408 research outputs found


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    During the last years smart sensors based on Micro-Electro-Mechanical systems (MEMS) are widely spreading over various fields as automotive, biomedical, optical and consumer, and nowadays they represent the outstanding state of the art. The reasons of their diffusion is related to the capability to measure physical and chemical information using miniaturized components. The developing of this kind of architectures, due to the heterogeneities of their components, requires a very complex design flow, due to the utilization of both mechanical parts typical of the MEMS sensor and electronic components for the interfacing and the conditioning. In these kind of systems testing activities gain a considerable importance, and they concern various phases of the life-cycle of a MEMS based system. Indeed, since the design phase of the sensor, the validation of the design by the extraction of characteristic parameters is important, because they are necessary to design the sensor interface circuit. Moreover, this kind of architecture requires techniques for the calibration and the evaluation of the whole system in addition to the traditional methods for the testing of the control circuitry. The first part of this research work addresses the testing optimization by the developing of different hardware/software architecture for the different testing stages of the developing flow of a MEMS based system. A flexible and low-cost platform for the characterization and the prototyping of MEMS sensors has been developed in order to provide an environment that allows also to support the design of the sensor interface. To reduce the reengineering time requested during the verification testing a universal client-server architecture has been designed to provide a unique framework to test different kind of devices, using different development environment and programming languages. Because the use of ATE during the engineering phase of the calibration algorithm is expensive in terms of ATE’s occupation time, since it requires the interruption of the production process, a flexible and easily adaptable low-cost hardware/software architecture for the calibration and the evaluation of the performance has been developed in order to allow the developing of the calibration algorithm in a user-friendly environment that permits also to realize a small and medium volume production. The second part of the research work deals with a topic that is becoming ever more important in the field of applications for MEMS sensors, and concerns the capability to combine information extracted from different typologies of sensors (typically accelerometers, gyroscopes and magnetometers) to obtain more complex information. In this context two different algorithm for the sensor fusion has been analyzed and developed: the first one is a fully software algorithm that has been used as a means to estimate how much the errors in MEMS sensor data affect the estimation of the parameter computed using a sensor fusion algorithm; the second one, instead, is a sensor fusion algorithm based on a simplified Kalman filter. Starting from this algorithm, a bit-true model in Mathworks Simulink(TM) has been created as a system study for the implementation of the algorithm on chip

    Platform-based design, test and fast verification flow for mixed-signal systems on chip

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    This research is providing methodologies to enhance the design phase from architectural space exploration and system study to verification of the whole mixed-signal system. At the beginning of the work, some innovative digital IPs have been designed to develop efficient signal conditioning for sensor systems on-chip that has been included in commercial products. After this phase, the main focus has been addressed to the creation of a re-usable and versatile test of the device after the tape-out which is close to become one of the major cost factor for ICs companies, strongly linking it to model’s test-benches to avoid re-design phases and multi-environment scenarios, producing a very effective approach to a single, fast and reliable multi-level verification environment. All these works generated different publications in scientific literature. The compound scenario concerning the development of sensor systems is presented in Chapter 1, together with an overview of the related market with a particular focus on the latest MEMS and MOEMS technology devices, and their applications in various segments. Chapter 2 introduces the state of the art for sensor interfaces: the generic sensor interface concept (based on sharing the same electronics among similar applications achieving cost saving at the expense of area and performance loss) versus the Platform Based Design methodology, which overcomes the drawbacks of the classic solution by keeping the generality at the highest design layers and customizing the platform for a target sensor achieving optimized performances. An evolution of Platform Based Design achieved by implementation into silicon of the ISIF (Intelligent Sensor InterFace) platform is therefore presented. ISIF is a highly configurable mixed-signal chip which allows designers to perform an effective design space exploration and to evaluate directly on silicon the system performances avoiding the critical and time consuming analysis required by standard platform based approach. In chapter 3 we describe the design of a smart sensor interface for conditioning next generation MOEMS. The adoption of a new, high performance and high integrated technology allow us to integrate not only a versatile platform but also a powerful ARM processor and various IPs providing the possibility to use the platform not only as a conditioning platform but also as a processing unit for the application. In this chapter a description of the various blocks is given, with a particular emphasis on the IP developed in order to grant the highest grade of flexibility with the minimum area occupation. The architectural space evaluation and the application prototyping with ISIF has enabled an effective, rapid and low risk development of a new high performance platform achieving a flexible sensor system for MEMS and MOEMS monitoring and conditioning. The platform has been design to cover very challenging test-benches, like a laser-based projector device. In this way the platform will not only be able to effectively handle the sensor but also all the system that can be built around it, reducing the needed for further electronics and resulting in an efficient test bench for the algorithm developed to drive the system. The high costs in ASIC development are mainly related to re-design phases because of missing complete top-level tests. Analog and digital parts design flows are separately verified. Starting from these considerations, in the last chapter a complete test environment for complex mixed-signal chips is presented. A semi-automatic VHDL-AMS flow to provide totally matching top-level is described and then, an evolution for fast self-checking test development for both model and real chip verification is proposed. By the introduction of a Python interface, the designer can easily perform interactive tests to cover all the features verification (e.g. calibration and trimming) into the design phase and check them all with the same environment on the real chip after the tape-out. This strategy has been tested on a consumer 3D-gyro for consumer application, in collaboration with SensorDynamics AG

