749 research outputs found

    StrathSat-R : Deploying inflatable CubeSat structures in micro gravity

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    This paper presents the concepts, objectives and design of a student-led sounding rocket experiment which shall test novel inflatable devices in space conditions. This experiment is envisaged as the first step towards developing a CubeSat programme at the University of Strathclyde, which can exploit the novel concepts developed and the technical skills gained. The experiment itself aims to test novel, student developed, inflatable space structures in micro gravity and reduced pressure conditions. It consists of three distinct sections, the ejection housing on the rocket and the two ejectable modules that are based on CubeSat architecture. Shortly before reaching apogee, the two modules are ejected from the rocket and will deploy their own inflating structure during free flight. After landing, the ejectable modules recovery will rely upon a GPS position relayed to the team from the module by Globalstar transmission and a RF beacon for tracking with the recovery helicopter. The two modules carry two different structures resulting in distinct mission objectives: The aim of FRODO is to deploy an experimental passive de-orbiting system for high altitude spacecraft which will in the future utilise solar radiation pressure for orbit removal. The aim of SAM is to serve as a technology demonstrator for the residual air deployment method of a smart bio-inspired space structure. This paper contains details about the science objectives of the mission and how they will be achieved, its experimental design and the management of the student-led project

    Hardware Implementaion of Image Acquisition system using FPGA & ARM

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    In this paper, image data acquisition system has been introduced. In this task, a system of high-speed image data acquisition based on ARM and FPGA is designed according to the needs of actual system in image data transmission, which can be used in data monitoring and surveillance systems. The choice of ARM is a 32-bit embedded RISC microprocessor architecture, which has a rich instruction set and programming flexibility. FPGA has a great advantage in the speed and parallel computing, suitable for real-time requirements of image processing. The interface between camera module and FPGA as well as interface between FPGA and ARM is done using UART. Image from ARM is transmitted to PC using Ethernet

    An Automated Dna Strands Detection System Featuring 32-Bit Arm7tdmi Microcontroller And Vga-Cmos Digital Image Sensor.

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    Genetic DNA recognition is a routine experiment for detecting the origin of the species. Electrophoresis is one of the processes for such detection which has been used extensively. Pengecaman genetik DNA ialah eksperimen rutin untuk mengesan asal usul sesuatu spesis. Proses electrophoresis ialah salah satu proses pengecaman yang digunakan secara meluas

    CSI Neural Network: Using Side-channels to Recover Your Artificial Neural Network Information

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    Machine learning has become mainstream across industries. Numerous examples proved the validity of it for security applications. In this work, we investigate how to reverse engineer a neural network by using only power side-channel information. To this end, we consider a multilayer perceptron as the machine learning architecture of choice and assume a non-invasive and eavesdropping attacker capable of measuring only passive side-channel leakages like power consumption, electromagnetic radiation, and reaction time. We conduct all experiments on real data and common neural net architectures in order to properly assess the applicability and extendability of those attacks. Practical results are shown on an ARM CORTEX-M3 microcontroller. Our experiments show that the side-channel attacker is capable of obtaining the following information: the activation functions used in the architecture, the number of layers and neurons in the layers, the number of output classes, and weights in the neural network. Thus, the attacker can effectively reverse engineer the network using side-channel information. Next, we show that once the attacker has the knowledge about the neural network architecture, he/she could also recover the inputs to the network with only a single-shot measurement. Finally, we discuss several mitigations one could use to thwart such attacks.Comment: 15 pages, 16 figure

    FPGA-based Image Analysis System for Cotton Classing

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    The design and implementation of an FPGA (field-programmable gate array) based image analysis system was undertaken to replace an older system whose components have become obsolete. Video from an analog camera is digitized by a video decoder. The data from the video decoder is stored in memory and then processed using an FPGA. The results are then transmitted over a universal serial bus (USB) to a host personal computer for additional processing. The system also controls the timing of a flash to correctly capture the images; it measures color and reflectance and is used to classify the quality of raw cotton by determining the concentration of impurities (e.g. leaves or trash). The original system is first described and the need for upgrading presented. The goals of the new system are then specified and its implementation presented along with the design space tradeoffs that were considered. Finally, the results obtained from using the new system are presented to demonstrate its effectiveness

