescale for planet b, suggesting that b and c are fundamentally different: while the latter still retains its hydrogen/helium envelope, the former has likely lost its primordial atmosphere
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