    MEMS Technology for Biomedical Imaging Applications

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    Biomedical imaging is the key technique and process to create informative images of the human body or other organic structures for clinical purposes or medical science. Micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) technology has demonstrated enormous potential in biomedical imaging applications due to its outstanding advantages of, for instance, miniaturization, high speed, higher resolution, and convenience of batch fabrication. There are many advancements and breakthroughs developing in the academic community, and there are a few challenges raised accordingly upon the designs, structures, fabrication, integration, and applications of MEMS for all kinds of biomedical imaging. This Special Issue aims to collate and showcase research papers, short commutations, perspectives, and insightful review articles from esteemed colleagues that demonstrate: (1) original works on the topic of MEMS components or devices based on various kinds of mechanisms for biomedical imaging; and (2) new developments and potentials of applying MEMS technology of any kind in biomedical imaging. The objective of this special session is to provide insightful information regarding the technological advancements for the researchers in the community

    CMOS systems and circuits for sub-degree per hour MEMS gyroscopes

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    The objective of our research is to develop system architectures and CMOS circuits that interface with high-Q silicon microgyroscopes to implement navigation-grade angular rate sensors. The MEMS sensor used in this work is an in-plane bulk-micromachined mode-matched tuning fork gyroscope (MÂČ â€“ TFG ), fabricated on silicon-on-insulator substrate. The use of CMOS transimpedance amplifiers (TIA) as front-ends in high-Q MEMS resonant sensors is explored. A T-network TIA is proposed as the front-end for resonant capacitive detection. The T-TIA provides on-chip transimpedance gains of 25MΩ, has a measured capacitive resolution of 0.02aF /√Hz at 15kHz, a dynamic range of 104dB in a bandwidth of 10Hz and consumes 400ÎŒW of power. A second contribution is the development of an automated scheme to adaptively bias the mechanical structure, such that the sensor is operated in the mode-matched condition. Mode-matching leverages the inherently high quality factors of the microgyroscope, resulting in significant improvement in the Brownian noise floor, electronic noise, sensitivity and bias drift of the microsensor. We developed a novel architecture that utilizes the often ignored residual quadrature error in a gyroscope to achieve and maintain perfect mode-matching (i.e.0Hz split between the drive and sense mode frequencies), as well as electronically control the sensor bandwidth. A CMOS implementation is developed that allows mode-matching of the drive and sense frequencies of a gyroscope at a fraction of the time taken by current state of-the-art techniques. Further, this mode-matching technique allows for maintaining a controlled separation between the drive and sense resonant frequencies, providing a means of increasing sensor bandwidth and dynamic range. The mode-matching CMOS IC, implemented in a 0.5ÎŒm 2P3M process, and control algorithm have been interfaced with a 60ÎŒm thick M2−TFG to implement an angular rate sensor with bias drift as low as 0.1°/hr ℃ the lowest recorded to date for a silicon MEMS gyro.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Farrokh Ayazi; Committee Member: Jennifer Michaels; Committee Member: Levent Degertekin; Committee Member: Paul Hasler; Committee Member: W. Marshall Leac

    Advances in Integrated Circuits and Systems for Wearable Biomedical Electrical Impedance Tomography