    Automated quantification system for vision through polymer‐dispersed liquid crystal double‐glazed windows: circuit implementation

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    Polymer‐dispersed liquid crystal automated quantification system for vision through polymer‐dispersed liquid crystal double‐glazed windows: Circuit implementation (PDLC)‐windows played an essential role in providing a visual comfort for occupants in commercial buildings recently. PDLC windows adjust the visible transparency of the glazing to control the daylight accessed to internal environments. A former study proposed an algorithm to quantify the vision through the PDLC glazing in terms of image contrast. The quantification algorithm determines the minimum level of transparency that maintains a comfortable vision through the window. This study introduced the implementation of a real‐time automated system that achieves the vision quantification process. Firstly, system on‐chip was utilised to realise the quantification algorithm, including contrast estimation. Secondly, the contrast determination action was re‐implemented using MATLAB, Cortex‐A9 microcontroller, and Cyclone V field programmable gate array field programmable gate array‐chip. The implemented systems were evaluated based on the latency, throughput, power consumption, and cost

    ESTCube-2 tähejälgija riistvaraarendus

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    In English: Star trackers are used on satellites for accurate attitude determination. This thesis focuses on developing and testing the hardware for the ESTCube-2 star tracker prototype. The workflow consisted of selecting suitable components, creating a schematic and a PCB layout, assembling and testing the hardware. The created hardware can take images with an image sensor and transmit the image data to a computer. Some software was written to ease the testing of the hardware. The software allows users to control power buses, update the FPGA configuration, configure the image sensor and view the captured images from a personal computer. The created hardware serves as a basis for future software development and the creation of the flight model of the ESTCube-2 star tracker. Eesti keeles: Tähejälgijaid kasutatakse satelliitide täpse asendi määramiseks. Käesolev bakalaureusetöö kirjeldab ESTCube-2 tähejälgija prototüübi riistvaraarendust ning selle testimist. Töö käigus valiti sobivad komponendid, koostati elektriskeem ja trükkplaadi disain, koostati ja testiti tähejälgija riistvara. Loodud seade on võimeline tegema pildianduriga pilte ja väljastama pildiinfot arvutisse. Riistvara testimiseks loodud tarkvara laseb arvutist lülitada tähejälgijal sisse/välja toitepingeid, uuendada FPGA konfiguratsiooni, konfigureerida pildiandurit ning laseb vaadata pildianduri tehtud pilte. Loodud riistvara on aluseks tulevasele tarkvaraarendusele ja tähejälgija lennumudeli valmistamisele

    Machine Vision for intelligent Semi-Autonomous Transport (MV-iSAT)

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    AbstractThe primary focus was to develop a vision-based system suitable for the navigation and mapping of an indoor, single-floor environment. Devices incorporating an iSAT system could be used as ‘self-propelled’ shopping carts in high-end retail stores or as automated luggage routing systems in airports. The primary design feature of this system is its Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) core, chosen for its strengths in parallelism and pipelining. Image processing has been successfully demonstrated in real-time using FPGA hardware. Remote feedback and monitoring was broadcasted to a host computer via a local area network. Deadlines as short as 40ns have been met by a custom built memory-based arbitration scheme. It is hoped that the iSAT platform will provide the basis for future work on advanced FPGA-based machine-vision algorithms for mobile robotics

    Portable and Efficient Fingerprint Authentication System Based on a Microcontroller

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    This paper presents the design of a fingerprint authentication system based on a simple microcontroller and the fingerprint sensor. The circuit diagram and details regarding the procedure are included. The system was programed in MPLAB and then embedded into the microcontroller. Communication between the PIC and sensor is by RS232 protocol. The results show that the system recognizes the fingerprint in less than 1 second. It is portable and there is no need for image processing. Furthermore, the system shows a high effectiveness when storing and verifying fingerprints