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    Electrical impedance tomography (EIT) is an impedance mapping technique that can be used to image the inner impedance distribution of the subject under test. It is non-invasive, inexpensive and radiation-free, while at the same time it can facilitate long-term and real-time dynamic monitoring. Thus, EIT lends itself particularly well to the development of a bio-signal monitoring/imaging system in the form of wearable technology. This work focuses on EIT system hardware advancement using complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology. It presents the design and testing of application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) and their successful use in two bio-medical applications, namely, neonatal lung function monitoring and human-machine interface (HMI) for prosthetic hand control. Each year fifteen million babies are born prematurely, and up to 30% suffer from lung disease. Although respiratory support, especially mechanical ventilation, can improve their survival, it also can cause injury to their vulnerable lungs resulting in severe and chronic pulmonary morbidity lasting into adulthood, thus an integrated wearable EIT system for neonatal lung function monitoring is urgently needed. In this work, two wearable belt systems are presented. The first belt features a miniaturized active electrode module built around an analog front-end ASIC which is fabricated with 0.35-”m high-voltage process technology with ±9 V power supplies and occupies a total die area of 3.9 mmÂČ. The ASIC offers a high power active current driver capable of up to 6 mAp-p output, and wideband active buffer for EIT recording as well as contact impedance monitoring. The belt has a bandwidth of 500 kHz, and an image frame rate of 107 frame/s. To further improve the system, the active electrode module is integrated into one ASIC. It contains a fully differential current driver, a current feedback instrumentation amplifier (IA), a digital controller and multiplexors with a total die area of 9.6 mmÂČ. Compared to the conventional active electrode architecture employed in the first EIT belt, the second belt features a new architecture. It allows programmable flexible electrode current drive and voltage sense patterns under simple digital control. It has intimate connections to the electrodes for the current drive and to the IA for direct differential voltage measurement providing superior common-mode rejection ratio (CMRR) up to 74 dB, and with active gain, the noise level can be reduced by a factor of √3 using the adjacent scan. The second belt has a wider operating bandwidth of 1 MHz and multi-frequency operation. The image frame rate is 122 frame/s, the fastest wearable EIT reported to date. It measures impedance with 98% accuracy and has less than 0.5 ℩ and 1° variation across all channels. In addition the ASIC facilitates several other functionalities to provide supplementary clinical information at the bedside. With the advancement of technology and the ever-increasing fusion of computer and machine into daily life, a seamless HMI system that can recognize hand gestures and motions and allow the control of robotic machines or prostheses to perform dexterous tasks, is a target of research. Originally developed as an imaging technique, EIT can be used with a machine learning technique to track bones and muscles movement towards understanding the human user’s intentions and ultimately controlling prosthetic hand applications. For this application, an analog front-end ASIC is designed using 0.35-”m standard process technology with ±1.65 V power supplies. It comprises a current driver capable of differential drive and a low noise (9ÎŒVrms) IA with a CMRR of 80 dB. The function modules occupy an area of 0.07 mmÂČ. Using the ASIC, a complete HMI system based on the EIT principle for hand prosthesis control has been presented, and the user’s forearm inner bio-impedance redistribution is assessed. Using artificial neural networks, bio-impedance redistribution can be learned so as to recognise the user’s intention in real-time for prosthesis operation. In this work, eleven hand motions are designed for prosthesis operation. Experiments with five subjects show that the system can achieve an overall recognition accuracy of 95.8%

    System design of a low-power three-axis underdamped MEMS accelerometer with simultaneous electrostatic damping control

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    Recently, consumer electronics industry has known a spectacular growth that would have not been possible without pushing the integration barrier further and further. Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) inertial sensors (e.g. accelerometers, gyroscopes) provide high performance, low power, low die cost solutions and are, nowadays, embedded in most consumer applications. In addition, the sensors fusion has become a new trend and combo sensors are gaining growing popularity since the co-integration of a three-axis MEMS accelerometer and a three-axis MEMS gyroscope provides complete navigation information. The resulting device is an Inertial measurement unit (IMU) able to sense multiple Degrees of Freedom (DoF). Nevertheless, the performances of the accelerometers and the gyroscopes are conditioned by the MEMS cavity pressure: the accelerometer is usually a damped system functioning under an atmospheric pressure while the gyroscope is a highly resonant system. Thus, to conceive a combo sensor, aunique low cavity pressure is required. The integration of both transducers within the same low pressure cavity necessitates a method to control and reduce the ringing phenomena by increasing the damping factor of the MEMS accelerometer. Consequently, the aim of the thesis is the design of an analog front-end interface able to sense and control an underdamped three-axis MEMSaccelerometer. This work proposes a novel closed-loop accelerometer interface achieving low power consumption The design challenge consists in finding a trade-off between the sampling frequency, the settling time and the circuit complexity since the sensor excitation plates are multiplexed between the measurement and the damping phases. In this context, a patenteddamping sequence (simultaneous damping) has been conceived to improve the damping efficiency over the state of the art approach performances (successive damping). To investigate the feasibility of the novel electrostatic damping control architecture, several mathematical models have been developed and the settling time method is used to assess the damping efficiency. Moreover, a new method that uses the multirate signal processing theory and allows the system stability study has been developed. This very method is used to conclude on the loop stability for a certain sampling frequency and loop gain value. Next, a 0.18ÎŒm CMOS implementation of the entire accelerometer signal chain is designed and validated

    Mixed-signal integrated circuits design and validation for automotive electronics applications

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    Automotive electronics is a fast growing market. In a field primarily dominated by mechanical or hydraulic systems, over the past few decades there has been exponential growth in the number of electronic components incorporated into automobiles. Partly thanks to the advance in high voltage smart power processes in nowadays cars is possible to integrate both power/high voltage electronics and analog/digital signal processing circuitry thus allowing to replace a lot of mechanical systems with electro-mechanical or fully electronic ones. High level modeling of complex electronic systems is gaining importance relatively to design space exploration, enabling shorter design and verification cycles, allowing reduced time-to-market. A high level model of a resistor string DAC to evaluate nonlinearities has been developed in MATLAB environment. As a test case for the model, a 10 bit resistive DAC in 0.18um is designed and the results were compared with the traditional transistor level approach. Then we face the analysis and design of a fundamental block: the bandgap voltage reference. Automotive requirements are tough, so the design of the voltage reference includes a pre-regulation part of the battery voltage that allows to enhance overall performances. Moreover an analog integrated driver for an automotive application whose architecture exploits today’s trends of analog-digital integration allowing a greater range of flexibility allowing high configurability and fast prototipization is presented. We covered also the mixed-signal verification approach. In fact, as complexity increases and mixed-signal systems become more and more pervasive, test and verification often tend to be the bottleneck in terms of time effort. A complete flow for mixed-signal verification using VHDL-AMS modeling and Python scripting is presented as an alternative to complex transistor level simulations. Finally conclusions are drawn

    Investigation of Ring Waveguide Add/Drop with Grating Couple

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    The silicon photon technology platform is low transmission loss, small size, low cost of the process and easy integration with electronic components and other characteristics. It is designed to design high-density optical communication network system has a considerable advantage. Such as high-density wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) system, that is through the different wavelengths of signal processing. So that it can be used for optical connection switches, routing and other applications. It composed of a DWDM system, through the Mach-Zehnder interferometer, ring resonator (Add/Drop), array waveguide grating (AWG) and grating coupler and other structural components. It is designed by components to filter, switch, adjust and detect functions. The characteristics of the ring resonator are for wavelength selection. It is suitable for the design of optical switches, signal switching and modulation applications. It is also the focus of this lab and this chapter to explore and study. The general edge coupling, between the optical fiber and the waveguide dimension is very different. As a result, larger insertion loss is caused. This study uses the vertical coupling method to investigate the characteristics of a ring resonator

    A three-axis accelerometer for measuring heart wall motion

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    This thesis presents the work carried out in the design, simulation, fabrication and testing of miniaturised three-axis accelerometers. The work was carried out at the Faculty of Science and Engineering at Vestfold University College (TĂžnsberg, Norway), the MIcroSystems Engineering Centre (MISEC) at Heriot-Watt University and in collaboration with the Interventional Centre at Rikshospitalet University Hospital (Oslo, Norway). The accelerometers presented in this thesis were produced to be stitched to the surface of human hearts. In doing so they are used to measure the heart wall motion of patients that have just undergone heart bypass surgery. Results from studies carried out are presented and prove the concept of using such sensors for the detection of problems that can lead to the failure of heart bypasses. These studies were made possible using commercially available MEMS (MicroElectroMechanical Systems) three-axis accelerometers. However, the overall size of these sensors does not meet the requirements deemed necessary by the medical team (2(W) 2(H) 5(L) mm3) and fabrication activities were necessary to produce custom-made sensors. Design verification and performance modelling were carried out using Finite Element Analysis (FEA) and these results are presented alongside relevant analytical calculations. For fabrication, accelerometer designs were submitted to three foundry processes during the course of the work. The designs utilise the piezoresistive effect for the acceleration sensing and fabrication was carried out by bulk micromachining. Results of the characterisaton of the sensors are presente
